Lifting Database

Lifter - Austin Tackman

Birth year: 2003
State: Wisconsin

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 227.5 kg Germantown High School National Qualifier 02/12/2021
Bench press 127.5 kg Germantown High School National Qualifier 02/12/2021
Deadlift 222.5 kg Germantown High School National Qualifier 02/12/2021
Total 577.5 kg Germantown High School National Qualifier 02/12/2021

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalApr '20May '20Jun '20Jul '20Aug '20Sep '20Oct '20Nov '20Dec '20Jan '21Feb '21Mar '21Apr '21May '21Jun '211251501752002252502004006008001,0001,200
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship 1. R-G -120 107.50 220 227.5 -235 117.5 -127.5 127.5 200 210 -222.5 565 69.00
02/12/2021 Germantown High School National Qualifier 1. R-HS -120 109.00 217.5 -222.5 227.5 120 127.5 -130 192.5 200 222.5 577.5 70.08 X
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships 12. R-HS -105 97.20 185 190 -195 107.5 110 115 185 190 -197.5 495 428.39