Lifting Database

Lifter - Jaime Herrera

Birth year: 2003
State: Georgia

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 175 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019
Deadlift 215 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatDeadliftTotal21. Oct22. Oct23. Oct24. Oct25. Oct26. Oct27. Oct28. Oct29. Oct30. Oct31. Oct1. Nov2. Nov3. Nov1801902002102200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls - O -93 90.30 -142.5 175 -185 -105 -120 -122.5 170 200 215 0 0.00