Lifting Database

Lifter - Leopold Llonch

Birth year: 1951
State: Georgia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Georgia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Bench press 80 kg 02/08/2020
Georgia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Bench press single lift 80 kg 02/08/2020

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 80 kg Georgia State Championships 02/08/2020
Bench press 80 kg 18th Annual Team Phoenix Holiday Classic 12/14/2019
Deadlift 115 kg 18th Annual Team Phoenix Holiday Classic 12/14/2019
Total 275 kg Georgia State Championships 02/08/2020

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/08/2020 Georgia State Championships 1. R-M3 -74 71.76 -72.5 -80 80 80 361.89
02/08/2020 Georgia State Championships 1. R-M3 -74 71.76 -80 -80 80 -72.5 -80 80 102.5 -115 115 275 257.48
12/14/2019 18th Annual Team Phoenix Holiday Classic 1. R-M3 -74 73.00 -75 80 -85 80 357.11
12/14/2019 18th Annual Team Phoenix Holiday Classic 1. R-M3 -74 73.00 75 -85 -95 -75 80 -85 90 100 115 270 247.49
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls 1. R-M3B -74 71.70 -62.5 62.5 77.5 77.5 350.76
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls 1. R-M -74 71.70 60 -70 -77.5 -62.5 62.5 77.5 77.5 87.5 97.5 235 207.84