Lifting Database


South Georgia Barbell Brawl

Date: 11/06/2021
Sanction #: GA-2021-07
State: Georgia
Meet Director: Justin Little

Results (47 results, 35 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Master 1
-93 1. Robert Cannon 1974 GA 316 90.05 152.5 155 160 160 77.13
Male - Raw Master 2a
-74 1. Troy Long 1969 GA 220 72.25 110 120 122.5 122.5 66.17
Female - Raw Junior
-47 1. Amber Riley 2001 FL 121 46.36 65 82.5 90 45 55 -57.5 115 127.5 132.5 277.5 77.99
-63 1. Marigrace Rodrigues 1998 MA 115 58.12 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 35 40 -42.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 205 47.40
84+ 1. Marisol Littlejohn 1998 GA 116 104.45 127.5 137.5 -142.5 65 70 72.5 145 150 160 370 65.26
Female - Raw Master 1
-63 1. Helena Ruiz 1980 GA 114 62.00 -90 -90 90 60 -65 65 85 90 95 250 55.27
Female - Raw Master 1a
-63 - Helena Ruiz 1980 GA 114 62.00 -90 -90 90 60 -65 65 85 90 95 250 55.27
Female - Raw Master 2
-57 1. Jennette Rerucha 1970 GA 120 56.72 87.5 95 97.5 47.5 52.5 -55 102.5 112.5 115 265 62.39
Female - Raw Master 2a
-57 - Jennette Rerucha 1970 GA 120 56.72 87.5 95 97.5 47.5 52.5 -55 102.5 112.5 115 265 62.39
Female - Raw Open
-47 1. Amber Riley 2001 FL 121 46.36 65 82.5 90 45 55 -57.5 115 127.5 132.5 277.5 77.99
-69 1. Bailey Rowland 1986 GA 113 65.75 92.5 100 102.5 52.5 57.5 -60 110 120 125 285 60.72
-84 1. Holly Ray 1984 GA 119 82.00 95 102.5 107.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 130 137.5 -145 297.5 56.73
84+ 1. Courtney Morgan 1990 GA 118 112.80 137.5 145 152.5 77.5 85 -92.5 145 152.5 157.5 395 68.49
84+ 2. Nicole Trawick 1982 FL 117 100.10 115 122.5 130 65 67.5 70 150 160 162.5 362.5 64.63 X
Female - Raw with Wraps Junior
-76 1. Hannah Frost 1999 GA 111 71.30 102.5 -112.5 -112.5 45 -50 -50 150 160 -167.5 307.5 52.00 X
Male - Raw Junior
-74 1. William Chaltas 1999 TX 213 72.20 155 162.5 -167.5 102.5 105 -110 192.5 202.5 210 477.5 71.01
-83 1. Eric Diano 2001 FL 214 81.50 170 180 -190 -130 130 135 215 230 -240 545 76.14
-105 1. Ricky Estes 1999 GA 311 102.55 240 247.5 257.5 152.5 162.5 -172.5 282.5 297.5 310 730 91.13 X
-120 1. Edward Del Rio 1998 GA 312 111.70 185 195 207.5 145 152.5 160 -205 205 215 582.5 69.90
Male - Raw Master 1
-120 1. Ronald Fox 1977 FL 322 110.15 230 -265 265 100 115 -122.5 230 265 277.5 657.5 79.41
120+ 1. Joshua Marple 1980 GA 314 129.90 212.5 227.5 237.5 177.5 -195 197.5 250 270 -275 705 79.23
Male - Raw Master 1a
-120 1. Ronald Fox 1977 FL 322 110.15 230 -265 265 100 115 -122.5 230 265 277.5 657.5 79.41
120+ 1. Joshua Marple 1980 GA 314 129.90 212.5 227.5 237.5 177.5 -195 197.5 250 270 -275 705 79.23
Male - Raw Master 4
-74 - Ronald Borders 1943 GA 210 73.45 60 70 80 -45 -85 0 0.00
Male - Raw Master 4b
-74 - Ronald Borders 1943 GA 210 73.45 60 70 80 -45 -85 0 0.00
Male - Raw Open
-66 1. Preston George 2002 GA 219 64.65 142.5 165 172.5 102.5 112.5 -115 182.5 -195 -195 467.5 73.68
-74 1. William Chaltas 1999 TX 213 72.20 155 162.5 -167.5 102.5 105 -110 192.5 202.5 210 477.5 71.01
-74 2. Jordy Torres 2003 GA 217 73.25 145 152.5 -167.5 105 -112.5 -112.5 167.5 185 -190 442.5 65.31
-83 1. Francisco Perez 1997 GA 223 82.30 195 205 215 105 112.5 -120 220 232.5 -247.5 560 77.85
-83 2. Jacob Kelly 2002 GA 216 81.85 145 160 170 115 120 -130 220 240 -250 530 73.89
-83 3. Gregory Evans 1996 GA 221 81.60 172.5 177.5 -182.5 -115 120 122.5 197.5 200 205 505 70.51
-93 1. Anthony Sciuva 1990 GA 317 90.35 185 215 227.5 120 127.5 -137.5 200 225 -240 580 76.96
-93 2. Holden Mitchell 1996 AL 324 87.85 180 192.5 205 -112.5 112.5 120 210 225 235 560 75.34
