Lifting Database


Female - California State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift single lift
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightJul '22Aug '22Sep '22Oct '22Nov '22Dec '22Jan '23Feb '23Mar '23Apr '23May '23150155160165170175180
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Seniorina Rold 175 kg 05/06/2023 SoCal Ladies of Iron Confirmed Certificate
Suzette Bradley 162.5 kg 03/18/2023 Make Your Own Luck Open Confirmed Certificate
Kristin Ostergren 160 kg 02/18/2023 Absolute Flex Appeal Spring Fling Confirmed Certificate
Toni Gish 150 kg 06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Confirmed Certificate