Lifting Database

Lifter - Judith Maynes

Birth year: 1990
State: Colorado

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 130 kg Elevate Barbell Championship 04/20/2024
Bench press 52.5 kg Elevate Barbell Championship 04/20/2024
Deadlift 137.5 kg Elevate Barbell Championship 04/20/2024
Total 320 kg Elevate Barbell Championship 04/20/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/20/2024 Elevate Barbell Championship 2. R-O -100 96.70 -122.5 122.5 130 50 52.5 -57.5 122.5 130 137.5 320 276.74
09/29/2019 Attack of the Kilo Monster 2. R-O -84 72.30 100 110 120 45 -47.5 -47.5 110 117.5 125 290 470.99