-105 1. Ricky Estes 1999 GA 311 102.55 240 247.5 257.5 152.5 162.5 -172.5 282.5 297.5 310 730 91.13 X
-105 2. Derrick Dixon 1989 GA 313 100.40 205 227.5 240 170 180 -187.5 257.5 287.5 -290 707.5 89.21 X
-105 3. Espy Smith 1995 GA 319 102.25 175 -192.5 -192.5 152.5 155 -170 215 237.5 -242.5 567.5 70.94
-120 1. Edward Del Rio 1998 GA 312 111.70 185 195 207.5 145 152.5 160 -205 205 215 582.5 69.90
120+ 1. David Jenkins 1985 GA 323 149.80 190 -192.5 195 147.5 160 170 185 200 220 585 62.12
120+ - Jonathon Glover 1994 FL 310 143.30 -190 -210 -210 -125 -190 0 0.00
Male - Raw Teen 1
-66 1. Keigan Duke 2006 GA 215 65.95 125 142.5 152.5 82.5 90 -95 137.5 -157.5 165 407.5 63.55
Male - Raw Teen 2
-59 1. Evan Lowrimore 2004 GA 212 57.74 92.5 105 112.5 -72.5 72.5 -85 102.5 117.5 137.5 322.5 53.99
Male - Raw Teen 3
-66 1. Preston George 2002 GA 219 64.65 142.5 165 172.5 102.5 112.5 -115 182.5 -195 -195 467.5 73.68
-74 1. Jordy Torres 2003 GA 217 73.25 145 152.5 -167.5 105 -112.5 -112.5 167.5 185 -190 442.5 65.31
-83 1. Jacob Kelly 2002 GA 216 81.85 145 160 170 115 120 -130 220 240 -250 530 73.89
-93 1. Kaid Register 2001 GA 318 85.30 165 185 187.5 115 -125 -125 207.5 230 245 547.5 74.75
Male - Raw with Wraps Open
-59 1. Vicente Arredondo 1997 GA 211 57.02 142.5 -150 -150 95 100 -107.5 -175 -180 180 422.5 63.18
Male - Raw Youth 3
-120 1. MAXX McFarland 2008 GA 320 105.60 -135 140 -152.5 75 80 85 140 152.5 160 385 47.41


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Total push-pull Joshua Marple 467.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M1A -140 Bench press Joshua Marple 197.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A 120+ Total push-pull Joshua Marple 467.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A 120+ Bench press Joshua Marple 197.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -93 Bench press single lift Robert Cannon 160 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -110 Total push-pull MAXX McFarland 245 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -110 Total MAXX McFarland 385 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-Y3 -110 Deadlift MAXX McFarland 160 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -120 Total push-pull MAXX McFarland 245 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -120 Total MAXX McFarland 385 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -120 Deadlift MAXX McFarland 160 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -57 Total Jennette Rerucha 265 kg
Georgia State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -57 Squat Jennette Rerucha 97.5 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2A -60 Total Jennette Rerucha 265 kg
Georgia State Raw Records R-M2A -60 Squat Jennette Rerucha 97.5 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -56 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -60 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-JR -75 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -75 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-JR -76 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -82.5 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -90 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-O -75 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -75 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2022-2024) RW-O -75 Bench press single lift Hannah Frost 45 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -75 Bench press single lift Hannah Frost 45 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-O -76 Total push-pull Hannah Frost 205 kg
Georgia State Raw with Wraps Records (2015-2021) RW-O -76 Bench press single lift Hannah Frost 45 kg