Lifting Database


Male - Texas State Raw Records - Retired 2014 Raw Master 3a -75 Total
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightJan '12Apr '12Jul '12Oct '12Jan '13Apr '13Jul '13Oct '13Jan '14Apr '14Jul '14Oct '14300320340360
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Brig Seaver 352.5 kg 12/06/2014 2014 USAPL Texas Regional Championship - San Antonio, TX Confirmed Certificate
Brig Seaver 350 kg 12/07/2013 2013 USAPL Texas Regional Championship, San Antonio, TX Confirmed Certificate
Al King 335 kg 04/20/2013 2013 USAPL Texas State Championships, San Antonio, TX Confirmed Certificate
Al King 327.5 kg 02/23/2013 2013 USAPL Aggie Showdown Confirmed Certificate
Al King 310 kg 11/03/2012 USAPL 2012 Texas Long Horn Confirmed Certificate
CONRAD MARTINEZ 300 kg 08/05/2012 2012 USAPL Raw Nationals - Killeen Texas Confirmed Certificate
CONRAD MARTINEZ 287.5 kg 11/12/2011 2011 USAPL Longhorn Open Confirmed Certificate