Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
04/11/2024 Collegiate Nationals Dalton Carson 23. C -82.5 81.4 200 215 -225 107.5 112.5 117.5 215 235 250 582.5 397.56
04/11/2024 Collegiate Nationals Ethan Nguyen 49. R-C -75 73.8 -190 -190 190 145 152.5 160 205 217.5 230 580 420.57
04/11/2024 Collegiate Nationals Kyle Squires 53. R-C -82.5 81.4 -235 235 -240 120 -130 -130 250 257.5 -267.5 612.5 418.04
04/11/2024 Collegiate Nationals Joshua Miao 41. R-C -67.5 66.5 162.5 -172.5 -172.5 127.5 -137.5 -137.5 205 -210 210 500 389.42
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Chris Maynard 2. R-O -100 98.6 217.5 225 237.5 160 -165 -165 237.5 247.5 645 399.55
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Dominique Borts 2. R-PF -110 108.1 227.5 242.5 252.5 135 142.5 -150 272.5 -300 -302.5 667.5 397.97
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Daniel Turner 1. R-O -125 119.4 250 -275 250 143.84
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Daniel Turner 4. R-O -125 119.4 205 220 225 132.5 140 -145 250 -275 615 353.84
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Antoinette Smith 1. R-M2 -56 54.8 115 125 130 62.5 65 67.5 120 130 135 332.5 391.26
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 1. M2 -100 96.2 250 275 282.5 282.5 176.91
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 0. M -100 96.2 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 425 266.15
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 0. M -100 96.2 250 275 282.5 282.5 176.91
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Terry West 1. R-M3 -90 87.3 120 127.5 -132.5 87.5 97.5 -102.5 147.5 160 170 395 259.52
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 1. M2 -100 96.2 192.5 -215 215 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 640 400.79
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Terry West 1. R-PF -90 87.3 120 127.5 -132.5 87.5 97.5 -102.5 147.5 160 170 395 259.52
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 1. M2 -100 96.2 125 142.5 -150 142.5 89.24
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 0. M -100 96.2 192.5 -215 215 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 640 400.79
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 0. M -100 96.2 125 142.5 -150 142.5 89.24
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship Troy Saunders 1. M2 -100 96.2 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 425 266.15
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Brandon Kim 4. R-PF -75 73.6 170 182.5 185 110 115 117.5 207.5 217.5 -227.5 520 377.63
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Justin Jimenez 3. R-PF -75 74 190 200 207.5 107.5 112.5 115 215 227.5 237.5 560 405.25
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Mignon Van Niekerk 4. R-PF -75 71.2 117.5 125 130 72.5 -77.5 -77.5 160 167.5 172.5 375 375.65
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Adrianna Horton 2. R-JR -75 68.5 75 -77.5 77.5 47.5 52.5 -55 100 105 110 240 245.69
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Tyler Dunn 1. R-O -60 59.3 160 167.5 177.5 110 117.5 122.5 200 215 225 525 447.44
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Jeremiah Salyers 0. R-O -75 74.3 -205 -205 -205 125 130 -137.5 190 205 215 0 0.00
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Kassie Rodriguez 1. R-O -60 59.3 100 -107.5 -110 57.5 -60 -60 130 137.5 -142.5 295 329.46
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Michael Gordiano 1. R-O -56 55.2 152.5 162.5 170 122.5 -130 130 165 177.5 185 485 439.68
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Tyler Dunn 1. R-PF -60 59.3 160 167.5 177.5 110 117.5 122.5 200 215 225 525 447.44
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Tiffany Hall 5. R-O -67.5 66.5 100 107.5 115 65 72.5 -75 105 112.5 122.5 310 322.83
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Adrianna Horton 5. R-PF -75 68.5 75 -77.5 77.5 47.5 52.5 -55 100 105 110 240 245.69
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Jeremiah Salyers 0. R-PF -75 74.3 -205 -205 -205 125 130 -137.5 190 205 215 0 0.00
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Kassie Rodriguez 1. R-PF -60 59.3 100 -107.5 -110 57.5 -60 -60 130 137.5 -142.5 295 329.46
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Michael Gordiano 1. R-PF -56 55.2 152.5 162.5 170 122.5 -130 130 165 177.5 185 485 439.68
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Brandon Kim 2. R-JR -75 73.6 170 182.5 185 110 115 117.5 207.5 217.5 -227.5 520 377.63
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Daniel Turner 2. R-O -125 118.2 137.5 142.5 145 245 265 -282.5 410 236.67
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Justin Jimenez 1. R-JR -75 74 190 200 207.5 107.5 112.5 115 215 227.5 237.5 560 405.25
