Lifting Database


Dennis Gleason Memorial

Date: 08/24/2024
Sanction #: CT-2024-05
State: Connecticut
Meet Director: Ryan Gleason

Results (78 results, 74 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Master 2a
-140 1. Tom West 1971 CT 613 134.50 185 190 -195 190 105.32
Female - Raw Master
-75 1. Endrina Sullivan 1968 CT 122 68.90 -105 110 115 115 117.34
Female - Raw Junior
-60 1. Manuela Haylock 2001 MA 121 58.35 100 -110 -110 55 57.5 -62.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 275 310.32
-67.5 1. Faye Higgins 2001 Ohio State University Powerlifting Club OH 116 65.55 120 132.5 -145 60 67.5 70 140 155 -165 357.5 375.45
-67.5 2. Paige White 2002 NY 110 63.20 105 115 120 57.5 65 70 140 155 -160 345 370.34
-67.5 3. Emma Bloom 2003 NY 115 63.00 100 107.5 115 57.5 67.5 70 117.5 127.5 135 320 344.16
Female - Raw Master
-75 1. Jeanie Gentile 1970 CT 114 73.80 72.5 75 -80 35 -40 -40 97.5 102.5 -107.5 212.5 208.75
-82.5 1. Melissa Gambardella 1982 Team GPT CT 413 80.45 92.5 100 105 50 55 -57.5 132.5 140 -145 300 281.89
-82.5 2. Marilyn Waters 1964 CT 113 81.10 75 85 92.5 42.5 50 -52.5 125 -130 -130 267.5 250.35
Female - Raw Open
-75 1. Lydia Murphy 1997 CT 417 69.00 122.5 127.5 132.5 62.5 70 75 135 142.5 147.5 355 361.92
-75 2. Rebecca Edwards 1994 CT 111 71.40 110 115 120 75 -80 -80 132.5 140 -145 335 335.06
-90 1. Eleni Medici 1996 CT 123 86.45 155 165 -172.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 170 180 -190 437.5 397.19
-90 - Haili Menard 1988 CT 215 88.70 -130 -135 137.5 -75 -75 -75 155 165 167.5 0 0.00
-100 - Alexa Lanteri 2000 CT 220 96.90 -137.5 -137.5 -137.5 65 -70 -70 147.5 157.5 -170 0 0.00
100+ 1. Kierstyn Kofsuske 1995 CT 223 121.30 125 137.5 145 95 100 105 160 -170 170 420 335.99
100+ 2. Marissa Corry 1987 CT 218 103.40 -95 97.5 100 67.5 70 -75 125 135 -145 305 256.98
100+ 3. Emily Moore 1991 Team GPT CT 415 130.95 65 70 75 50 55 57.5 112.5 120 125 257.5 202.17
-67.5 1. Tah’Swanna Davis 1988 NY 118 67.00 135 142.5 -150 65 70 72.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 397.5 412.15 X
-67.5 2. Shainee Baldwin 1991 RI 120 62.80 135 142.5 -147.5 75 77.5 -80 147.5 155 -157.5 375 404.10 X
-67.5 3. Paige Lafleur 1991 CT 119 67.40 95 100 102.5 52.5 55 -57.5 102.5 110 115 272.5 281.57
-82.5 1. Destiny tapia 1999 CT 117 79.10 82.5 92.5 102.5 50 55 -60 97.5 105 110 267.5 253.48
Female - Raw Teen
-56 1. Kendal Schifone 2009 NH 112 55.20 60 -67.5 67.5 42.5 -47.5 47.5 92.5 102.5 110 225 263.31
Female - Raw with Wraps Open
-82.5 1. Madeline Alcantara 1987 CT 124 79.00 132.5 142.5 -150 55 60 65 165 175 -180 382.5 362.69
Male - Raw Junior
-56 1. Emanuel Rojas 2003 NY 211 55.20 95 105 110 47.5 52.5 -57.5 -105 115 125 287.5 260.63
-75 1. Jake Paucar 2004 NY 217 73.90 170 182.5 -195 95 105 107.5 200 220 232.5 522.5 378.44
-75 2. Eziah Velazquez 2004 CT 221 73.70 157.5 170 180 95 105 -112.5 190 205 -220 490 355.53
-75 3. Billy Manco 2002 MA 213 73.50 167.5 175 182.5 117.5 125 -127.5 180 -192.5 -192.5 487.5 354.34
-90 1. Eric Bodeker 2001 NY 519 87.50 190 197.5 207.5 145 152.5 -162.5 242.5 247.5 257.5 617.5 405.09 X
-90 2. Daylin Hunn 2003 CT 512 87.35 190 212.5 -230 115 125 -132.5 210 232.5 -250 570 374.27
-90 3. Hunter Young 2003 Triumph Strength and Performance MA 619 89.30 175 185 192.5 102.5 107.5 110 217.5 232.5 -242.5 535 347.30
-90 4. Jacob Fisher 2002 NY 313 89.35 175 187.5 197.5 100 105 107.5 185 197.5 200 505 327.73
-90 5. Logan Smith 2001 CT 513 85.45 62.5 77.5 115 62.5 85 -92.5 62.5 95 105 305 202.63
-100 1. Thomas Stoto 2003 CT 616 98.40 210 222.5 230 130 140 145 222.5 235 -245 610 378.13
-100 2. Luis Camino 2002 NY 614 95.20 185 200 205 135 140 -145 205 227.5 -237.5 572.5 360.25
-100 3. Christopher Mucci 2002 MA 320 93.35 175 185 192.5 110 115 -117.5 225 235 -240 542.5 344.55
-110 1. Joseph Orlando 2002 CT 314 108.40 240 252.5 260 145 155 162.5 240 260 275 697.5 415.42
-82.5 1. Troy McDonald 2002 Flexx Training Systems NY 318 80.35 197.5 207.5 212.5 112.5 120 -122.5 230 245 -252.5 577.5 397.19
