Lifting Database


Female - Florida State Raw Records (2015-2021) Raw Open -76 Bench press single lift
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightFeb '21Mar '21Apr '21May '21Jun '21Jul '21Aug '21Sep '218090100110120
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Courtney Comer 112.5 kg 09/18/2021 3rd Annual USA Powerlifting Ocala Open Super Total X3 Championships Confirmed Certificate
Courtney Comer 102.5 kg 06/14/2021 Raw Bench Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Sarahi Rubio 95 kg 05/29/2021 42nd Annual USA Powerlifting Florida Sunshine State Games Confirmed Certificate
Mary Brumfield 82.5 kg 05/01/2021 4th Annual USA Powerlifting Florida High School State Championships Confirmed Certificate
Amber Lopez 75 kg 01/09/2021 Boynton Barbell Center Championship Confirmed Certificate