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Tiffany Hall 6. R-PF -67.5 66.5 100 107.5 115 65 72.5 -75 105 112.5 122.5 310 322.83
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Ken Bernard 1. R-M1 -90 86 140 152.5 -165 95 100 -107.5 180 187.5 212.5 465 307.86
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Abel Castaneda 5. R-O -100 98.4 190 200 207.5 155 162.5 -165 235 250 257.5 627.5 388.97
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Trevor Brill 1. R-JR -90 86.6 202.5 215 -227.5 115 122.5 130 215 230 242.5 587.5 387.52
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Brandon Kim 4. R-O -75 73.6 170 182.5 185 110 115 117.5 207.5 217.5 -227.5 520 377.63
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Justin Jimenez 3. R-O -75 74 190 200 207.5 107.5 112.5 115 215 227.5 237.5 560 405.25
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Tyler Dunn 1. R-JR -60 59.3 160 167.5 177.5 110 117.5 122.5 200 215 225 525 447.44
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Ken Bernard 9. R-PF -90 86 140 152.5 -165 95 100 -107.5 180 187.5 212.5 465 307.86
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Abel Castaneda 6. R-PF -100 98.4 190 200 207.5 155 162.5 -165 235 250 257.5 627.5 388.97
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Mignon Van Niekerk 1. R-JR -75 71.2 117.5 125 130 72.5 -77.5 -77.5 160 167.5 172.5 375 375.65
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Trevor Brill 6. R-PF -90 86.6 202.5 215 -227.5 115 122.5 130 215 230 242.5 587.5 387.52
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Cyler Anderson 2. R-PF -100 97.1 255 272.5 282.5 155 165 -170 252.5 265 272.5 720 448.98
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Daniel Turner 0. R-PF -125 118.2 137.5 142.5 145 245 265 -282.5 410 236.67
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Enrique Infante 1. R-M1 -140 129.7 245 267.5 277.5 165 170 -182.5 245 260 707.5 396.43
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Derek Manaligod 1. R-JR -140 138.8 212.5 227.5 235 132.5 140 145 242.5 -257.5 265 645 354.33
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Michael Battaglino 4. R-O -110 104 200 215 227.5 130 132.5 135 235 255 -265 617.5 373.86
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Enrique Infante 1. R-PF -140 129.7 245 267.5 277.5 165 170 -182.5 245 260 707.5 396.43
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Derek Manaligod 3. R-PF -140 138.8 212.5 227.5 235 132.5 140 145 242.5 -257.5 265 645 354.33
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Michael Battaglino 4. R-PF -110 104 200 215 227.5 130 132.5 135 235 255 -265 617.5 373.86
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Keith Green 1. R-O -125 121 242.5 260 272.5 152.5 160 167.5 250 270 290 730 418.09
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Gordon Bash 1. R-O -90 87.6 230 245 252.5 160 167.5 175 260 275 -285 702.5 460.58
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Cyler Anderson 2. R-O -100 97.1 255 272.5 282.5 155 165 -170 252.5 265 272.5 720 448.98
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Keith Green 1. R-PF -125 121 242.5 260 272.5 152.5 160 167.5 250 270 290 730 418.09
03/11/2023 Military/Police/Fire Fighters National Championships Gordon Bash 1. R-PF -90 87.6 230 245 252.5 160 167.5 175 260 275 -285 702.5 460.58
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Samuel Trawick 1. R-MO -120 117.4 177.5 187.5 197.5 140 147.5 -155 227.5 240 250 595 474.05
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Anthony Perkins 1. R-M1 -83 80.5 185 197.5 -210 140 150 -157.5 205 225 237.5 585 591.80
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Anthony Perkins 2. R-O -83 80.5 185 197.5 -210 140 150 -157.5 205 225 237.5 585 591.80
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Anthony Perkins 2. R-MO -83 80.5 185 197.5 -210 140 150 -157.5 205 225 237.5 585 591.80
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Dalton McIntire 1. R-O -93 90.9 265 280 -290 170 177.5 -182.5 265 -282.5 -290 722.5 692.72
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Rickey Thrasher 1. R-M3 -105 102.7 140 150 155 155 548.07
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Samuel Trawick 1. R-M2 -120 117.4 177.5 187.5 197.5 140 147.5 -155 227.5 240 250 595 474.05
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Dalton McIntire 1. R-MO -93 90.9 265 280 -290 170 177.5 -182.5 265 -282.5 -290 722.5 692.72
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Rickey Thrasher 2. R-MO -105 102.7 140 150 155 155 548.07
03/21/2020 Military-Police-Firefighter National Championships Samuel Trawick 1. R-M2 -120 117.4 140 147.5 -155 227.5 240 250 397.5 288.61
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Mark Valdez 4. R-O -83 80.3 160 -170 -172.5 95 -100 100 195 205 217.5 477.5 325.23
