Lifting Database


Team GPT



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/14/2024 Iron & Ice Brianna Townsend 1. R-O -90 88.9 150 157.5 167.5 75 80 -85 172.5 182.5 -192.5 430 385.46
12/07/2024 Long Island Winter Showdown Stephen Milillo 1. R-JR -82.5 82 245 257.5 267.5 140 147.5 152.5 285 302.5 -310 722.5 491.28
12/07/2024 Long Island Winter Showdown Stephen Milillo 1. R-O -82.5 82 245 257.5 267.5 140 147.5 152.5 285 302.5 -310 722.5 491.28
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Lia Pizzitola 1. R-O -60 59.4 142.5 152.5 157.5 85 90 92.5 142.5 152.5 -157.5 402.5 449.04
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Emily Kimball 1. R-O -67.5 64.7 100 107.5 120 75 82.5 87.5 105 125 140 347.5 367.79
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Christa Beyer 2. R-O -67.5 66.1 100 107.5 -112.5 67.5 72.5 75 120 132.5 140 322.5 337.18
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Thomas Donovan 1. R-O -100 98.5 200 210 222.5 -115 120 127.5 182.5 192.5 202.5 552.5 342.33
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Jonathan Carlson 2. R-O -110 107.7 200 215 225 145 155 165 215 230 245 635 379.21
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Adam Choromanski 1. R-O -110 104.8 237.5 250 -265 172.5 182.5 -190 272.5 287.5 302.5 735 443.62
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Kelly Shpak 2. R-O -60 59.9 130 140 150 72.5 75 77.5 120 130 140 367.5 407.82
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Alexander Ney 0. R-O -100 92.8 155 165 -175 72.5 -77.5 -77.5 205 215 -227.5 0 0.00
09/28/2024 Summer Showdown Tim Donoghue 1. R-O 140+ 153 250 265 275 177.5 187.5 195 265 280 295 765 409.20
08/24/2024 Dennis Gleason Memorial Kyle Stolting 2. R-T -82.5 81 165 175 182.5 80 87.5 92.5 170 185 200 475 325.28
08/24/2024 Dennis Gleason Memorial Melissa Gambardella 1. R-M -82.5 80.5 92.5 100 105 50 55 -57.5 132.5 140 -145 300 281.89
08/24/2024 Dennis Gleason Memorial Conn Nguyen 6. R-O -100 92.4 152.5 160 167.5 67.5 72.5 75 157.5 165 -172.5 407.5 260.08
08/24/2024 Dennis Gleason Memorial Emily Moore 3. R-O 100+ 131 65 70 75 50 55 57.5 112.5 120 125 257.5 202.17
06/22/2024 Summer Showdown Tim Bish 2. R-O -90 88.4 180 192.5 205 105 110 115 200 212.5 227.5 547.5 357.27
06/22/2024 Summer Showdown Thomas LaDore 1. R-O -100 93.7 227.5 242.5 -252.5 130 137.5 -145 252.5 267.5 -282.5 647.5 410.50
06/22/2024 Summer Showdown Ryan Resurreccion 2. R-O -100 92.8 175 185 195 105 110 115 210 222.5 235 545 347.12
06/22/2024 Summer Showdown Jayde Ford 1. R-JR -60 56.4 95 100 107.5 -52.5 57.5 60 97.5 102.5 110 277.5 320.15
06/22/2024 Summer Showdown Leon Hu 2. R-T -90 86.7 145 155 162.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 180 190 -200 445 293.35
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Dawn Assumma 12. R-O -67.5 67 107.5 115 120 60 65 -70 140 145 -150 330 342.16
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Stephen Milillo 1. R-O -82.5 82.5 220 235 245 135 140 145 270 280 295 685 464.17
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Stephen Milillo 2. R-JR -82.5 82.5 220 235 245 135 140 145 270 280 295 685 464.17
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Morgan Wilderman 1. R-O -56 55.3 105 112.5 117.5 57.5 -62.5 -62.5 140 147.5 152.5 327.5 382.80
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Brianna Townsend 3. R-O -90 88.5 145 155 162.5 72.5 77.5 82.5 172.5 182.5 -190 427.5 384.09
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Rachel Meier 3. R-O -67.5 65.3 130 137.5 -145 72.5 77.5 -80 140 147.5 155 370 389.46
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Edward Medaris 5. R-O -125 123.7 220 232.5 240 122.5 132.5 142.5 240 257.5 270 652.5 371.04
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Edward Medaris 1. R-T3 -125 123.7 220 232.5 240 122.5 132.5 142.5 240 257.5 270 652.5 371.04
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Cyrus Tyler 13. R-O -90 88 210 220 227.5 120 125 130 230 245 257.5 615 402.38
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships Devin Clark 3. R-O -110 107.5 240 252.5 265 165 175 187.5 272.5 290 300 752.5 449.70
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships April Grey 1. R-M1 -90 89.7 152.5 160 165 87.5 90 -92.5 170 -180 180 435 388.38
06/08/2024 Northeast Regional Championships April Grey 2. R-O -90 89.7 152.5 160 165 87.5 90 -92.5 170 -180 180 435 388.38
05/12/2024 Masters World Cup Michael Harris 3. R-M2 -82.5 81.7 157.5 165 170 120 -125 -125 182.5 195 205 495 337.18
