Lifting Database


TruBorn Knockout

Date: 08/10/2024
Sanction #: GA-2024-08
State: Georgia
Meet Director: Cathy Mele

Results (119 results, 110 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Master 3a
-110 1. Larry Turley 1962 GA 130 109.10 127.5 -142.5 -142.5 127.5 75.75
Male - Raw Open
-90 1. Cameron Anderson 1995 GA 215 85.95 165 -167.5 -167.5 165 109.27
Female - Raw Junior
-75 1. Lyong Kyong Mcdonald 2003 Classic City Powerlifting GA 323 70.90 115 125 -135 65 70 72.5 157.5 170 175 372.5 374.02
-75 2. Kimberly Cruz 2004 GA 210 71.95 125 132.5 137.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 135 145 -150 350 348.59
-75 3. Angelina Fields 2004 Mamba Lifting Club GA 316 73.55 107.5 115 125 70 -75 75 145 -160 -165 345 339.54
-75 4. Tiani Johnson 2001 Team Titan GA 314 73.90 115 125 132.5 70 77.5 -82.5 127.5 135 -140 345 338.67
-75 - Annie Cloonan 2003 GA 219 74.05 -95 -97.5 -97.5 55 60 -65 107.5 112.5 115 0 0.00
-82.5 1. Katherine Guillen 2002 GA 222 79.85 110 -112.5 -112.5 45 47.5 50 110 115 120 280 264.08
Female - Raw Master 1a
-60 1. Meghan Valentine 1980 GA 214 59.95 105 110 120 75 80 82.5 127.5 135 -140 337.5 374.33
100+ 1. Ava Easterby 1981 GA 119 114.55 -97.5 -97.5 97.5 57.5 -60 -62.5 127.5 132.5 -137.5 287.5 233.89
-82.5 1. Anna Fleetwood 1983 FLEETSTRONG GA 118 78.05 97.5 110 -115 57.5 62.5 67.5 112.5 122.5 127.5 305 290.98
Female - Raw Master 3a
-75 1. Ann Peden 1960 GA 112 68.60 -70 -70 70 40 -45 -45 102.5 110 -115 220 225.03
Female - Raw Open
-56 1. Amelia Peck 1998 GA 215 55.25 110 117.5 -120 40 45 50 110 120 127.5 295 345.02
-56 2. Karley Gotlin 2006 TruBorn Strong GA 221 55.25 92.5 -100 100 60 67.5 72.5 95 102.5 110 282.5 330.40
-56 3. Lia Rodriguez Taveras 2006 TruBorn Strong GA 216 53.95 67.5 72.5 77.5 40 42.5 45 110 -115 -115 232.5 276.32
-60 1. Meghan Valentine 1980 GA 214 59.95 105 110 120 75 80 82.5 127.5 135 -140 337.5 374.33
-60 2. Katelyn Synoground 1994 GA 213 56.95 105 115 117.5 60 -67.5 67.5 135 145 147.5 332.5 381.16 X
-60 3. Kendell Lundy 2005 Team Aries GA 217 58.05 60 65 70 40 45 -47.5 75 85 -95 200 226.44
-75 1. Lauren Mayger 1997 TruBorn Strong GA 312 73.00 -150 -150 150 77.5 82.5 -90 152.5 160 -167.5 392.5 387.85 X
-75 2. Michelle Tao 1998 GA 311 72.85 -137.5 -145 145 70 72.5 -75 152.5 160 167.5 385 380.86
-75 3. Lyong Kyong Mcdonald 2003 Classic City Powerlifting GA 323 70.90 115 125 -135 65 70 72.5 157.5 170 175 372.5 374.02
-75 4. Ajee Minott 1994 Team Titan GA 322 70.85 127.5 137.5 -142.5 57.5 62.5 -67.5 145 157.5 -172.5 357.5 359.10
-75 5. Angelina Fields 2004 Mamba Lifting Club GA 316 73.55 107.5 115 125 70 -75 75 145 -160 -165 345 339.54
-75 6. Tiani Johnson 2001 Team Titan GA 314 73.90 115 125 132.5 70 77.5 -82.5 127.5 135 -140 345 338.67
-90 1. Theresa Hoynes 1982 GA 313 88.15 112.5 -120 125 -75 75 80 120 125 130 335 301.44
-90 2. Morgan Voshall 1997 GA 319 86.95 100 110 112.5 47.5 -52.5 52.5 110 120 127.5 292.5 264.85
-90 3. Donna Occuis 1992 Team Fueled GA 320 88.70 90 97.5 102.5 -45 47.5 52.5 110 120 130 285 255.73
-100 1. Kyairah Lawson 1997 Team Aries GA 315 95.35 -115 125 -130 65 72.5 77.5 117.5 125 132.5 335 291.38
100+ 1. Taelor Fordham 1994 GA 321 120.05 -102.5 102.5 105 62.5 67.5 72.5 127.5 137.5 -142.5 315 252.72
-67.5 1. Alexandra Watson 1992 GA 211 65.40 92.5 100 105 62.5 67.5 -72.5 137.5 145 152.5 325 341.78
-67.5 2. Layla Obregon 1999 GA 212 65.35 -107.5 107.5 112.5 65 70 -72.5 122.5 132.5 -142.5 315 331.42
-67.5 3. Jazmine Godbold 1985 Team Titan GA 220 62.10 100 107.5 117.5 57.5 62.5 65 122.5 130 -140 312.5 339.07
-67.5 4. Ruwel Sarmad 1991 Team Fueled GA 218 67.30 -65 67.5 72.5 35 -40 42.5 87.5 95 102.5 217.5 224.93
-82.5 1. Dominique Butler 1990 Team Fueled GA 318 80.70 125 130 132.5 65 -67.5 140 150 157.5 355 333.06
