Lifting Database


Male - Men's Raw American Records (2015-2021) Raw Open -59 Total
kgClick and drag to zoomWeight201220132014201520162017201820192020525550575600625650
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Charlie Yeng 622.5 kg 11/14/2020 Virginia Winter Wrecker Confirmed Certificate
Charlie Yeng 615 kg 10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Kole Metts 602.5 kg 04/12/2019 2019 Collegiate Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Kole Metts 590 kg 10/11/2018 Raw Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Lenard Jones 577.5 kg 06/02/2018 NC State Championships Confirmed Certificate
Michael Kuhns 560 kg 04/08/2017 2017 Pennsylvania State Championship Confirmed Certificate
Bill Tenerelli 557.5 kg 03/04/2017 Arnold - Slingshot Pro American Confirmed Certificate
Bill Tenerelli 552.5 kg 10/13/2016 Raw Nationals 2016 Confirmed Certificate
Shawn Frasquillo 547.5 kg 06/18/2016 IPF Classic Worlds Confirmed Certificate
Shawn Frasquillo 545.5 kg 09/26/2015 Iron Wars Confirmed Certificate
Eric Kupperstein 545 kg 07/19/2013 2013 Raw Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Eric Kupperstein 527.5 kg 08/20/2011 "Raw Nationals" Scranton, PA Confirmed Certificate