05/12/2024 Masters World Cup John Ford 3. R-M1 -110 108.2 215 -225 232.5 170 -180 180 250 265 277.5 690 411.31
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Alexis Feinberg 4. R-O -67.5 60.3 90 95 100 42.5 47.5 50 112.5 120 127.5 277.5 306.82
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Alexis Feinberg 39. R-O -67.5 60.3 90 95 100 42.5 47.5 50 112.5 120 127.5 277.5 306.82
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Kimberly Neville 1. R-M2 -75 74.1 85 90 97.5 47.5 50 -55 85 97.5 105 252.5 247.51
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Kimberly Neville 3. R-M2 -75 74.1 85 90 97.5 47.5 50 -55 85 97.5 105 252.5 247.51
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Melissa Gambardella 1. R-M1 -82.5 76.1 90 97.5 100 45 47.5 50 132.5 140 -147.5 290 280.30
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Lisa Catala 1. R-M2 -82.5 78.6 45 52.5 57.5 32.5 35 40 75 80 92.5 190 180.62
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Micaela Sturm 6. R-O -67.5 65.5 70 75 82.5 50 55 57.5 90 97.5 105 245 257.42
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Melissa Gambardella 2. R-M1 -82.5 76.1 90 97.5 100 45 47.5 50 132.5 140 -147.5 290 280.30
05/04/2024 Richmond Open Christopher Berger 1. R-O -110 106.9 250 265 275 150 -160 160 300 320 332.5 767.5 459.59
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Lisa Catala 6. R-M2 -82.5 78.6 45 52.5 57.5 32.5 35 40 75 80 92.5 190 180.62
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Micaela Sturm 47. R-O -67.5 65.5 70 75 82.5 50 55 57.5 90 97.5 105 245 257.42
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Yexenia Osorio 4. R-O -56 54 -85 85 90 50 55 57.5 107.5 112.5 -115 260 308.81
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Taylor James 36. R-O -82.5 80.7 87.5 95 -100 65 -70 -70 130 -137.5 137.5 297.5 279.20
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Theresa Bartelson 6. R-O -75 73.9 65 70 80 40 42.5 45 87.5 95 102.5 227.5 223.33
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Malgorzata Labaty 2. R-M2 -67.5 63.9 80 85 90 45 47.5 52.5 90 95 102.5 245 261.25
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Theresa Bartelson 49. R-O -75 73.9 65 70 80 40 42.5 45 87.5 95 102.5 227.5 223.33
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron Malgorzata Labaty 5. R-M2 -67.5 63.9 80 85 90 45 47.5 52.5 90 95 102.5 245 261.25
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Taylor James 3. R-O -82.5 80.7 87.5 95 -100 65 -70 -70 130 -137.5 137.5 297.5 279.20
05/04/2024 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Yexenia Osorio 1. R-O -56 54 -85 85 90 50 55 57.5 107.5 112.5 -115 260 308.81
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Lia Pizzitola 3. R-O -60 59.6 145 152.5 -160 85 90 92.5 145 -152.5 -152.5 390 434.17
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Storm Veilleux 6. R-O -100 98.5 250 265 -272.5 152.5 -160 -160 282.5 -297.5 -320 700 433.82
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Alyssa Nastasia 4. R-O -67.5 63.4 112.5 117.5 -120 55 60 65 125 132.5 -137.5 315 337.65
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Jenifer Mello 3. R-O -75 72.7 157.5 -162.5 162.5 75 80 -82.5 -155 155 -160 397.5 393.67
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Alicia Morea 1. R-O 100+ 109.9 180 192.5 202.5 72.5 77.5 82.5 180 192.5 200 485 399.91
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Tanya Iacono 1. R-M -60 59.8 105 110 117.5 52.5 57.5 60 125 135 -142.5 312.5 347.34
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Thomas LaDore 7. R-O -100 95.3 227.5 242.5 250 130 137.5 142.5 252.5 267.5 280 672.5 423.07
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships David Kiernan 2. R-O -75 72.6 207.5 222.5 232.5 115 122.5 127.5 -212.5 212.5 227.5 587.5 430.71
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Trevor Sheehan 2. R-O -110 105.5 227.5 240 252.5 125 132.5 137.5 252.5 272.5 292.5 682.5 410.83
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Evan Talnose 1. R-T -82.5 78.9 217.5 -232.5 -232.5 140 147.5 -152.5 240 -252.5 -260 605 420.78
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Kyle Guisto 1. R-O -125 124.1 270 282.5 290 190 200 207.5 297.5 310 322.5 820 465.87
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Esteban Reyes 1. R-T -100 97.4 170 180 190 102.5 110 117.5 165 180 200 507.5 316.10
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Jonathan Carlson 5. R-O -100 98.1 250 262.5 -270 170 180 -185 260 -275 -275 702.5 436.06
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Kelly Shpak 1. R-O -60 59.5 145 152.5 160 70 75 -77.5 180 190 195 430 479.46
