Lifting Database

Lifter - James Johnson

Birth year: 1971
State: Alabama

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 135 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019
Bench press 112.5 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019
Deadlift 215 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019
Total 462.5 kg Kilos on the Coosa 12/07/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/27/2020 Iron City Open 1. R-M1 -105 93.20 120 135 -142.5 97.5 105 110 195 210 -215 455 59.46
12/07/2019 Kilos on the Coosa 1. R-M1B -93 92.50 115 135 -137.5 -110 110 112.5 205 215 -217.5 462.5 408.16
12/07/2019 Kilos on the Coosa 1. R-M1 -93 92.50 115 135 -137.5 -110 110 112.5 205 215 -217.5 462.5 408.16