Lifting Database

Lifter - Jordan Zumwalt

Birth year: 1992
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 250 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024
Bench press 182.5 kg Iron Wars 09/23/2023
Deadlift 267.5 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024
Total 692.5 kg Military, Fire and Police National Championship 03/16/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 2. R-O -125 112.95 227.5 240 250 175 -185 235 257.5 267.5 692.5 406.16
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. R-O -125 112.95 175 -185 175 102.64
09/23/2023 Iron Wars 1. R-O -125 110.30 250 -262.5 262.5 262.5 155.31
09/23/2023 Iron Wars 1. R-PF -125 110.30 215 227.5 232.5 165 175 182.5 250 -262.5 262.5 677.5 400.85
09/23/2023 Iron Wars 1. R-O -125 110.30 165 175 182.5 182.5 107.98
09/23/2023 Iron Wars 1. R-O -125 110.30 215 227.5 232.5 165 175 182.5 250 -262.5 262.5 677.5 400.85
09/23/2023 Iron Wars 1. R-O -125 110.30 165 175 182.5 250 -262.5 262.5 445 263.29
02/27/2021 Texas Strength Classic 1. R-O -105 101.80 157.5 -165 165 250 -260 -260 415 51.99
02/27/2021 Texas Strength Classic 1. R-O -105 101.80 157.5 -165 165 165 74.96
02/27/2021 Texas Strength Classic 8. R-O -105 101.80 192.5 205 207.5 157.5 -165 165 250 -260 -260 622.5 77.98
02/27/2021 Texas Strength Classic 1. R-O -105 101.80 250 -260 -260 250 31.32
02/16/2020 UTDPL Classic 1. R-O -105 98.30 180 185 187.5 150 155 160 227.5 -230 -230 575 507.65