-82.5 2. Merritt Hanna 2003 TruBorn Strong GA 317 80.50 120 130 -145 67.5 75 77.5 125 135 -145 342.5 321.72
-82.5 3. Trinity Mook 2007 GA 310 80.60 122.5 127.5 -132.5 70 -72.5 72.5 135 140 -147.5 340 319.18
Female - Raw Teen 1
-56 1. Olivia fleetwood 2009 FLEETSTRONG GA 111 55.55 90 100 107.5 45 50 52.5 95 102.5 112.5 272.5 317.56
-67.5 1. Morgan French 2009 TruBorn Strong GA 113 67.25 105 112.5 117.5 -55 57.5 -62.5 120 130 -145 305 315.56
Female - Raw Teen 2
-56 1. Meliah Rodriguez 2006 GA 120 54.40 90 100 -112.5 50 -52.5 -57.5 110 -117.5 117.5 267.5 316.13
-82.5 1. Trinity Mook 2007 GA 310 80.60 122.5 127.5 -132.5 70 -72.5 72.5 135 140 -147.5 340 319.18
Female - Raw Teen 3
-52 1. Kiersten Vincent 2006 TruBorn Strong GA 115 51.60 85 -90 90 50 55 -57.5 115 -125 125 270 330.88
-56 1. Emily Quina 2004 GA 117 55.15 97.5 105 -110 57.5 60 -62.5 125 -137.5 -137.5 290 339.58 X
-60 1. Kendell Lundy 2005 Team Aries GA 217 58.05 60 65 70 40 45 -47.5 75 85 -95 200 226.44
-67.5 1. Lindsay Shadoff 2004 Classic City Powerlifting GA 114 64.20 95 102.5 -110 47.5 52.5 55 92.5 102.5 -110 260 276.46
Female - Raw Youth 3
-48 1. Allene Fleetwood 2012 FLEETSTRONG GA 116 47.75 47.5 56 -62 35 38 42 70 82 88 186 240.94
-52 1. Camila Roth 2011 FLEETSTRONG GA 110 50.75 52.5 57.5 -62.5 25 -30 -32.5 55 61 65 147.5 182.88
Male - Master 2b
-82.5 1. James Wilkins 1968 GA 329 79.60 -190 190 -195 97.5 105 -110 185 192.5 -200 487.5 337.15
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Wilgen Perez-Perez 2003 Georgia Tech Barbell Club GA 222 74.45 170 -185 200 100 112.5 -120 -205 225 -245 537.5 387.44
-90 1. Cason Speed 2003 GA 218 87.80 220 240 247.5 142.5 150 -152.5 -205 227.5 -242.5 625 409.28
-110 1. Ethan Long 2003 GA 335 107.80 275 -277.5 160 -165 75 510 304.40
-67.5 1. Tyler Te 2003 Georgia Tech Barbell Club GA 211 63.40 135 147.5 160 85 92.5 -100 145 155 170 422.5 341.27
-82.5 1. Le’Neal Thomas 2000 GA 221 78.90 -192.5 205 -225 -117.5 -125 130 192.5 -215 225 560 389.34
-82.5 2. Jacob Moore 2003 TruBorn Strong GA 223 80.00 170 175 180 85 90 -95 175 185 192.5 462.5 318.92
-82.5 3. Jeffrey Castillo 2002 GA 216 80.85 157.5 160 170 100 105 -110 170 175 -185 450 308.38
-82.5 4. Colby Miller 2001 GA 220 81.70 110 -112.5 -112.5 -70 70 75 142.5 145 155 340 231.60
Male - Raw Master 1a
-82.5 1. Nate Crowder 1980 GA 123 82.35 177.5 185 192.5 127.5 -135 -135 235 245 -255 565 383.12 X
Male - Raw Master 1b
-75 1. Chad Valentine 1977 GA 127 74.90 130 140 -150 110 -120 120 160 170 180 440 315.94
Male - Raw Master 2a
-125 1. Barry Posner 1972 GA 113 115.90 177.5 187.5 197.5 97.5 105 110 160 172.5 185 492.5 286.22
-82.5 1. Kevin Cleary 1970 GA 114 81.45 145 -155 157.5 120 -125 -125 172.5 180 -187.5 457.5 312.18
Male - Raw Master 2b
-82.5 1. Roger Swain 1968 GA 111 81.55 130 142.5 150 102.5 110 -122.5 142.5 157.5 -165 417.5 284.69
Male - Raw Open
-90 1. Cameron Anderson 1995 GA 215 85.95 232.5 242.5 250 165 -167.5 -167.5 235 245 -250 660 437.09 X
-90 2. Kaiser Khaja 2004 GA 219 89.30 195 210 220 142.5 155 162.5 230 247.5 -260 630 408.97 X
-90 3. Cason Speed 2003 GA 218 87.80 220 240 247.5 142.5 150 -152.5 -205 227.5 -242.5 625 409.28
-90 4. Marvin White 1991 TruBorn Strong GA 233 86.15 -200 -210 210 135 140 145 220 230 -240 585 386.94
-90 5. Eric Park 1998 GA 227 87.30 207.5 -220 -222.5 135 -140 -140 220 237.5 242.5 585 384.23
-90 6. Kevin Mullins 1993 TruBorn Strong GA 224 87.65 177.5 187.5 -197.5 100 105 -110 190 200 212.5 505 330.99
-90 7. Nikolas Almaas 1999 GA 213 84.00 170 180 185 95 -100 -100 -185 185 200 480 321.89
-90 - Chandler Mulcahy 1998 GA 229 88.25 -182.5 182.5 185 -162.5 -162.5 -162.5 225 -230 -237.5 0 0.00
-100 1. Chidera Nwosu 2004 GA 337 98.75 290 307.5 315 177.5 190 -197.5 285 295 -305 800 495.13 X
