Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Madeline Anderson 3. R-V -44 35.3 50 52.5 55 27.5 -30 30 65 70 72.5 157.5 233.86
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Kristen Patterson 18. R-V -75 74.4 95 -102.5 -107.5 55 57.5 -60 125 130 -140 282.5 276.42
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Ashley Wisnefske 4. R-V -56 54 92.5 97.5 102.5 55 -57.5 -57.5 120 127.5 130 287.5 341.38
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Alex Duel 3. R-V -52 51.5 87.5 97.5 102.5 65 72.5 -77.5 125 137.5 140 315 304.44
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Abbigail Zeller 10. R-V -75 71.6 97.5 105 -112.5 60 65 67.5 125 135 -140 307.5 307.06
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Jace Loignon 8. R-V -82.5 81 195 205 215 127.5 135 140 192.5 205 210 565 386.77
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Jacob Bartelt 2. R-V -67.5 66.6 167.5 175 177.5 107.5 110 -112.5 200 -205 205 492.5 383.28
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Cody Duel 6. R-V -56 55.9 110 122.5 130 70 75 77.5 102.5 117.5 127.5 335 300.17
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Francis Zeller 5. R-V -60 59.1 110 115 122.5 75 77.5 -80 150 160 -162.5 360 307.59
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Rory Hemp 16. R-V -75 74.7 165 172.5 177.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 197.5 205 -207.5 485 348.87
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Hannah Stahmann 4. R-V -67.5 65.8 122.5 127.5 130 62.5 65 -67.5 152.5 165 172.5 367.5 384.99
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Drayden Hannan 24. R-V -67.5 67.1 120 127.5 -132.5 82.5 87.5 90 150 160 165 382.5 296.15
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Greta Aberle 6. R-V -60 58.1 115 -125 125 55 60 62.5 -135 145 147.5 335 379.11
03/22/2022 High School Nationals Dominic Duncan 30. R-V -75 74.3 150 157.5 160 -80 80 -87.5 185 -192.5 192.5 432.5 312.13
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Jace Loignon 20. R-V -83 77.1 160 180 -187.5 102.5 112.5 -120 157.5 167.5 -175 460 66.11
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Abbigail Zeller 6. R-V -76 70.1 92.5 -95 -95 50 57.5 -62.5 115 125 137.5 287.5 59.07
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Jacob Bartelt 6. R-V -66 65 160 -172.5 -172.5 102.5 107.5 -110 182.5 192.5 195 462.5 72.69
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Cody Duel 6. R-V -59 57.7 107.5 -120 -120 65 72.5 -77.5 107.5 115 -125 295 49.40
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Gracie Zeller 6. R-V -57 56.1 90 95 100 57.5 62.5 67.5 102.5 115 120 287.5 68.26
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Hannah Stahmann 4. R-V -69 66.1 115 125 -127.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 137.5 155 157.5 345 73.27
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Greta Aberle 7. R-V -57 56.2 97.5 107.5 115 40 -47.5 -47.5 115 132.5 -142.5 287.5 68.16
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Caitlyn Keyes 5. R-V -84 80.3 125 130 132.5 52.5 60 62.5 130 145 -155 340 65.40
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Dominic Duncan 25. R-V -83 78.8 120 132.5 145 -80 82.5 -87.5 170 185 -187.5 412.5 58.63
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Arial Haemmerle 12. R-V 84+ 86.8 87.5 100 -110 45 47.5 -52.5 112.5 130 -137.5 277.5 51.76
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Kristen Patterson 8. R-V -76 73.7 85 95 97.5 47.5 50 52.5 117.5 137.5 -142.5 287.5 57.55
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Ashley Wisnefske 2. R-V -52 51.4 85 90 95 45 50 52.5 120 130 132.5 280 71.44
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship Jace Loignon 13. R-T2 -83 77.1 160 180 -187.5 102.5 112.5 -120 157.5 167.5 -175 460 66.11
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Charles Barone 34. R-HS -66 59.6 90 95 97.5 65 -70 -70 -122.5 135 145 307.5 351.48
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Isabel Cegielski 21. R-HS -57 56.7 80 -90 -90 30 32.5 -35 102.5 117.5 -120 230 410.08
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Jacob Bartelt 1. R-HS -59 55.6 -120 127.5 135 -80 82.5 85 145 155 -160 375 476.71
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Mason Wicinsky 21. R-HS -74 72.9 137.5 147.5 150 82.5 90 -95 172.5 180 185 425 438.76
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Gracie Zeller 9. R-HS -57 55.9 77.5 85 -87.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 102.5 110 115 252.5 456.04