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Christa Beyer 5. R-O -67.5 66.7 97.5 105 107.5 65 70 -72.5 120 127.5 132.5 310 322.26
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Devin Clark 4. R-O -100 99.2 245 257.5 -270 165 175 -185 272.5 290 -305 722.5 446.27
03/16/2024 Connecticut State Championships Patience Miller 2. R-O 100+ 132.2 167.5 177.5 -185 102.5 110 115 167.5 177.5 185 477.5 374.17
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Jenifer Mello 1. R-O -75 72.6 160 165 -170 72.5 77.5 82.5 152.5 162.5 -170 410 406.29
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Alicia Morea 2. R-O 100+ 108.9 175 187.5 197.5 72.5 77.5 -80 177.5 190 -197.5 465 384.68
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Matthew Carrasquillo 2. R-O -110 107.3 -147.5 157.5 165 132.5 137.5 142.5 160 167.5 175 482.5 288.50
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Anna Isola 1. R-O -82.5 79.2 95 100 105 42.5 47.5 50 125 132.5 140 295 279.29
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Thomas LaDore 2. R-O -100 93.2 227.5 242.5 -255 130 137.5 140 250 262.5 277.5 660 419.60
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Morgan Wilderman 2. R-O -60 59.2 105 112.5 117.5 57.5 62.5 -65 135 142.5 150 330 368.79
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Trevor Sheehan 1. R-O -110 103.3 -227.5 227.5 -237.5 125 132.5 -137.5 245 265 287.5 647.5 393.19
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Brianna Townsend 1. R-O -100 96.8 142.5 152.5 157.5 72.5 77.5 -82.5 170 180 190 425 367.39
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Irakli Danelia 1. R-O -100 99.8 215 227.5 240 165 175 180 230 245 265 685 421.99
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Stephen Brine 3. R-O -110 106.8 -135 -135 140 75 80 -85 135 145 152.5 372.5 223.14
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Bailey Jordan 1. R-O -90 82.8 80 87.5 92.5 42.5 47.5 50 100 110 115 257.5 238.60
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Jennifer Jordan 2. R-O -75 73 105 110 117.5 57.5 62.5 -65 125 130 132.5 312.5 308.73
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Joan Sebastian Rios-Ruiz 1. R-O -90 85.9 147.5 157.5 165 110 117.5 -122.5 177.5 190 197.5 480 318.09
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Leon Hu 4. R-O -100 91 140 150 160 80 87.5 90 165 175 185 435 279.80
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Taylor James 2. R-O -82.5 79.8 -72.5 72.5 80 57.5 60 62.5 117.5 125 130 272.5 257.08
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Alexander Ney 3. R-O -100 98.9 -150 160 167.5 72.5 77.5 80 205 215 227.5 475 293.85
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Yexenia Osorio 3. R-O -60 57.2 80 87.5 -92.5 47.5 50 52.5 95 105 112.5 252.5 288.63
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Conn Nguyen 2. R-O -90 88.4 140 150 157.5 65 70 72.5 147.5 155 165 395 257.75
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Michael Linares 2. R-O -125 123.5 170 180 192.5 120 130 137.5 175 190 200 530 301.54
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Kyle Guisto 1. R-O -125 124.1 255 270 280 185 197.5 -210 285 300 -317.5 777.5 441.72
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Rachel Meier 1. R-O -67.5 65.6 125 132.5 140 65 70 -75 132.5 140 145 355 372.69
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Caitlin Dunn 0. O -82.5 82 -125 -132.5 -137.5 0 0.00
12/16/2023 Team GPT Invitational Patience Miller 1. R-O 100+ 130.8 165 175 182.5 102.5 107.5 -110 165 172.5 180 470 369.10
12/02/2023 Ataraxis Open II Stephen Milillo 1. R-JR -82.5 81.6 220 232.5 237.5 130 140 -142.5 255 272.5 -282.5 650 443.23
11/04/2023 Liftsgiving Open John Ford 1. R-M -110 108.5 212.5 217.5 227.5 165 172.5 -185 230 245 260 660 392.94
11/04/2023 Liftsgiving Open Christa Beyer 1. R-O -67.5 65 95 102.5 -105 65 70 -75 117.5 125 130 302.5 319.28
11/04/2023 Liftsgiving Open John Ford 3. R-O -110 108.5 212.5 217.5 227.5 165 172.5 -185 230 245 260 660 392.94
10/14/2023 Monster Mass Showdown Alexander Ney 1. R-O -100 99.7 140 150 157.5 70 75 77.5 185 195 -207.5 430 265.07
09/23/2023 Connecticut Fall Classic Kirslyn Foster-Yee 1. R-O -56 55 92.5 100 105 52.5 -57.5 142.5 152.5 155 312.5 366.82
09/23/2023 Connecticut Fall Classic Jonathan Carlson 1. R-O -100 98.9 240 255 -270 160 172.5 -185 240 255 272.5 700 433.04
09/02/2023 CT Rookies Represent Esteban Reyes 1. R-T3 -90 88.5 160 172.5 -185 95 102.5 107.5 155 165 177.5 457.5 298.45
