Lifting Database


Male - Men's Equipped American Records - Retired 2014 Teen 2 -82.5 Squat
kgClick and drag to zoomWeight199419961998200020022004200620082010260280300320340
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Jesse Norris 325 kg 03/27/2011 "High School Nationals" Corpus Christi , TX Confirmed Certificate
Jessie Norris 320 kg 06/21/2010 Palm Springs, CA Confirmed Certificate
Jessie Norris 317.5 kg 03/27/2010 Wisconsin Dells, WI Confirmed Certificate
Jesse Norris 285 kg 09/01/2009 Ribeirao Preto, Brazil Confirmed Certificate
S Eysenback 258.2 kg 01/01/1993   Confirmed Certificate