Lifting Database

Lifter - Larry Coreno

Birth year: 1969
State: Ohio


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Ohio State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench press 197.3 kg 04/13/2013
Ohio State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench Press push-pull 197.3 kg 04/13/2013
Ohio State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench press single lift 197.3 kg 04/13/2013

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 247.2 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Bench press 197.3 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Deadlift 235.9 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Total 680.4 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/13/2013 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes - R-M1A -100 100.00 247.2 197.3 235.9 680.4 414.09
04/13/2013 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes - R-M1A -100 100.00 247.2 197.3 235.9 680.4 414.09

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 260 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Bench press 200 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Deadlift 237.5 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Total 697.5 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. O -105 105.00 247.5 257.5 260 200 -207.5 -207.5 227.5 230 237.5 697.5 416.83
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. O -105 105.00 247.5 257.5 260 200 -207.5 -207.5 227.5 230 237.5 697.5 416.83
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. O -105 105.00 200 -207.5 -207.5 200 119.52
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. O -105 105.00 200 -207.5 -207.5 200 119.52
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. M2 -105 105.00 247.5 257.5 260 200 -207.5 -207.5 227.5 230 237.5 697.5 416.83
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. M2 -105 105.00 200 -207.5 -207.5 200 119.52