-82.5 2. Wesley Zhang 2004 NY 510 81.35 185 -195 -205 80 100 105 195 207.5 220 510 348.25
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Eric Nardone 1997 CT 216 73.15 220 -237.5 242.5 155 165 -172.5 265 280 -290 687.5 501.28 X
-75 2. Rajiv Mallipudi 1986 CT 222 72.00 167.5 177.5 185 117.5 122.5 -127.5 195 205 215 522.5 385.01
-75 3. Aldi Ajce 1998 CT 212 74.45 160 -170 170 100 105 -110 185 192.5 -200 467.5 336.98
-90 1. Tyler Moore 2000 CT 315 89.50 -220 225 -237.5 152.5 157.5 160 280 300 -310 685 444.17 X
-90 2. Eric Bodeker 2001 NY 519 87.50 190 197.5 207.5 145 152.5 -162.5 242.5 247.5 257.5 617.5 405.09 X
-90 3. CJ Francois 2002 CT 511 87.65 180 192.5 205 105 115 125 232.5 250 255 585 383.43
-90 4. Alvin Tobar 1996 CT 311 90.00 200 210 -220 135 145 147.5 202.5 220 -227.5 577.5 373.41
-90 5. Daylin Hunn 2003 CT 512 87.35 190 212.5 -230 115 125 -132.5 210 232.5 -250 570 374.27
-90 6. Salvatore Bozzuto 1997 Team Hogan CT 310 88.65 162.5 172.5 180 122.5 132.5 -137.5 185 197.5 202.5 515 335.57
-90 7. Jacob Fisher 2002 NY 313 89.35 175 187.5 197.5 100 105 107.5 185 197.5 200 505 327.73
-90 8. Bruce Milardo 1963 CT 617 87.95 165 180 185 120 -125 125 177.5 190 -197.5 500 327.13
-100 1. Michael alvino 1987 NY 620 98.45 225 240 250 155 165 172.5 235 -255 255 677.5 419.87
-100 2. Floyd McDonald 1997 Flexx Training Systems CT 317 97.90 230 242.5 255 -132.5 137.5 145 230 242.5 255 655 406.94
-100 3. Anthony Stephans 1991 CT 624 98.10 185 200 215 125 132.5 137.5 200 215 227.5 580 360.02
-100 4. Stacy "Ace" Kosecki 1990 CT 514 91.75 192.5 195 200 125 130 135 160 -165 -165 495 317.02
-100 5. Joseph Suski 1998 CT 610 91.95 227.5 242.5 -247.5 137.5 142.5 -147.5 70 -75 -75 455 291.09 X
-100 6. Conn Nguyen 1995 Team GPT CT 518 92.40 152.5 160 167.5 67.5 72.5 75 157.5 165 -172.5 407.5 260.08
-100 7. Christopher Roberts 1988 CT 517 93.75 105 115 122.5 -82.5 82.5 90 155 167.5 180 392.5 248.77
-100 8. Andrew Skempris 2000 CT 520 92.80 115 122.5 132.5 60 67.5 -70 145 152.5 160 360 229.29
-110 1. Harris Mandell 1998 CT 623 106.45 165 185 195 -92.5 102.5 105 185 195 210 510 305.90
-125 1. Jasyah Allen 1999 CT 316 117.75 -275 275 325 170 190 -210 270 295 -330 810 468.17 X
-125 2. Ciaran Crawley 1996 Grinder Training System MA 621 118.75 205 212.5 -220 105 115 122.5 200 210 220 555 319.86
-125 3. Frank Batista Ortiz Jr 1998 CT 319 117.35 185 200 210 120 127.5 -135 180 195 -205 532.5 308.14
-140 1. Sean Harvey 1989 CT 618 133.65 235 247.5 -262.5 152.5 165 -172.5 237.5 -262.5 -267.5 650 360.98
-82.5 1. Jonathan Gerardi 2005 CT 414 81.75 190 -210 -210 120 130 132.5 210 225 -232.5 547.5 372.81 X
-82.5 2. Kyle Wilkitis 2003 CT 411 80.45 185 192.5 200 122.5 130 -132.5 175 187.5 190 520 357.38
-82.5 3. Brandon Steiner 1999 CT 418 80.95 142.5 165 167.5 -102.5 102.5 112.5 165 180 187.5 467.5 320.14
Male - Raw Teen 1
-75 - Andrew Foertsch 2009 CT 420 73.50 -147.5 150 162.5 -87.5 -95 -95 190 205 212.5 0 0.00
-100 1. Simon Steiger 2008 CT 412 90.75 192.5 197.5 202.5 97.5 102.5 -105 170 175 177.5 482.5 310.69
-125 1. Henry Goldman 2008 CT 611 111.95 145 155 165 105 110 117.5 192.5 200 210 492.5 289.79
Male - Raw Teen 2
-100 1. Aury Feliz 2007 CT 416 91.35 -175 187.5 -200 102.5 110 117.5 180 -195 200 505 324.12
Male - Raw Teen
-52 1. Lyrik Andrejko 2009 CT 214 47.55 77.5 85 -87.5 52.5 -57.5 57.5 117.5 -130 -130 260 272.09
-75 1. Caleb Goldman 2004 MA 219 74.60 175 185 -190 150 157.5 -162.5 185 192.5 200 542.5 390.54
-90 1. Nicholas Jandrucko 2007 CT 410 89.40 135 147.5 -160 122.5 -137.5 -137.5 -200 212.5 -230 482.5 313.04
-90 2. Tae-son Mun 2007 MA 419 86.75 180 -190 -190 110 120 -125 145 162.5 165 465 306.44
-100 1. Samuel Kennel 2006 CT 615 97.35 225 232.5 245 125 132.5 -142.5 265 282.5 -292.5 660 411.09
-110 1. Johan Flores 2004 NY 622 107.45 205 220 230 125 132.5 -137.5 195 210 225 587.5 351.10
140+ 1. Michael Tighe 2008 CT 515 176.75 207.5 217.5 -227.5 122.5 130 -137.5 235 -242.5 242.5 590 303.99