-100 2. Eduardo Rubio 1998 Alpha Strength and Power GA 324 98.90 170 185 190 130 140 -142.5 -220 235 -240 565 349.45
-100 3. Elijah Coleman 1988 Team Titan GA 310 98.50 -177.5 177.5 190 105 112.5 122.5 192.5 -195 -195 505 312.90
-100 4. Jimmy Lee 1987 GA 328 97.30 125 140 155 100 -115 115 -160 160 -180 430 267.89
-110 1. Brayden Naus 2006 Team Aries GA 317 107.35 -275 290 -307.5 175 -182.5 -182.5 280 290 -295 755 451.36 X
-110 2. Carlton Beasley 1997 TruBorn Strong GA 320 108.25 280 290 297.5 140 147.5 152.5 287.5 300 -307.5 750 446.92
-110 3. Addison Mock 1997 TruBorn Strong GA 323 108.50 287.5 -300 -300 145 155 -157.5 285 300 -315 742.5 442.06
-110 4. Ethan Long 2003 GA 335 107.80 275 -277.5 160 -165 75 510 304.40
-110 5. Phillip Jones 1981 Team Fueled GA 322 109.75 115 -120 122.5 102.5 110 115 237.5 140.78
-140 1. Brian Johnson 1998 Team Aries GA 325 126.50 120 130 -140 75 80 85 125 135 145 360 203.27
-140 - Matthew Rittinghouse 1988 GA 330 135.45 -145 -152.5 -152.5 97.5 -102.5 -102.5 147.5 155 160 0 0.00
-82.5 1. Denzel Johnson 1992 GA 120 81.30 215 225 230 152.5 -155 155 250 260 272.5 657.5 449.13 X
-82.5 2. Derrick Atkins 1999 GA 131 82.45 220 225 157.5 -165 -165 225 242.5 255 637.5 431.99
-82.5 3. John Abdelmessih 2005 GA 112 81.70 217.5 230 -235 150 157.5 162.5 225 237.5 -250 630 429.13
-82.5 4. Zak Altayyar 1996 TruBorn Strong GA 129 80.55 200 210 225 155 162.5 -170 225 235 -247.5 622.5 427.52
-82.5 5. Gregory Luu 1992 Team Luu GA 121 80.90 220 232.5 -242.5 -137.5 145 150 225 -240 -240 607.5 416.17
-82.5 6. David Gonzalez 1999 GA 126 81.90 205 220 -230 125 135 137.5 235 250 -257.5 607.5 413.23
-82.5 7. David Kim 1993 Swol Squad GA 122 80.25 190 200 205 142.5 152.5 157.5 182.5 200 210 572.5 394.04
-82.5 8. Ryan Song 2004 GA 117 81.50 177.5 185 195 107.5 117.5 122.5 190 210 222.5 540 368.35
-82.5 9. Keir Pienaar 2002 Team Fueled GA 110 81.35 210 220 230 155 162.5 -165 392.5 268.02
-82.5 10. Matthew Ayers 1987 GA 115 80.85 125 -132.5 132.5 90 -97.5 -97.5 137.5 147.5 155 377.5 258.70
-82.5 - Paolo Cifuentes Chung 1997 GA 125 79.80 175 -185 -185 110 115 -120 -207.5 -217.5 -217.5 0 0.00
Male - Raw Teen 1
-60 1. Liam Birchmier 2009 GA 128 58.20 55 60 65 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 85 92.5 100 217.5 188.30
-75 1. Devon Parthasarathy 2009 GA 119 70.10 140 150 157.5 70 77.5 82.5 170 182.5 190 430 322.68
-100 1. Marshall Blankinship 2008 GA 132 94.10 95 102.5 110 55 62.5 -70 110 120 130 302.5 191.39
Male - Raw Teen 2
-75 1. Cristian Rodriguez 2008 GA 231 67.85 117.5 125 135 75 80 -82.5 117.5 130 140 355 272.60
-100 1. Larson Collier 2007 GA 214 92.10 155 -165 -170 100 105 -110 165 175 -185 435 278.08
-125 1. Leland Emmerich 2007 GA 217 124.60 200 -215 -215 120 127.5 -132.5 170 180 192.5 520 295.01
-67.5 1. Kevin Phan 2007 TruBorn Strong GA 226 67.48 175 187.5 192.5 87.5 -95 -95 220 232.5 -235 512.5 395.09
-67.5 2. Preston Valentine 2007 GA 210 64.15 125 140 -155 105 112.5 120 155 165 -175 425 340.20
-82.5 1. Nicholas Moore 2006 GA 232 79.05 190 195 200 130 137.5 -142.5 190 195 200 537.5 373.27 X
-82.5 2. Christopher Crow 2006 TruBorn Strong GA 228 81.55 175 187.5 -192.5 90 97.5 105 212.5 227.5 -230 520 354.58
-82.5 3. Ivan Shutak 2007 NC 225 78.65 165 -177.5 -180 105 117.5 -122.5 175 185 -197.5 467.5 325.65
Male - Raw Teen 3
-60 1. Felipe Carrasco 2005 TruBorn Strong GA 331 59.10 150 160 -172.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 -145 150 160 412.5 352.55
-75 1. Francesco De Rosa 2005 Team Titan GA 316 71.20 160 -170 180 87.5 95 -97.5 190 200 -215 475 352.66
-75 2. Zachary Brooks 2006 TruBorn Strong GA 332 74.20 165 177.5 -190 100 -105 160 167.5 -175 445 321.46
