Lifting Database

Lifter - Mike Brilla

Birth year: 1986

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 186 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Bench press 136.1 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Deadlift 249.5 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Total 571.6 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/13/2013 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes - R-O -90 90.00 136.1 249.5 385.6 246.17
04/13/2013 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes - R-O -82.5 82.50 186 136.1 249.5 571.6 382.91