Lifting Database

Lifter - Eva Turner

Birth year: 2007
State: Georgia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 60 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019
Bench press 25 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019
Deadlift 72.5 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019
Total 157.5 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/08/2020 Georgia State Championships 1. R-Y3 -52 47.03 55 57.5 -65 20 25 -27.5 60 67.5 70 152.5 280.19
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls 1. R-Y -52 49.45 47.5 55 60 20 25 -32.5 52.5 65 72.5 157.5 285.47