09/02/2023 CT Rookies Represent Theresa Bartelson 1. R-O -75 74 55 65 -70 37.5 42.5 -47.5 85 90 97.5 205 201.09
08/05/2023 Dennis Gleason Memorial Michael Harris 1. R-M -82.5 81.4 157.5 -165 -167.5 120 125 -130 180 190 200 482.5 329.36
08/05/2023 Dennis Gleason Memorial Tim Bish 2. R-O -90 85.7 175 185 195 102.5 107.5 110 205 215 -227.5 520 344.92
08/05/2023 Dennis Gleason Memorial Edward Medaris 1. R-T -125 121.9 205 220 235 112.5 -125 125 202.5 215 232.5 592.5 338.52
06/24/2023 CT Summer Showdown Kirslyn Foster-Yee 1. R-O -56 55.2 95 100 102.5 50 55 -57.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 310 362.78
06/24/2023 CT Summer Showdown Steven Loschiavo 3. R-O -90 85.2 142.5 152.5 -160 105 112.5 117.5 160 175 182.5 452.5 301.19
06/24/2023 CT Summer Showdown Leon Hu 2. R-T -100 93.4 140 147.5 152.5 80 87.5 -92.5 145 155 165 405 257.15
06/24/2023 CT Summer Showdown John Ford 1. R-M -110 109.4 210 217.5 225 162.5 167.5 175 220 232.5 245 645 382.80
06/24/2023 CT Summer Showdown Christa Beyer 1. R-O -67.5 65.3 87.5 95 100 62.5 67.5 -70 110 115 122.5 290 305.25
06/24/2023 CT Summer Showdown Conn Nguyen 4. R-O -90 85.7 122.5 130 137.5 60 65 67.5 135 142.5 150 355 235.55
05/20/2023 Maryland State Championships Rebecca Pranger 3. R-O -67.5 63.6 137.5 145 150 75 80 85 147.5 155 162.5 397.5 425.07
05/06/2023 United Ladies of Iron Alicia Morea 2. R-O 100+ 105.1 172.5 182.5 -192.5 72.5 77.5 -80 175 185 195 455 381.08
05/06/2023 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Alicia Morea 1. R-O 100+ 105.1 172.5 182.5 -192.5 72.5 77.5 -80 175 185 195 455 381.08
05/06/2023 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Natalie Norbut 2. R-T -67.5 66.7 80 85 90 45 50 -52.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 247.5 257.29
05/06/2023 United Ladies of Iron Natalie Norbut 5. R-T3 -67.5 66.7 80 85 90 45 50 -52.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 247.5 257.29
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Rebekah Lubic 1. R-O -67.5 63.1 135 -142.5 142.5 75 80 -82.5 157.5 165 -167.5 387.5 416.56
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Anna Isola 2. R-O -82.5 77.4 90 95 100 42.5 45 -47.5 117.5 125 132.5 277.5 265.88
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Kristen Cauchon 2. R-O -67.5 65.7 117.5 125 132.5 65 70 72.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 357.5 374.95
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Michael Harris 1. R-M -82.5 81.5 155 162.5 -170 122.5 127.5 -130 175 190 197.5 487.5 332.65
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Lia Pizzitola 1. R-O -60 58.8 135 142.5 145 82.5 87.5 90 145 150 -152.5 385 432.54
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Tim Bish 2. R-O -82.5 81.4 165 172.5 180 95 102.5 107.5 200 212.5 220 507.5 346.42
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Melissa Gambardella 1. R-M -82.5 79.1 87.5 97.5 -100 50 -52.5 -52.5 -130 135 145 292.5 277.26
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Morgan Wilderman 1. R-O -56 55.4 95 102.5 105 55 -60 60 125 132.5 137.5 302.5 353.15
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Micaela Sturm 4. R-O -67.5 63.9 65 72.5 77.5 50 55 -57.5 80 87.5 97.5 230 245.25
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Christopher Berger 1. R-O -110 105.9 250 262.5 275 145 152.5 160 282.5 300 312.5 747.5 449.28
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Joshua Lefkow 4. R-O -90 87.1 125 130 137.5 112.5 117.5 125 127.5 135 142.5 405 266.41
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Michael Linares 1. R-O -125 122 170 175 182.5 120 125 132.5 165 177.5 187.5 502.5 287.06
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Jonathan Carlson 3. R-O -100 99 220 230 240 150 157.5 165 215 230 247.5 652.5 403.39
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Rachel Meier 3. R-O -67.5 65.5 105 115 125 57.5 62.5 67.5 120 130 137.5 330 346.73
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Caitlin Dunn 1. O -82.5 79.7 182.5 192.5 200 107.5 115 -120 162.5 170 -175 485 457.99
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships April Grey 1. R-M -100 97.5 182.5 192.5 -200 95 100 -105 192.5 205 215 507.5 437.43
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Brian Bellitto 1. R-O -100 97.2 235 247.5 -252.5 165 175 182.5 232.5 245 -255 675 420.72
03/18/2023 Connecticut State Championships Stephanie Scoville 1. R-O -75 67.9 165 172.5 177.5 80 85 87.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 447.5 460.43
01/14/2023 CT Winter Classic Alyssa Nastasia 2. R-O -67.5 60.8 107.5 115 120 57.5 60 -62.5 125 132.5 -137.5 312.5 343.55
