Lifting Database


Team Titan



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/07/2024 Holiday Havoc Alexander Colovos 2. R-O -110 105.9 185 195 205 127.5 135 -140 227.5 240 250 590 354.61
10/19/2024 Day of the Deads Melissa Rose 3. R-O -75 74.3 120 127.5 132.5 132.5 129.70
10/19/2024 Georgia State Bench Press Championships Melissa Rose 3. R-M -75 74.2 50 55 57.5 57.5 56.34
10/19/2024 Georgia State Bench Press Championships Melissa Rose 2. R-O -75 74.2 50 55 57.5 57.5 56.34
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Ajee Minott 4. R-O -75 70.9 127.5 137.5 -142.5 57.5 62.5 -67.5 145 157.5 -172.5 357.5 359.10
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Jazmine Godbold 3. R-O -67.5 62.1 100 107.5 117.5 57.5 62.5 65 122.5 130 -140 312.5 339.07
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Tiani Johnson 4. R-JR -75 73.9 115 125 132.5 70 77.5 -82.5 127.5 135 -140 345 338.67
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Francesco De Rosa 1. R-T3 -75 71.2 160 -170 180 87.5 95 -97.5 190 200 -215 475 352.66
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Tiani Johnson 6. R-O -75 73.9 115 125 132.5 70 77.5 -82.5 127.5 135 -140 345 338.67
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Elijah Coleman 3. R-O -100 98.5 -177.5 177.5 190 105 112.5 122.5 192.5 -195 -195 505 312.90
08/10/2024 TruBorn Knockout Lucas Logan 3. R-T3 -82.5 79.1 180 190 -195 105 -112.5 -112.5 195 205 215 510 354.04
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Quintin Meyer 2. O -120 119.7 290 300 -312.5 300 678.60
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals William Garcia 1. O -59 58.5 125 -184 -184 125 569.63
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Adam Mamola 1. O -93 92.7 297.5 307.5 -330 307.5 801.09
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Luis Jaimes 1. O -105 104.4 275 -300 -312.5 275 682.43
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Jonathan Leo 1. M1 120+ 163.5 350 350 661.45
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Brady Stewart 1. O -120 119.6 340 350 -359 350 767.52
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Jonathan Leo 2. O 120+ 163.5 350 350 661.45
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals Blaine Sumner 1. O 120+ 176.9 -445 -445 445 445 775.37
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Hannah Lewis 5. O 84+ 95.1 192.5 205 -210 102.5 110 115 200 -215 -215 520 580.49
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Sara Meyer 10. O -63 60.8 125 135 -142.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 142.5 -147.5 -147.5 330 475.19
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Chris Tran 1. O -59 58.8 242.5 256 -260 140 147.5 150 237.5 247.5 252.5 658.5 690.45
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Knute Douglas 1. O -83 82.4 345 360 370.5 210 -217.5 -217.5 307.5 320 327.5 908 740.71
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Ashlee Hafenbrack 6. O -57 56.6 -140 -140 145 110 -115 -115 140 -147.5 -147.5 395 564.99
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Shane Brady 1. O -93 92.6 -320 320 -340 240 -250 250 280 290 -315 860 659.78
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Laurie Nissen 0. M2 84+ 84.7 150 160 170 -80 -80 -80 125 145 -150 0 0.00
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Michael Hafenbrack 2. O -66 65.4 245 -260 260 155 162.5 167.5 227.5 237.5 -240 665 645.93
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Monet Bland 2. O -84 83.7 245 255 262.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 225 235.5 -241 620.5 702.82
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Alexis Maher 2. O -83 74.6 282.5 292.5 -302.5 160 165 170 -315 315 -338 777.5 682.82
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Kelsey Mccarthy 1. O -72 70 255 266 274 165 178.5 -183 210 220 227.5 680 816.31
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Blaine Sumner 1. O 120+ 175.7 465 -485 395 415 435 300 335 -365 1235 682.55
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals Quintin Meyer 1. O -120 119.3 385 400 413.5 -290 290 300 350 -360 1063.5 704.22
04/27/2019 Texas State Championships Victoria Martinez 1. R-O -52 51.9 117.5 125 -130 75 80 -82.5 142.5 145 152.5 357.5 684.45
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships Ashton Rouska 1. R-JR -93 91 290 305 -320 175 182.5 -187.5 320 335 352.5 840 533.40
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships Kevin Mays 7. R-O -105 104.2 270 290 -295 177.5 182.5 -187.5 312.5 -332.5 332.5 805 482.44
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships Beau Moore 1. R-M2 120+ 175.9 307.5 330 -337.5 215 -227.5 -227.5 305 -325 850 459.17
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships Beau Moore 7. R-O 120+ 175.9 307.5 330 -337.5 215 -227.5 -227.5 305 -325 850 459.17
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -93 91 290 305 -320 175 182.5 -187.5 320 335 352.5 840 533.40
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships John Norcott 12. R-O -105 103.7 270 282.5 295 165 175 -177.5 290 312.5 -327.5 782.5 469.66
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships Ryan Baylark 3. R-O -83 82.6 245 257.5 260 190 197.5 201 275 287.5 -302.5 748.5 501.12