Lifting Database

Lifter - Charles Ross

Birth year: 1997
State: Alabama

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 187.5 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019
Bench press 115 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019
Deadlift 197.5 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019
Total 500 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/07/2019 Kilos on the Coosa 2. R-JR -93 86.60 170 182.5 187.5 105 110 115 175 187.5 197.5 500 468.77