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Sarah Loether 4. R-HS -72 65.5 102.5 112.5 -120 55 60 -65 137.5 150 157.5 330 560.44
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Cody Duel 26. R-HS -59 55.5 87.5 105 107.5 57.5 62.5 -70 105 -122.5 -125 275 327.49
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Hannah Stahmann 7. R-HS -72 64.8 -100 105 110 52.5 60 -62.5 127.5 130 150 320 545.50
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Shelby Pacholke 31. R-HS 84+ 96.7 -85 90 -100 40 -50 -50 107.5 117.5 -130 247.5 363.98
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Greta Aberle 15. R-HS -57 54.2 72.5 77.5 -82.5 32.5 35 37.5 107.5 120 -135 235 428.20
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Caitlyn Keyes 10. R-HS -84 74.7 105 117.5 -122.5 47.5 52.5 -57.5 115 130 -142.5 300 481.04
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Jacob Larsen 30. R-HS -74 72 122.5 130 137.5 75 82.5 -85 165 185 187.5 407.5 421.31
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Rory Hemp 24. R-HS -66 65.1 -135 135 -137.5 75 80 -82.5 157.5 -172.5 -172.5 372.5 410.77
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Carter Gruse 11. R-HS -105 97.5 157.5 175 -182.5 110 117.5 127.5 175 187.5 202.5 505 437.87
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Michael Bidwell 1. R-HS -120 116.3 225 242.5 245 125 130 132.5 290 -307.5 667.5 544.98
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Kristen Patterson 33. R-HS -72 69.5 82.5 -90 90 45 47.5 -50 120 -130 -130 257.5 424.09
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Sydney Krueger 3. R-HS 84+ 93.8 -150 -160 160 60 65 70 157.5 172.5 -182.5 402.5 589.08
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Kiersten Prahl 38. R-HS -72 63.9 92.5 100 -102.5 37.5 40 -42.5 102.5 -120 -120 242.5 412.42
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Ashley Wisnefske 2. R-HS -52 50.9 80 85 -90 42.5 -50 -50 102.5 110 112.5 240 451.34
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Jonathan Boehnlein 3. R-HS -83 81 162.5 180 192.5 102.5 110 115 200 212.5 222.5 530 526.00
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Seth Angell 11. R-HS -120 107.7 207.5 217.5 -227.5 -112.5 112.5 -120 -190 190 195 525 430.40
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Graham Goland 13. R-HS -59 59 110 115 120 57.5 -65 -65 -137.5 137.5 147.5 325 379.86
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Izabella Goland 14. R-HS -52 49.7 75 -80 -82.5 32.5 40 -42.5 82.5 87.5 -97.5 202.5 378.64
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Benjamin Henning 4. R-HS -53 51.3 90 102.5 -110 45 52.5 -57.5 112.5 120 130 285 371.07
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Jevon Wilson 17. R-HS -74 72.2 145 152.5 -155 82.5 87.5 90 185 -205 -205 427.5 445.19
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Abbigail Zeller 14. R-HS -63 62.7 80 -85 -85 52.5 -55 55 117.5 120 -122.5 255 437.80
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Tyson Doucette 5. R-HS -53 51.6 87.5 -102.5 -102.5 62.5 67.5 -70 120 -135 -137.5 275 352.89
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships Matthew Henning 32. R-HS -66 59.4 -90 95 100 50 -60 -60 145 157.5 165 315 363.26
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Colton Gruse 5. R-V -105 95 -205 210 -220 125 137.5 -142.5 210 215 227.5 575 518.93
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Abby Jennerman 6. R-V -57 56.5 92.5 -95 97.5 37.5 45 47.5 102.5 110 120 265 477.65
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Michael Bidwell 4. R-V -120 115.4 227.5 232.5 -235 120 125 127.5 272.5 295 -307.5 655 535.60
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Jonathan Boehnlein 13. R-V -83 77 162.5 170 177.5 97.5 105 107.5 190 197.5 205 490 497.97
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Jacob Bartelt 2. R-V -53 51.6 97.5 105 -112.5 60 65 67.5 125 142.5 145 317.5 420.59
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Nicholas Grewe 4. R-V -83 81.3 200 202.5 215 115 122.5 -132.5 220 230 -250 567.5 567.74
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Andrew Wein 11. R-V -83 81.2 -175 175 187.5 82.5 95 102.5 187.5 192.5 212.5 502.5 493.65
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals Sarah Loether 6. R-V -72 66.6 85 97.5 102.5 52.5 57.5 60 137.5 150 -160 312.5 525.96