01/14/2023 CT Winter Classic Stephen Milillo 1. R-JR -82.5 81 217.5 227.5 232.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 240 252.5 260 635 434.69
01/14/2023 CT Winter Classic Shelby Plotkin 1. R-JR -82.5 82 125 132.5 137.5 60 62.5 65 115 122.5 -127.5 325 302.53
01/14/2023 CT Winter Classic Stephen Milillo 1. R-O -82.5 81 217.5 227.5 232.5 132.5 142.5 -147.5 240 252.5 260 635 434.69
01/14/2023 CT Winter Classic Kimberly Neville 1. R-M -67.5 66.7 80 87.5 95 45 50 52.5 87.5 95 102.5 250 260.00
01/14/2023 CT Winter Classic Michael Harris 3. R-JR -82.5 80.5 170 182.5 190 100 107.5 -110 205 220 227.5 525 360.69
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Visoud Kong 1. R-O -90 87.5 225 240 -250 125 130 137.5 227.5 -232.5 -232.5 605 396.89
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Alexis Feinberg 1. R-O -60 59.9 85 90 95 45 -47.5 -47.5 110 115 120 260 288.53
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Theresa Baccielo 1. R-O -75 73.9 120 125 -127.5 82.5 87.5 90 125 132.5 137.5 352.5 346.16
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Tanya Iacono 1. R-O -67.5 62.9 100 107.5 112.5 52.5 -57.5 57.5 125 132.5 140 310 333.73
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Alexander Ney 2. R-O -100 92.3 137.5 145 155 70 75 -80 182.5 192.5 202.5 432.5 276.26
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Evan Talnose 1. R-O -82.5 79.9 222.5 235 245 135 142.5 -145 240 250 257.5 645 445.09
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Sarah Macary 2. R-O 100+ 121 112.5 120 127.5 65 70 75 110 117.5 125 327.5 262.20
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Stephen Brine 1. R-O -110 108.4 122.5 130 137.5 70 75 80 115 125 130 347.5 206.96
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Leon Hu 3. R-O -100 95 130 135 137.5 75 80 82.5 145 155 165 385 242.56
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Patience Miller 1. R-O 100+ 118 165 172.5 175 102.5 107.5 -112.5 165 175 182.5 465 374.91
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Tim Donoghue 1. R-O 140+ 161.8 270 282.5 292.5 192.5 200 205 287.5 302.5 -312.5 800 421.69
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Nicholas Delgiudice 2. R-O -82.5 81.6 190 197.5 205 125 130 135 230 245 -255 585 398.90
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Cyrus Tyler 3. R-O -82.5 81.4 205 215 -227.5 115 122.5 -127.5 227.5 242.5 -252.5 580 395.91
12/17/2022 GPT Invitational Devin Clark 1. R-O -100 97.6 225 240 245 165 175 -180 265 280 -292.5 700 435.50
12/10/2022 MO River Open Christina Linegar 1. R-O -75 70.2 147.5 157.5 160 72.5 77.5 -82.5 162.5 172.5 180 417.5 421.53
11/12/2022 Strong Island Open Alicia Morea 1. R-O 100+ 105.9 162.5 172.5 180 72.5 77.5 -80 170 180 190 447.5 373.84
11/05/2022 CT Liftsgiving Open Sangyun Chung 1. R-O -90 86.9 192.5 207.5 215 115 122.5 -125 190 205 217.5 555 365.52
11/05/2022 CT Liftsgiving Open David Kiernan 2. R-O -67.5 66.6 190 202.5 210 107.5 115 -117.5 192.5 207.5 -217.5 532.5 414.45
11/05/2022 CT Liftsgiving Open Daniel Baez 3. R-O -67.5 64.6 162.5 177.5 182.5 132.5 140 150 190 197.5 -207.5 530 422.25
09/24/2022 Connecticut Fall Classic Michael Harris 1. R-M -82.5 82.2 145 152.5 162.5 120 125 -130 177.5 -185 465 315.64
09/24/2022 Connecticut Fall Classic Lia Pizzitola 1. R-JR -60 58 127.5 135 140 80 85 87.5 135 142.5 150 377.5 427.64
09/24/2022 Connecticut Fall Classic Thomas LaDore 1. R-O -100 92 212.5 225 237.5 130 135 -137.5 242.5 260 272.5 645 412.54
09/24/2022 Connecticut Fall Classic Kimberly Neville 2. R-M -75 68 85 -90 92.5 42.5 47.5 -52.5 80 87.5 97.5 237.5 244.15
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Christian Tarazona 3. R-O -100 95 212.5 227.5 237.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 222.5 237.5 -247.5 612.5 385.80
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Melissa Gambardella 1. R-O -90 84.2 87.5 95 100 52.5 55 -57.5 127.5 137.5 -145 292.5 268.84
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Jessica Hartwell 2. R-O -75 71 90 -97.5 97.5 42.5 45 47.5 95 100 105 250 250.82
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Trevor Sheehan 1. R-JR -110 109.2 210 225 237.5 117.5 125 132.5 250 262.5 272.5 642.5 381.58
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Stephen Milillo 1. R-O -82.5 81.6 215 225 -235 130 137.5 -140 220 235 245 607.5 414.10
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Stephen Milillo 1. R-T3 -82.5 81.6 215 225 -235 130 137.5 -140 220 235 245 607.5 414.10
