Lifting Database


Male - Australia Raw Records Raw Junior -110 Total push-pull
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Anthony Hill 510 kg 05/18/2024 Hobart Championships II Confirmed Certificate
Remy Burns 497.5 kg 03/09/2024 TSF Team Champs at the Fort Confirmed Certificate
Anthony Hill 485 kg 09/23/2023 Australian Junior, Open and Master Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Cosmo Roosli 467.5 kg 06/18/2023 South Australia Breakout Open Confirmed Certificate
Remy Burns 457.5 kg 09/03/2022 TSF Open Confirmed Certificate
Daniel Featherston 427.5 kg 08/13/2022 Strength Culture Cup 1 Confirmed Certificate
Aaron Grant 417.5 kg 05/14/2022 Avia Performance Throwdown Confirmed Certificate