Lifting Database


Female - Texas State Equipped Records (2015-2021) Teen 2 -72 Deadlift
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightJul '11Jan '12Jul '12Jan '13Jul '13Jan '14Jul '14Jan '15Jul '15Jan '16Jul '16Jan '17Jul '17167.5170172.5175177.5180
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Alexandra Chavez 177.5 kg 08/28/2017 World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Championships Confirmed Certificate
Nallely Gutierrez 172.5 kg 04/22/2017 2017 CBC Powerlifting Championships Confirmed Certificate
Zena Esquivel 170 kg 05/15/2015 USAPL Men's and Women's Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Brinna Villarreal 167.5 kg 03/26/2011 2011 USAPL High School Nationals Confirmed Certificate