-90 1. Moe Ghosheh 2005 GA 313 84.85 210 217.5 227.5 125 130 132.5 200 205 220 580 386.80 X
-90 2. Colton Sisk 2006 GA 318 87.15 197.5 207.5 210 100 -107.5 -107.5 -240 240 -242.5 550 361.57
-90 3. David Proffitt 2006 NC 314 82.75 -135 140 -145 100 105 -107.5 165 175 -182.5 420 284.02
-110 1. Alex Reyes 2004 GA 319 109.65 215 227.5 240 122.5 125 132.5 215 230 242.5 615 364.68
-110 2. Joseph Shirley 2005 GA 333 109.60 207.5 220 227.5 97.5 102.5 -105 185 195 205 535 317.30
-110 3. Michael Pugh 2005 NC 327 108.90 165 177.5 185 105 -115 -115 210 227.5 -285 517.5 307.67
-67.5 1. Giancarlo Campillo 2006 GA 312 66.70 160 -172.5 -175 100 107.5 112.5 190 205 -210 477.5 371.24
-67.5 2. Levi Wood 2005 TruBorn Strong GA 336 61.65 125 135 -145 82.5 90 -97.5 150 165 175 400 330.29
-82.5 1. Benjamin Carder 2004 Georgia Tech Barbell Club GA 311 81.80 175 187.5 195 117.5 127.5 -132.5 205 225 -237.5 547.5 372.68
-82.5 2. Saud Aziz 2005 Georgia Tech Barbell Club GA 321 80.90 175 187.5 -200 120 127.5 135 190 205 -220 527.5 361.36
-82.5 3. Lucas Logan 2005 Team Titan GA 326 79.10 180 190 -195 105 -112.5 -112.5 195 205 215 510 354.04
Male - Raw with Wraps Junior
-90 1. Shaunak Lavande 2000 PA 334 88.65 -165 -175 177.5 87.5 92.5 -95 210 217.5 -235 487.5 317.65
Male - Raw with Wraps Master 1a
140+ 1. Marco Juan 1981 AZ 315 146.05 -185 185 -190 100 105 110 195 200 -210 495 268.12
Male - Raw Youth 3
-48 1. Jayden Gobran 2011 GA 124 46.85 80 -82.5 95 -50 55 -57.5 110 120 -127.5 270 286.96
-56 1. Berkeley Britt 2011 GA 116 55.45 110 117.5 122.5 72.5 77.5 82.5 120 130 137.5 342.5 309.25


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Total push-pull James Wilkins 297.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Deadlift single lift James Wilkins 192.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Bench press single lift James Wilkins 105 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Total James Wilkins 487.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Deadlift James Wilkins 192.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Bench press James Wilkins 105 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M1b -82.5 Squat James Wilkins 190 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Total push-pull James Wilkins 297.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Deadlift single lift James Wilkins 192.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Bench press single lift James Wilkins 105 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Total James Wilkins 487.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Deadlift James Wilkins 192.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Bench press James Wilkins 105 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2a -82.5 Squat James Wilkins 190 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Total push-pull James Wilkins 297.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Deadlift single lift James Wilkins 192.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Bench press single lift James Wilkins 105 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Total James Wilkins 487.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Deadlift James Wilkins 192.5 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Bench press James Wilkins 105 kg
