Lifting Database

Lifter - Mitchell Gruver

Birth year: 1993
State: Pennsylvania

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 115 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Bench press 85 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Deadlift 155 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Total 355 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-JR -67.5 66.70 155 155 120.67
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-JR -67.5 66.70 85 85 66.17
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-JR -67.5 66.70 115 85 155 355 276.37

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 172.5 kg 2013 USAPL PA State Powerlifting Championship 03/23/2013
Bench press 107.5 kg 2013 American Open 12/07/2013
Deadlift 172.5 kg USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 02/14/2015
Total 445 kg 2013 USAPL PA State Powerlifting Championship 03/23/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/14/2015 USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 4. JR -66 65.60 162.5 102.5 172.5 437.5 345.23
12/07/2013 2013 American Open - JR -67.5 66.90 162.5 107.5 167.5 437.5 339.76
04/12/2013 Collegiate Nationals - T3 -66 65.80 162.5 102.5 165 430 338.50
03/23/2013 2013 USAPL PA State Powerlifting Championship - O -67.5 65.90 172.5 102.5 170 445 349.86
01/01/2013 USAPL-CL-HS-NE Regional Winter Open - T3 -67.5 67.50 167.8 104.3 163.3 435.5 335.73
01/01/2012 USAPL Pennsylvania State PL Championships - T3 -67.5 64.20 147.5 100 162.5 410 329.44
01/01/2012 NE Regionals - T3 -67.5 63.70 132.5 90 152.5 375 303.34