Lifting Database

Lifter - Fred Lamas

Birth year: 1957
State: Texas


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3a -75 Deadlift 180 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3a -75 Total 405 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3a -75 Total push-pull 265 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3b -75 Squat 140 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3b -75 Deadlift 180 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3b -75 Deadlift single lift 180 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3b -75 Total 405 kg 01/15/2022
Texas State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 3b -75 Total push-pull 265 kg 01/15/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 140 kg Iron Triathlon 05/01/2021
Bench press 90 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/16/2021
Deadlift 175 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/16/2021
Total 400 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/16/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/01/2021 Iron Triathlon 1. R-M3A -74 73.00 125 135 140 80 -90 160 175 -180 395 58.40
05/01/2021 Iron Triathlon 1. R-M3A -74 73.00 160 175 -180 175 25.87
01/16/2021 Winter Games of Texas 1. R-M3A -74 73.00 120 130 135 80 85 90 155 170 175 400 59.14
01/16/2021 Winter Games of Texas 1. R-M3A -74 73.00 155 170 175 175 25.87
10/17/2020 West Texas Open 1. R-M3A -74 72.80 77.5 85 87.5 87.5 47.07
10/17/2020 West Texas Open 1. R-M3A -74 72.80 110 120 127.5 77.5 85 87.5 147.5 157.5 167.5 382.5 56.63
10/17/2020 West Texas Open 1. R-M3A -74 72.80 147.5 157.5 167.5 167.5 24.80
08/02/2020 Dallas Champions 1. R-M3A -83 76.40 92.5 100 107.5 72.5 80 85 125 137.5 150 342.5 49.46
08/02/2020 Dallas Champions 1. R-M3A -83 76.40 125 137.5 150 150 21.66

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 140 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/15/2022
Bench press 85 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/15/2022
Deadlift 180 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/15/2022
Total 405 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/15/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/15/2022 Winter Games of Texas 1. RW-M3B -75 74.20 125 135 140 75 80 85 160 172.5 180 405 292.57