Lifting Database


Female - Women's Raw American Records (2022-2024) Raw Teen 2 -67.5 Bench press single lift
kgClick and drag to zoomWeight1970197519801985199019952000200520102015202020250255075100125
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Iris Tyberg 100 kg 06/29/2024 Northwest Regionals Confirmed Certificate
Iris Tyberg 96 kg 03/16/2024 Oregon State Championships Confirmed Certificate
Kelly Althoff 95.5 kg 02/23/2024 Georgia State Championship Confirmed Certificate
Katherine Roudebush 95 kg 03/26/2022 Collegiate Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Hailey Clayton 90 kg 03/22/2022 High School Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Hannah Duncan 80 kg 03/23/2022 Teen Nationals Confirmed Certificate
To be set     Confirmed Certificate