Lifting Database

Lifter - Brandon Coty

Birth year: 1998
State: Illinois

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 165 kg Wildcat Open Powerlifting and Bench Press Championship 02/08/2020
Bench press 110 kg Wildcat Open Powerlifting and Bench Press Championship 02/08/2020
Deadlift 215 kg Wildcat Open Powerlifting and Bench Press Championship 02/08/2020
Total 490 kg Wildcat Open Powerlifting and Bench Press Championship 02/08/2020

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal3. Feb4. Feb5. Feb6. Feb7. Feb8. Feb9. Feb10. Feb11. Feb12. Feb13. Feb14. Feb15. Feb16. Feb125150175200225250100200300400500600
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/08/2020 Wildcat Open Powerlifting and Bench Press Championship 2. R-JR -93 86.00 -150 150 165 102.5 110 -112.5 202.5 215 -225 490 459.93