Lifting Database


Female - Women's Raw American Records Raw Open -56 Total
kgClick and drag to zoomWeight20142015201620172018201920202021202220232024400375425450475
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Bria Williams 458.5 kg 09/05/2024 Raw Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Moriah Boldon 452.5 kg 03/02/2024 Arnold - Grand Prix Confirmed Certificate
Avilia Lieu 447.5 kg 03/05/2023 Arnold - Pro-Am (Pro) Confirmed Certificate
Maya Wright 446 kg 03/06/2022 Arnold - A7 Raw Challenge Confirmed Certificate
Moriah Boldon 420 kg 03/05/2022 Arnold - A7 Pro-Am Equipped - Pro Raw Confirmed Certificate
Carmella Weinbauer 370.5 kg 11/09/2013 River's Edge PL & BP Championships - Granite City, IL Confirmed Certificate