Lifting Database

Lifter - Alyssa Lesa

Birth year: 1988
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 130 kg Texas Ladies of Iron 05/06/2023
Bench press 62.5 kg United Ladies of Iron 05/06/2023
Deadlift 150 kg StrengthBuilt Rookie Meet 11/14/2020
Total 337.5 kg Texas Ladies of Iron 04/30/2022

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalJan '20May '20Sep '20Jan '21May '21Sep '21Jan '22May '22Sep '22Jan '23May '23Sep '23Jan '24May '245075100125150175100200300400500600
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/06/2024 2 Hot 2 Meet 1. R-O -67.5 66.40 115 120 -125 55 60 -65 130 135 142.5 322.5 336.14
05/06/2023 United Ladies of Iron 25. R-O -67.5 66.60 115 125 130 55 60 62.5 132.5 -145 -145 325 338.15
05/06/2023 Texas Ladies of Iron 2. R-O -67.5 66.60 115 125 130 55 60 62.5 132.5 -145 -145 325 338.15
04/30/2022 United Ladies of iron 17. R-O -75 72.40 110 120 127.5 52.5 60 -65 132.5 142.5 150 337.5 335.00
04/30/2022 Texas Ladies of Iron 1. R-O -75 72.40 110 120 127.5 52.5 60 -65 132.5 142.5 150 337.5 335.00
07/31/2021 CRCL Classic 1. R-O -69 67.70 102.5 105 112.5 50 55 -60 125 130 135 302.5 63.35
11/14/2020 StrengthBuilt Rookie Meet 2. R-O -72 71.60 105 -117.5 117.5 45 50 55 135 145 150 322.5 65.49
11/02/2019 Strengthbuilt Rookie Meet 2. R-O -72 71.93 95 105 110 45 -52.5 -52.5 120 132.5 142.5 297.5 484.30