Lifting Database


CBA Colts Powerlifting



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Anthony Candella 62. R-V -67.5 66.6 100 107.5 -112.5 75 -80 -80 132.5 140 -145 322.5 251.01
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Gavin Neville 35. R-V -90 87.4 195 205 -210 95 102.5 -107.5 215 -232.5 -235 522.5 343.08
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Cole Dougherty 8. R-JV -67.5 65.5 145 152.5 157.5 87.5 -92.5 -92.5 165 172.5 -177.5 417.5 328.87
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Gaetano Blasucci 12. R-JV -75 74.2 107.5 115 122.5 65 70 -75 135 145 152.5 345 249.33
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Brandon Clayton 63. R-V -67.5 62.2 100 110 -115 47.5 52.5 -55 155 -162.5 -162.5 317.5 260.32
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Matthew Dapra 5. R-V -90 89 225 240 255 122.5 132.5 -140 220 235 250 637.5 414.55
04/04/2024 High School Nationals Thomas Zawisza 18. R-JV -82.5 80.2 117.5 127.5 -130 82.5 90 95 140 150 -155 372.5 256.48
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Gavin Neville 4. R-V -90 87.7 172.5 182.5 192.5 95 100 -105 190 200 215 507.5 332.53
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Joseph Gangi 0. R-JV -82.5 75.2 -125 -125 -125 62.5 -65 65 142.5 152.5 160 0 0.00
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Cole Dougherty 1. R-JV -67.5 64 132.5 137.5 -142.5 87.5 -90 90 167.5 170 -172.5 397.5 318.76
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Vincent Price 4. R-JV -67.5 64.7 80 85 90 60 65 67.5 107.5 110 115 272.5 216.72
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Christopher Lazewski 8. R-V -75 74.4 135 140 -142.5 -80 -80 80 135 142.5 -180 362.5 261.41
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Gaetano Blasucci 3. R-JV -75 74.3 97.5 -102.5 105 55 60 65 132.5 140 147.5 317.5 229.16
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Brandon Clayton 7. R-V -67.5 60.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 52.5 -55 -55 142.5 -155 155 310 259.88
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Fionn Moroney 5. R-JV -67.5 62.7 -85 -85 85 -50 -50 50 -112.5 112.5 130 265 215.91
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Connor Caamano 9. R-V -75 70.3 82.5 87.5 -97.5 72.5 75 77.5 117.5 127.5 142.5 307.5 230.30
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Matthew Dapra 1. R-V -90 87.6 215 230 240 120 132.5 -137.5 205 225 242.5 615 403.21
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Ronan Ogrady 6. R-JV -67.5 64.9 60 70 -77.5 57.5 62.5 -67.5 105 -115 -115 237.5 188.44
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Samuel Santos 3. R-V -100 91.8 172.5 180 190 -115 115 120 -185 192.5 210 520 332.94
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Aiden Hood 4. R-V -67.5 65.9 -110 115 120 65 70 75 150 155 160 355 278.47
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Hudson Muhlbach 2. R-JV -67.5 64.6 97.5 102.5 107.5 65 70 72.5 125 130 137.5 317.5 252.80
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Thomas Zawisza 1. R-JV -82.5 79.8 107.5 -117.5 -125 -82.5 82.5 87.5 132.5 140 -145 335 231.34
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Braeden Carroll 0. R-V -67.5 66 97.5 -100 -100 -65 -65 -65 117.5 127.5 -132.5 0 0.00
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Lucas Vydra-Paulovic 0. R-JV -67.5 63.2 105 -112.5 -115 -55 -57.5 -57.5 135 140 145 0 0.00
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Marcus Blasucci 4. R-V -100 96.5 182.5 -195 -195 115 122.5 -130 -175 182.5 192.5 497.5 311.11
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Anthony Candella 6. R-V -67.5 67 -102.5 -102.5 102.5 72.5 77.5 -80 120 130 135 315 244.10
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Kieran Feeney 3. R-JV -67.5 64.8 -100 115 117.5 55 57.5 62.5 120 125 -137.5 305 242.28
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Nate Ryan 2. R-V -90 86.2 165 175 -185 107.5 115 122.5 210 220 227.5 525 347.15
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Peter Vesque 6. R-V -75 73.7 117.5 122.5 125 82.5 87.5 90 145 155 162.5 377.5 273.90
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Ben Breeden 2. R-JV -75 71.9 157.5 -165 165 87.5 92.5 97.5 172.5 185 190 452.5 333.74
01/14/2024 NJ High School and Youth Championship Logan Javier 6. R-V -100 99.9 172.5 180 -187.5 70 75 80 137.5 147.5 160 420 258.63