-82.5 1. Jonathan Gerardi 2005 CT 414 81.75 190 -210 -210 120 130 132.5 210 225 -232.5 547.5 372.81 X
-82.5 2. Kyle Stolting 2005 Team GPT CT 210 80.95 165 175 182.5 80 87.5 92.5 170 185 200 475 325.28


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Connecticut State Raw Records R-JR -52 Total push-pull Lyrik Andrejko 175 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-JR -52 Bench press single lift Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-JR -52 Total Lyrik Andrejko 260 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-JR -52 Deadlift Lyrik Andrejko 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-JR -52 Bench press Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Total Bruce Milardo 500 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Squat Bruce Milardo 185 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Total push-pull Bruce Milardo 315 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Bench press single lift Bruce Milardo 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Total Bruce Milardo 500 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Deadlift Bruce Milardo 190 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Bench press Bruce Milardo 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Squat Bruce Milardo 185 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Total push-pull Bruce Milardo 315 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Bench press single lift Bruce Milardo 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Total Bruce Milardo 500 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Deadlift Bruce Milardo 190 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Bench press Bruce Milardo 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Squat Bruce Milardo 185 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Total push-pull Bruce Milardo 315 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Bench press single lift Bruce Milardo 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Total Bruce Milardo 500 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Deadlift Bruce Milardo 190 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Bench press Bruce Milardo 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Squat Bruce Milardo 185 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -52 Total push-pull Lyrik Andrejko 175 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -52 Bench press single lift Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -52 Total Lyrik Andrejko 260 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -52 Deadlift Lyrik Andrejko 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -52 Bench press Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -75 Bench press single lift Eric Nardone 165 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -75 Bench press Eric Nardone 165 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-O -125 Squat Jasyah Allen 325 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Total push-pull Lyrik Andrejko 175 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Bench press single lift Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Total Lyrik Andrejko 260 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Deadlift Lyrik Andrejko 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Bench press Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -125 Total push-pull Henry Goldman 327.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -125 Bench press single lift Henry Goldman 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -125 Total Henry Goldman 492.