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Shane Walters 2. R-O -100 92.2 237.5 245 250 147.5 152.5 155 250 -260 -262.5 655 418.49
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Patience Miller 1. R-O 100+ 112.4 145 152.5 157.5 105 110 112.5 165 175 -185 445 364.21
08/20/2022 Dennis Gleason Memorial Stephanie Scoville 1. R-O -67.5 67.2 160 167.5 175 80 85 -90 167.5 175 182.5 442.5 458.01
06/25/2022 Massachusetts State Championships Sangyun Chung 0. R-G -82.5 81.6 200 -212.5 -217.5 115 120 -127.5 -197.5 -197.5 -197.5 0 0.00
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Visoud Kong 5. R-O -90 87.2 222.5 237.5 250 -125 127.5 135 227.5 240 -250 625 410.75
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Alicia Morea 1. R-O -100 99 155 165 175 70 75 -80 170 180 187.5 437.5 374.81
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Alyssa Nastasia 2. R-O -67.5 62.2 110 115 -120 62.5 -65 -65 122.5 130 -132.5 307.5 333.32
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Thomas LaDore 4. R-O -90 89 210 222.5 235 125 132.5 -137.5 235 250 262.5 630 409.67
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Nick Cagginello 1. R-M -100 92.4 190 202.5 -210 117.5 125 -127.5 230 247.5 -255 575 366.99
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Dylan Massores 1. R-T -100 92.2 155 162.5 170 112.5 117.5 120 160 167.5 182.5 472.5 301.89
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Michael Easter 1. R-O -140 128.4 222.5 -235 247.5 130 137.5 145 215 227.5 240 632.5 355.50
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Tanya Iacono 3. R-O -67.5 62.8 97.5 105 110 52.5 55 57.5 122.5 130 137.5 305 328.67
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Susan Wilson 2. R-O -100 98.6 105 -112.5 112.5 65 -67.5 -67.5 122.5 -127.5 -127.5 300 257.42
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Tom Buckles 2. R-O -90 88 220 235 247.5 142.5 -150 150 245 -262.5 -262.5 642.5 420.24
06/04/2022 Connecticut State Championships Hieu Nguyen 3. R-O -90 88.8 192.5 205 210 130 137.5 145 255 267.5 275 630 410.15
04/30/2022 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Lia Pizzitola 1. R-JR -60 57.4 120 127.5 132.5 77.5 82.5 85 125 132.5 137.5 355 404.87
04/30/2022 Connecticut Ladies of Iron Samantha Dipace 1. R-O -56 55.8 87.5 92.5 97.5 50 55 -57.5 97.5 105 112.5 265 307.90
03/05/2022 CT Spring Classic April Grey 1. R-M -90 88 150 160 165 85 90 92.5 165 175 182.5 440 396.23
03/05/2022 CT Spring Classic Susan Wilson 1. R-M 100+ 103.8 95 105 110 67.5 70 -72.5 120 125 -132.5 305 256.62
03/05/2022 CT Spring Classic Brian Bellitto 2. R-O -100 98 235 247.5 257.5 172.5 182.5 -187.5 235 245 252.5 692.5 430.05
03/05/2022 CT Spring Classic Cyrus Tyler 3. R-O -82.5 81.8 197.5 210 215 112.5 120 125 222.5 235 250 590 401.61
03/05/2022 CT Spring Classic Devin Clark 1. R-O -100 97.6 225 -237.5 237.5 -172.5 175 -182.5 265 282.5 290 702.5 437.05
01/15/2022 CT Winter Classic Trevor Sheehan 1. R-JR -110 104.2 200 215 227.5 110 120 -125 227.5 245 257.5 605 366.01
11/06/2021 Connecticut Bench and Deadlift State Championships Lia Pizzitola 1. R-JR -57 56.8 75 -80 -80 75 66.87
11/06/2021 Connecticut Bench and Deadlift State Championships Patience Miller 1. R-JR 84+ 90.6 95 100 -105 100 73.38
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Rebecca Pranger 1. R-O -63 62.1 135 142.5 -145 67.5 72.5 -77.5 145 152.5 160 375 82.82
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Samantha Dipace 3. R-O -57 54.7 82.5 90 95 47.5 52.5 55 97.5 105 110 260 62.96
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Jennifer O'Brien 1. R-O -69 65.9 100 110 115 62.5 -65 65 120 130 -137.5 310 65.95
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Alyssa Nastasia 3. R-O -63 61.7 102.5 110 -115 60 62.5 65 117.5 125 -130 300 66.54
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Visoud Kong 4. R-O -93 84.9 215 232.5 245 125 135 -140 215 232.5 245 625 85.56
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Odain Rochester 2. R-O 120+ 138.1 162.5 175 185 92.5 100 105 162.5 175 187.5 477.5 52.34
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Joey Nguyen 3. R-O -83 81.4 180 190 -195 120 125 -130 230 240 -255 555 77.61
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Tanya Iacono 4. R-O -63 59.7 92.5 -100 105 47.5 52.5 -55 110 120 125 282.5 64.08
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Melissa Gambardella 1. R-O -84 80.1 82.5 -90 90 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 122.5 132.5 140 277.5 53.45
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Shamir Walters 5. R-O -93 90.2 192.5 202.5 212.5 122.5 130 137.5 257.5 267.5 -280 617.5 82.00