Georgia State Equipped Records M2b -82.5 Squat James Wilkins 190 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -56 Deadlift single lift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -67.5 Deadlift single lift Kevin Phan 232.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -100 Deadlift single lift Chidera Nwosu 295 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -100 Squat Chidera Nwosu 315 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -110 Deadlift single lift Brayden Naus 290 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Deadlift single lift Chad Valentine 180 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Deadlift single lift Nate Crowder 245 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -82.5 Deadlift Nate Crowder 245 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -125 Deadlift single lift Barry Posner 185 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1B -75 Deadlift single lift Chad Valentine 180 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1B -82.5 Deadlift single lift Kevin Cleary 180 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1B -82.5 Total Kevin Cleary 457.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1B -82.5 Squat Kevin Cleary 157.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1B -125 Deadlift single lift Barry Posner 185 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2A -82.5 Deadlift single lift Kevin Cleary 180 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2A -82.5 Total Kevin Cleary 457.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2A -125 Deadlift single lift Barry Posner 185 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2B -82.5 Deadlift single lift Roger Swain 157.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2B -82.5 Squat Roger Swain 150 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-O -56 Deadlift single lift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-O -100 Deadlift single lift Chidera Nwosu 295 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-O -110 Deadlift single lift Carlton Beasley 300 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Deadlift single lift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -60 Deadlift single lift Liam Birchmier 100 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -75 Deadlift single lift Devon Parthasarathy 190 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Deadlift single lift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Kevin Phan 232.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Deadlift Kevin Phan 232.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -82.5 Deadlift single lift Christopher Crow 227.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift single lift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Kevin Phan 232.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Bench press single lift John Abdelmessih 162.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Bench press John Abdelmessih 162.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -110 Deadlift single lift Brayden Naus 290 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Total push-pull Jayden Gobran 175 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Deadlift single lift Jayden Gobran 120 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Bench press single lift Jayden Gobran 55 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Total Jayden Gobran 270 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Deadlift Jayden Gobran 120 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Bench press Jayden Gobran 55 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Squat Jayden Gobran 95 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Total push-pull Berkeley Britt 220 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Deadlift single lift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Bench press single lift Berkeley Britt 82.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Total Berkeley Britt 342.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Deadlift Berkeley Britt 137.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Bench press Berkeley Britt 82.