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -125 Deadlift Henry Goldman 210 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -125 Bench press Henry Goldman 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T1 -125 Squat Henry Goldman 165 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total push-pull Lyrik Andrejko 175 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press single lift Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total Lyrik Andrejko 260 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Deadlift Lyrik Andrejko 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total push-pull Samuel Kennel 415 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total Samuel Kennel 660 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Deadlift Samuel Kennel 282.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Squat Samuel Kennel 245 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 140+ Total push-pull Michael Tighe 372.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 140+ Bench press single lift Michael Tighe 130 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 140+ Total Michael Tighe 590 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 140+ Deadlift Michael Tighe 242.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 140+ Bench press Michael Tighe 130 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T2 140+ Squat Michael Tighe 217.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total push-pull Lyrik Andrejko 175 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press single lift Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total Lyrik Andrejko 260 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift Lyrik Andrejko 117.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press Lyrik Andrejko 57.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-T3 -75 Bench press single lift Caleb Goldman 157.5 kg
Massachusetts Raw State Records R-T3 -75 Bench press Caleb Goldman 157.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Deadlift Samuel Kennel 282.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 140+ Bench press single lift Michael Tighe 130 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-T3 140+ Bench press Michael Tighe 130 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Total push-pull Marilyn Waters 175 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Bench press single lift Marilyn Waters 50 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Total Marilyn Waters 267.5 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Deadlift Marilyn Waters 125 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Bench press Marilyn Waters 50 kg
Connecticut State Raw Records R-M3A -82.5 Squat Marilyn Waters 92.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Total push-pull Kendal Schifone 157.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Bench press single lift Kendal Schifone 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Total Kendal Schifone 225 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Deadlift Kendal Schifone 110 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Bench press Kendal Schifone 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Squat Kendal Schifone 67.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Total push-pull Kendal Schifone 157.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Bench press single lift Kendal Schifone 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Total Kendal Schifone 225 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Deadlift Kendal Schifone 110 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Bench press Kendal Schifone 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Squat Kendal Schifone 67.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Total push-pull Kendal Schifone 157.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Bench press single lift Kendal Schifone 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Total Kendal Schifone 225 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift Kendal Schifone 110 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Bench press Kendal Schifone 47.5 kg
New Hampshire State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Squat Kendal Schifone 67.5 kg