08/07/2021 CT Dennis Gleason Memorial Luke Bastin 3. R-JR -83 76.5 167.5 182.5 187.5 130 137.5 145 175 187.5 197.5 530 76.48
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Lia Pizzitola 5. R-O -57 54.8 110 115 120 72.5 77.5 80 117.5 125 130 330 79.85
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Alexis Feinberg 10. R-O -63 59.4 82.5 87.5 92.5 42.5 45 47.5 107.5 115 120 260 59.19
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Sarah Kaminski 1. M -84 82.9 155 -165 165 112.5 120 -127.5 147.5 155 162.5 447.5 70.75
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Sarah Kaminski 0. O -84 82.9 155 -165 165 112.5 120 -127.5 147.5 155 162.5 447.5 70.75
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Jenifer Mello 2. R-O -76 74.3 167.5 175 -182.5 90 -95 -95 165 175 -182.5 440 87.73
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Dylan Massores 4. R-T -83 81.3 100 107.5 112.5 77.5 82.5 85 125 135 140 337.5 47.21
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Brian Bellitto 6. R-O -105 100 230 240 252.5 172.5 180 187.5 230 242.5 -252.5 682.5 86.22
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Tim Donoghue 1. O 120+ 163.2 350 365 -367.5 255 267.5 275 290 297.5 -300 937.5 82.44
06/26/2021 CT Summer Showdown Patience Miller 4. R-O -84 83.6 137.5 145 147.5 95 100 105 155 165 170 422.5 79.96
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Kristen Cauchon 1. R-O -69 68.3 155 -165 -165 72.5 77.5 -82.5 182.5 192.5 200 432.5 90.12
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Emily Kimball 1. O -69 67.5 180 190 197.5 100 105 110 165 175 182.5 490 85.23
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Theresa Baccielo 3. R-O -76 71.5 122.5 130 135 85 90 -95 135 142.5 150 375 76.24
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Catarina Divito 1. R-O -57 55.8 85 87.5 100 60 62.5 -65 95 102.5 110 272.5 65.01
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Salma Malik 1. R-O -63 62.4 115 122.5 -127.5 57.5 62.5 -65 132.5 140 145 330 72.69
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Melissa Gambardella 2. R-O -84 80.9 80 87.5 92.5 47.5 -52.5 52.5 120 130 137.5 282.5 54.17
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Caitlin Dunn 1. O -84 81.9 180 190 -200 105 110 115 150 162.5 175 480 76.28
05/01/2021 Connecticut State Championships Sharmin Mahmud 4. R-O -76 73.1 137.5 145 150 70 -75 -75 127.5 132.5 140 360 72.36
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Mark Harvey 27. R-O -93 92.5 250 265 -275 155 165 -170 265 277.5 282.5 712.5 448.73
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Kelly Wetmore 15. R-JR -72 70.5 110 120 125 52.5 57.5 -60 127.5 137.5 145 327.5 324.23
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Brian Bellitto 42. R-O -93 91.6 222.5 -237.5 237.5 165 170 172.5 227.5 240 -245 650 411.32
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Mags Wilbur 20. R-O -72 66.3 127.5 135 137.5 82.5 -87.5 87.5 175 -185 187.5 412.5 426.48
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Raphael Santiago 25. R-O -120 117.1 222.5 237.5 250 150 165 -177.5 287.5 295 305 720 416.38
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Patience Miller 10. R-JR -84 81 115 117.5 120 85 -87.5 -87.5 145 152.5 157.5 362.5 329.44
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Hieu Nguyen 33. R-O -83 82.1 182.5 -190 -190 127.5 -137.5 137.5 265 277.5 -285 597.5 401.46
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals Stephanie Scoville 6. R-O -63 60.9 147.5 155 160 85 87.5 -90 170 180 -190 427.5 471.15
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals April Grey 3. R-M1 84+ 92.5 -165 165 177.5 95 100 105 177.5 192.5 205 487.5 416.67
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals April Grey 8. R-O 84+ 92.5 -165 165 177.5 95 100 105 177.5 192.5 205 487.5 416.67
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Kimberly Cofino 1. R-O -63 59.2 95 102.5 105 52.5 55 57.5 105 110 115 277.5 312.63
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Nick Dassatti 2. R-O -105 100 192.5 205 212.5 -117.5 117.5 -122.5 227.5 242.5 -247.5 572.5 348.42
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Kimberly Cofino 1. R-M -63 59.2 95 102.5 105 52.5 55 57.5 105 110 115 277.5 312.63
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Ryan Mrozek 2. R-O -120 117.2 192.5 207.5 -212.5 157.5 162.5 -167.5 227.5 242.5 250 620 358.48
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Zahir Maloney 1. R-T -59 56.8 100 107.5 112.5 60 65 67.5 122.5 132.5 142.5 322.5 289.57