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Ricky Rodriguez 3. R-O -83 82.1 210 220 227.5 127.5 137.5 140 252.5 265 270 637.5 428.34
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Alea Demarzo 1. R-T3 -84 72.7 127.5 135 145 80 90 -95 140 160 -177.5 395 383.07
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Daniel Grogul 1. R-M2 -105 103.7 135 -140 -140 170 180 -192.5 315 189.06
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Samuel Trawick 1. R-O 120+ 129.1 227.5 240 -250 150 157.5 -160 227.5 240 250 647.5 366.68
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Mark Valdez 1. R-M1 -83 80.3 160 -170 -172.5 95 -100 100 195 205 217.5 477.5 325.23
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Lauren Quinones 1. R-O -57 56.1 130 137.5 140 65 70 -72.5 145 152.5 157.5 367.5 431.81
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Nicholas Esposito 1. R-O -83 80.7 232.5 242.5 250 155 162.5 170 257.5 270 280 700 475.30
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Cyler Anderson 1. R-O -93 91.2 245 -257.5 -257.5 147.5 152.5 260 -275 -282.5 657.5 416.99
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships David Petrie 1. R-JR -74 73.8 125 137.5 152.5 110 117.5 -125 147.5 162.5 180 450 324.32
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Samuel Trawick 1. R-M2 120+ 129.1 227.5 240 -250 150 157.5 -160 227.5 240 250 647.5 366.68
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Danielle Todman 1. R-O -72 71.2 -120 120 135 -80 87.5 -90 170 182.5 190 412.5 405.65
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Nicholas Tankersley 2. R-O -66 65.8 147.5 155 160 90 -100 -100 190 202.5 205 455 358.18
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Cyler Anderson 1. R-JR -93 91.2 245 -257.5 -257.5 147.5 152.5 260 -275 -282.5 657.5 416.99
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Johnathon Luna 1. R-O -66 65.8 167.5 177.5 182.5 110 122.5 -127.5 172.5 182.5 190 495 389.66
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Matthew Sowards 1. R-O -74 73.5 185 195 200 150 -160 -160 230 242.5 -250 592.5 428.26
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Joseph Jefferson 2. R-O -74 72.5 147.5 152.5 160 115 125 -127.5 185 205 215 500 365.00
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Jennifer Thacker 2. R-O -72 70.4 127.5 135 137.5 67.5 72.5 -75 155 165 175 385 381.54
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Michael Lloyd 2. R-M2 120+ 124.3 190 197.5 202.5 147.5 150 -157.5 195 200 210 562.5 320.91
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Daniel Grogul 2. R-O -105 103.7 135 -140 -140 170 180 -192.5 315 189.06
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Johnathon Luna 1. R-JR -66 65.8 167.5 177.5 182.5 110 122.5 -127.5 172.5 182.5 190 495 389.66
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Matthew Sowards 1. R-O -74 73.5 150 -160 -160 230 242.5 -250 392.5 283.70
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Joseph Jefferson 1. R-M1 -74 72.5 147.5 152.5 160 115 125 -127.5 185 205 215 500 365.00
03/10/2018 26th Military National Championships Alea Demarzo 1. O -84 72.7 127.5 135 145 80 90 -95 140 160 -177.5 395 383.07
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Corbin Boggs 1. R-C -105 102.4 175 187.5 205 112.5 125 127.5 232.5 255 -272.5 587.5 354.26
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Brian Fossum 8. R-O -93 90.1 140 165 -182.5 -100 -107.5 -107.5 185 210 215 0 0.00
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Austin Sutton 1. R-O -105 100 237.5 252.5 265 152.5 165 -175 270 292.5 310 740 450.36
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Joseph Jefferson 6. R-O -74 71.5 125 137.5 147.5 112.5 -115 -125 165 185 -205 445 328.19
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Corbin Boggs 5. R-O -105 102.4 175 187.5 205 112.5 125 127.5 232.5 255 -272.5 587.5 354.26
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Sean Herbison 1. R-O -120 115.4 217.5 230 245 130 142.5 -147.5 250 275 290 677.5 393.29
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Joseph Jefferson 5. R-O -74 71.5 125 137.5 147.5 112.5 -115 -125 165 185 -205 445 328.19
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Corbin Boggs 1. R-JR -105 102.4 175 187.5 205 112.5 125 127.5 232.5 255 -272.5 587.5 354.26
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Michael Lear 1. R-O -83 82.3 197.5 215 220 -115 127.5 130 260 287.5 -295 637.5 427.70
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Scott Zion 5. R-O -93 91.8 190 200 207.5 130 135 -137.5 205 227.5 -232.5 570 360.30
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals Andrew Steele 1. R-O -74 73.3 165 187.5 192.5 132.5 140 -142.5 205 -220 220 552.5 400.12