Lifting Database

Lifter - Nadine Homentosky

Birth year: 1970

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Deadlift 127.5 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Bench press 42.5 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 4. R-O -67.5 66.20 127.5 127.5 131.98
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 5. R-O -67.5 66.20 42.5 42.5 43.99
08/23/2014 2014 USAPL Summer BP & PL Championships 1. R-M1A -67.5 67.50 115.7 115.7 118.08