Active records
Retired records
Q: Records or Results discrepancies?
A: If State/Local, please contact the State Chair in which the meet was held. National or Regional, please contact the National Office. Include specific links and detailed information. Allow up to 4 weeks for research and correction if required.
Q: Why am I seeing a M2b record also in the M2a or M1 category?
A: If you exceed a record in an older age category (or younger for your Jr and below), you are credited for the additional age category. From the Rulebook:
Men’s and Women’s 50-59 records exceeding those gained in the 40-49 age group will be included in the 40-49 category. Men’s and Women’s 60-69 records exceeding those gained in the 50-59 age group will be included in the 50-59 category. Men’s and Women’s 70+ records exceeding those gained in the 60-69 age group will be included in the 60-69 category. Likewise Sub-Junior 14- 18 records exceeding those gained in the Junior 19-23 age group will be included in this group.
A: If State/Local, please contact the State Chair in which the meet was held. National or Regional, please contact the National Office. Include specific links and detailed information. Allow up to 4 weeks for research and correction if required.
Q: Why am I seeing a M2b record also in the M2a or M1 category?
A: If you exceed a record in an older age category (or younger for your Jr and below), you are credited for the additional age category. From the Rulebook:
Men’s and Women’s 50-59 records exceeding those gained in the 40-49 age group will be included in the 40-49 category. Men’s and Women’s 60-69 records exceeding those gained in the 50-59 age group will be included in the 50-59 category. Men’s and Women’s 70+ records exceeding those gained in the 60-69 age group will be included in the 60-69 category. Likewise Sub-Junior 14- 18 records exceeding those gained in the Junior 19-23 age group will be included in this group.