Lifting Database

Lifter - Adam Greeley

Birth year: 1977

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 177.5 kg 2014 PA State Single Lift Championships 05/17/2014
Deadlift 250 kg Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 07/18/2015
Squat 210 kg Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 07/18/2015
Total 625 kg Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 07/18/2015

kgkgClick and drag to zoomBench pressDeadliftSquatTotalJun '14Jul '14Aug '14Sep '14Oct '14Nov '14Dec '14Jan '15Feb '15Mar '15Apr '15May '15Jun '15Jul '152001752252502752004006008001,000
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/18/2015 Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 2. R-O -105 98.20 165 -182.5 -182.5 165 101.16
07/18/2015 Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 1. R-O -105 98.20 182.5 210 -227.5 165 -182.5 -182.5 190 222.5 250 625 383.19
05/17/2014 2014 PA State Single Lift Championships 1. R-O -100 100.00 240 240 146.06
05/17/2014 2014 PA State Single Lift Championships 1. R-O -100 100.00 177.5 177.5 108.03