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Trista Kieley 1. R-O 84+ 94.4 -97.5 97.5 102.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 130 140 142.5 302.5 256.61
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Stephen Duncanson 1. R-T -93 91.6 160 172.5 182.5 110 120 -122.5 172.5 187.5 195 497.5 314.82
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Joseph Noyes 4. R-O -83 82.6 170 185 195 95 102.5 107.5 205 222.5 227.5 530 354.78
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Syed Haider 1. R-O -120 113.8 212.5 227.5 235 135 142.5 -147.5 227.5 242.5 -250 620 361.27
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Janelle Haire 2. R-O -84 82.8 127.5 137.5 142.5 57.5 -62.5 -62.5 135 140 145 345 309.91
07/21/2018 CT Summer Showdown Tyler Kennedy 3. R-O -120 107.2 170 180 187.5 112.5 120 122.5 205 217.5 225 535 317.42
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Sarah Kaminski 0. O -84 81 115 122.5 127.5 127.5 115.87
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Amanda Gilbertie 5. R-O -72 68.6 107.5 115 117.5 67.5 72.5 75 125 135 142.5 335 338.02
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Alexis Feinberg 5. R-O -63 57.6 92.5 100 102.5 47.5 50 52.5 107.5 117.5 122.5 277.5 319.37
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Samantha Dipace 7. R-O -63 61 67.5 -72.5 75 47.5 52.5 55 85 92.5 102.5 232.5 255.91
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Mitchell Leonard 3. R-JR -93 86.2 125 132.5 137.5 85 90 -92.5 132.5 145 155 382.5 249.85
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Sarah Kaminski 1. M -84 81 115 122.5 127.5 127.5 115.87
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Ayla Thurstan 1. R-JR -72 71 142.5 150 157.5 105 113 115 152.5 165 -170 437.5 431.03
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Siobahn Kinney 2. R-O -57 55.6 112.5 117.5 120 60 -65 -65 125 135 -142.5 315 372.71
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Quinn Routhier 1. R-Y1 -30 24 20 25 -27.5 10 12 13 27.5 32.5 37.5 75.5 112.77
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Mags Wilbur 2. R-O -63 62.4 125 132.5 -137.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 175 185 190 405 438.13
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Raphael Santiago 1. R-O -120 116.2 227.5 240 245 152.5 165 -175 287.5 300 -315 710 411.45
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown April Grey 1. R-O 84+ 86.6 162.5 172.5 -180 92.5 95 -97.5 177.5 190 195 462.5 406.45
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Patience Miller 3. R-O -84 81.4 115 120 -122.5 80 85 -90 145 155 160 365 330.84
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown David Cauchon 1. R-O -83 80.4 145 -155 -160 145 98.69
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Susan Wilson 1. R-M -84 82.4 95 100 105 65 -67.5 -67.5 122.5 132.5 140 310 279.16
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Kathy Le 1. R-O -57 55.8 120 127.5 132.5 67.5 70 -75 162.5 172.5 177.5 380 448.36
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Hieu Nguyen 1. R-O -83 82.4 175 187.5 197.5 120 130 -137.5 257.5 265 282.5 610 408.94
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Patience Miller 1. R-JR -84 81.4 115 120 -122.5 80 85 -90 145 155 160 365 330.84
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Stephanie Scoville 1. R-O -63 62.2 142.5 150 157.5 80 82.5 87.5 165 177.5 185 430 466.29
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Devin Clark 1. R-O -93 87.2 220 237.5 -247.5 -160 -167.5 167.5 250 267.5 280 685 444.63
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown April Grey 1. R-M 84+ 86.6 162.5 172.5 -180 92.5 95 -97.5 177.5 190 195 462.5 406.45
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Nicholas Delgiudice 2. R-O -120 110 230 245 255 142.5 150 -157.5 265 275 280 685 403.12
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Tyler Kennedy 3. R-O -120 108.4 -152.5 160 170 110 -117.5 117.5 192.5 207.5 217.5 505 298.56
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Brian Bellitto 2. R-O -93 91.8 217.5 235 245 165 175 -182.5 222.5 237.5 247.5 667.5 421.93
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Leah Cook 1. R-O -84 76.6 140 150 155 82.5 87.5 -92.5 170 182.5 190 432.5 405.86
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Caitlin Dunn 2. R-O -84 81.6 147.5 157.5 -165 75 80 -85 150 162.5 165 402.5 364.34
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown Jackeline Landon 6. R-O -72 69.8 105 112.5 117.5 65 70 -75 127.5 137.5 142.5 330 328.94