Lifting Database


Male - New York State Raw Records Raw Open -56 Total
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightJul '22Jan '23Jul '23Jan '24Jul '24Apr '22Oct '22Apr '23Oct '23Apr '24300350400450500550
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
vincent survillo 525 kg 06/29/2024 Open World Cup Confirmed Certificate
vincent survillo 502.5 kg 12/16/2023 Intrepid Classic Confirmed Certificate
Travis Browning 435 kg 10/14/2023 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Confirmed Certificate
Adib Sarwar 420 kg 09/25/2022 Supertotal Weekend Confirmed Certificate
Ogden Horowitz Shea 312.5 kg 06/07/2022 Youth Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Ogden Horowitz Shea 280 kg 01/22/2022 Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic IX Confirmed Certificate