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Squat Berkeley Britt 122.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -48 Deadlift single lift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -56 Deadlift single lift Emily Quina 125 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -56 Bench press single lift Karley Gotlin 72.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -56 Bench press Karley Gotlin 72.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Deadlift single lift Trinity Mook 140 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Total push-pull Meghan Valentine 217.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Deadlift single lift Meghan Valentine 135 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Total Meghan Valentine 337.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Deadlift Meghan Valentine 135 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Squat Meghan Valentine 120 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A 100+ Deadlift single lift Ava Easterby 132.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-O -48 Deadlift single lift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-O -56 Deadlift single lift Amelia Peck 127.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Total push-pull Allene Fleetwood 130 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Deadlift single lift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -48 Deadlift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Deadlift single lift Camila Roth 65 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Deadlift single lift Olivia fleetwood 112.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Total Olivia fleetwood 272.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Morgan French 130 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Squat Morgan French 117.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -48 Total push-pull Allene Fleetwood 130 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -48 Deadlift single lift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Deadlift single lift Camila Roth 65 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Deadlift single lift Meliah Rodriguez 117.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Deadlift Meliah Rodriguez 117.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Total Olivia fleetwood 272.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Morgan French 130 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T2 -82.5 Deadlift single lift Trinity Mook 140 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -48 Deadlift single lift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift single lift Kiersten Vincent 125 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift single lift Emily Quina 125 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Total Emily Quina 290 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift Emily Quina 125 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Bench press single lift Karley Gotlin 72.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Bench press Karley Gotlin 72.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Deadlift single lift Kendell Lundy 85 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Morgan French 130 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Deadlift single lift Trinity Mook 140 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Total push-pull Allene Fleetwood 130 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Deadlift single lift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -48 Deadlift Allene Fleetwood 88 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Deadlift single lift Camila Roth 65 kg