Lifting Database

Lifter - Sarah Smith

Birth year: 1980
State: Michigan

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 135 kg Michigan BarBellum 09/10/2016
Bench press 60 kg Michigan BarBellum 09/10/2016
Deadlift 152.5 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015
Total 340 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/03/2018 2018 MoreyMayhem BarBellum 3. R-O -72 71.90 75 122.5 132.5 52.5 57.5 -62.5 120 130 137.5 327.5 319.93
09/10/2016 Michigan BarBellum 1. R-O -72 70.50 120 127.5 135 52.5 57.5 60 135 -140 -140 330 326.70
11/14/2015 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 7. R-O -72 70.67 117.5 130 -135 52.5 -57.5 57.5 140 147.5 152.5 340 336.06
03/21/2015 1st Annual ABBRx Natural and Fit USAPL Raw Powerlifting Meet 2. R-O -72 70.40 122.5 55 147.5 325 322.08
11/01/2014 Michigan State PL & BP Championships 2. R-O -75 73.20 122.5 52.5 142.5 317.5 306.55
08/02/2014 Iron Works Open X 1. R-O -75 72.80 117.5 57.5 140 315 305.20