Lifting Database

Lifter - Erin Taylor

Birth year: 1997
State: South Carolina

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 132.5 kg Ladies of Steel 05/13/2023
Bench press 70 kg Southeast Regionals 06/17/2023
Deadlift 165 kg Battle on the Border 03/19/2022
Total 360 kg Battle on the Border 03/19/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/25/2024 Southern Slamdown 1. R-O -75 74.00 120 130 -137.5 62.5 65 67.5 150 160 -165 357.5 350.69
06/17/2023 Southeast Regionals 4. R-O -67.5 67.50 117.5 -127.5 127.5 62.5 67.5 70 150 160 -167.5 357.5 369.08
05/13/2023 Ladies of Steel 5. R-O -75 68.40 117.5 125 132.5 60 65 67.5 145 155 160 360 368.85
11/05/2022 Fall Festival of Power 3. R-O -67.5 67.25 115 120 125 60 62.5 65 145 155 165 355 367.29
03/19/2022 Battle on the Border 3. R-O -75 74.80 115 122.5 127.5 62.5 65 67.5 145 155 165 360 351.13
11/02/2019 Fall Festival of Power 3. R-O -72 70.25 112.5 -120 125 60 -65 -65 132.5 140 150 335 551.55
11/02/2019 Fall Festival of Power 1. R-JR -72 70.25 112.5 -120 125 60 -65 -65 132.5 140 150 335 551.55