Lifting Database


Sim Strength



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
11/30/2024 MVMT Spring Showdown Veronica Azer 2. R-O -75 73.6 142.5 147.5 155 65 67.5 70 155 165 -170 390 383.68
10/26/2024 Australian Open & Masters Nationals Daniel Xia 4. R-O -75 67.7 175 187.5 195 120 125 127.5 220 250 -262.5 572.5 440.31
10/26/2024 Australian Open & Masters Nationals Angela Dong 4. R-O -56 55 107.5 -115 115 62.5 -67.5 67.5 135 145 150 332.5 390.25
10/26/2024 Australian Open & Masters Nationals Timothy Wang 2. R-O -100 98.5 240 265 -267.5 172.5 180 182.5 240 260 270 717.5 444.56
10/26/2024 Australian Open & Masters Nationals William Nguyen 3. R-O -67.5 65.4 187.5 197.5 202.5 107.5 112.5 115 215 227.5 237.5 555 437.83
10/26/2024 Australian Open & Masters Nationals Veronica Azer 7. R-O -75 73.4 140 150 155 62.5 65 67.5 160 -170 -170 382.5 376.86
10/26/2024 Australian Open & Masters Nationals Gary Cheung 1. R-O -67.5 67.4 200 212.5 220 112.5 117.5 120 210 225 232.5 572.5 441.73
09/21/2024 Australian Junior Nationals Demetrius Metaxas 2. R-JR -90 89.8 -252.5 261 -270 165 172.5 -175 240 -260 -262.5 673.5 435.97
07/06/2024 Elemental Strength Winter Showdown Demetrius Metaxas 1. R-JR -90 89.7 255 265 270 165 170 -172.5 240 -255 260 700 453.38
06/29/2024 Avia Performance Winter Open III Rodney Pham . R-O -82.5 81.8 230 237.5 245 137.5 142.5 147.5 225 235 245 637.5 433.94
06/29/2024 Avia Performance Winter Open III Michelle Le . R-O -56 55 125 130 -132.5 70 72.5 -75 125 -130 130 332.5 390.06
03/09/2024 TSF Team Champs at the Fort Timothy Wang 2. R-O -100 97.9 252.5 270 280 170 177.5 180 260 285 300 760 472.29
03/09/2024 TSF Team Champs at the Fort Demetrius Metaxas 2. R-O -90 89.1 255 272.5 -275 160 165 -167.5 242.5 -262.5 -262.5 680 442.06
03/09/2024 TSF Team Champs at the Fort Gary Cheung 3. R-O -67.5 66.7 202.5 -210 210 112.5 -117.5 120 210 -222.5 -222.5 540 420.06
03/09/2024 TSF Team Champs at the Fort Thuy Vy Pham 1. R-O -56 55.8 137.5 142.5 -145 77.5 82.5 -85 152.5 160 -165 385 447.32
11/18/2023 Strength Culture Cup #3 Scarlett Anderson 1. R-O -67.5 65.1 120 125 130 80 85 -90 132.5 140 145 360 379.80
09/23/2023 Australian Junior Open and Master Nationals Michelle Le 2. R-JR -56 53 117.5 122.5 -125 57.5 60 -62.5 110 115 -117.5 297.5 357.70
09/23/2023 Australian Junior Open and Master Nationals Toai Trinh 2. R-O -67.5 67.5 192.5 202.5 207.5 140 145.5 150.5 232.5 246 -252.5 604 465.53
09/23/2023 Australian Junior Open and Master Nationals Megan Tsai 2. R-JR -60 59.7 117.5 125 130 -90 90 -95 150 -160 -162.5 370 411.38
09/23/2023 Australian Junior Open and Master Nationals Timothy Wang 3. R-O -100 96.6 225 250 267.5 170 180 -185 250 280 -300 727.5 454.72
08/06/2023 Apex Strong Open I Gary Cheung 2. R-O -75 74.3 205 212.5 220 115 120 125 210 220 225 570 411.58
08/06/2023 Apex Strong Open I David Le Nguyen 4. R-O -75 73.8 157.5 167.5 180 -115 115 -120 200 215 -222.5 510 369.71
08/06/2023 Apex Strong Open I Daniel Xia 1. R-O -75 74.9 192.5 205 212.5 125 130 -132.5 230 262.5 282.5 625 448.77
07/23/2023 Elemental Strength Society Showdown Thifa Samaritaan 2. R-JR -67.5 66.5 125 132.5 -137.5 62.5 65 67.5 140 150 160 360 374.90
07/23/2023 Elemental Strength Society Showdown Justina Ren 1. R-O -67.5 64.8 115 120 125 57.5 60 62.5 142.5 150 157.5 345 364.81
07/23/2023 Elemental Strength Society Showdown Peter Mai 1. R-O -110 106.8 210 225 232.5 135 140 145 210 227.5 242.5 620 371.40
07/02/2023 Synergy Strength Open Thaddeus Owl 1. R-JR -90 89 205 212.5 -215 132.5 137.5 142.5 205 217.5 230 585 380.41
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Toai Trinh 1. R-O -67.5 67.5 192.5 200 205 142.5 147.5 150 220 232.5 -245 587.5 452.81
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Ellescia Phung 1. R-O -56 55.6 110 115 120 80 -85 -85 150 157.5 -160 357.5 416.46
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Daniel Xia 2. R-O -82.5 75.5 205 212.5 217.5 130 135 137.5 -240 -265 265 620 443.11
03/12/2023 Team Champs at the Fort Timothy Wang 2. R-O -100 95.5 235 252.5 265 165 172.5 180 270 295 -307.5 740 464.97
02/12/2023 Elemental Strength Society Open I Megan Tsai 1. R-JR -60 59.3 117.5 122.5 127.5 82.5 87.5 90 160 165 -170 382.5 427.18
02/12/2023 Elemental Strength Society Open I Michael Quito 2. R-JR -82.5 81.8 157.5 165 170 100 102.5 -105 210 220 225 497.5 338.76
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Gieun Hong 6. R-O -67.5 67 137.5 -145 145 65 67.5 70 142.5 152.5 -160 367.5 381.04
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Aidan Greenhalgh 2. R-T2 -82.5 79.2 165 172.5 180 110 115 120 215 230 -245 530 367.65
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Ellescia Phung 1. R-O -56 54.6 110 115 -117.5 75 78 80.5 150.5 157.5 -160.5 353 416.15
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Timothy Wang 1. R-JR -100 94.6 227.5 237.5 247.5 167.5 172.5 175 255 272.5 285 707.5 446.63
12/03/2022 Australia Nationals & International Open Toai Trinh 1. R-JR -67.5 67.4 185 195 200 135.5 -143 143 210 230.5 243 586 452.14