Lifting Database


Missouri State Championship

Date: 10/16/2022
Sanction #: MO-2022-08
State: Missouri
Meet Director: James Freeman

Results (102 results, 97 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Female - Raw Master 1
-75 1. Rhoda Hall 1977 MO 252 70.30 55 60 -65 60 60.53
Male - Raw Open
-110 1. Jr. Romia Hall 1984 MO 226 104.90 150 155 -160 155 93.52
Male - Raw Teen 3
-60 1. Nicholas Kurtz 2003 William Jewel College MN 251 59.60 85 87.5 -92.5 87.5 74.26
Male - Raw Open
-110 1. Christopher Glover 1979 MO 254 104.80 235 260 275 275 165.98
Female - Raw Junior
-48 1. Alyssa Knoerle 2001 MO 142 47.30 62.5 65 67.5 -40 40 80 85 -92.5 192.5 251.10
-52 1. Lilly Keizer 2002 William Jewel College MO 113 50.90 60 65 67.5 30 32.5 35 95 100 102.5 205 253.64
-60 1. Emily Hatfield 2001 MO 138 58.50 97.5 105 110 55 60 -62.5 102.5 110 117.5 287.5 323.89
-60 2. Megan Lyon 2001 MO 136 58.80 90 110 120 40 -45 -52.5 105 117.5 -122.5 277.5 311.60 X
-60 3. Makayla Ratzlaff 2002 William Jewel College MO 122 59.30 90 95 100 60 -65 -65 92.5 -100 100 260 290.37
-75 1. Bhumika Gupta 1999 MO 261 74.00 112.5 117.5 125 60 62.5 -67.5 135 142.5 152.5 340 333.52
-75 2. Riley Stehlik 2002 MO 228 72.20 92.5 100 107.5 55 60 -62.5 137.5 145 150 317.5 315.62
-67.5 1. Claire Lynn 2002 MO 156 66.10 90 100 -107.5 -75 -75 75 110 115 137.5 312.5 326.58
-67.5 2. Kat Price 2002 William Jewel College MO 114 66.00 40 57.5 -60 60 157.5 164.74 X
-82.5 1. Raleigh Toussaint 1999 MO 211 79.40 137.5 147.5 -155 62.5 67.5 147.5 157.5 -162.5 372.5 352.31
-82.5 2. Julia Blanchard 2001 MO 246 77.70 120 127.5 132.5 62.5 65 -70 125 135 -137.5 332.5 317.95
Female - Raw Master 1
-67.5 1. Adrienne Glover 1982 MO 127 62.80 102.5 112.5 -120 52.5 55 57.5 110 120 130 300 323.28 X
-67.5 2. Annemie Verrijken 1980 MO 126 67.00 77.5 82.5 92.5 35 40 45 87.5 95 102.5 240 248.84
Female - Raw Master 2
-56 1. Rita Michele Williams 1966 MO 150 54.30 77.5 82.5 85 50 -52.5 -52.5 107.5 115 122.5 257.5 304.69
-75 1. Cheryl Kyle 1963 MO 110 72.40 -85 -85 85 55 60 -65 120 -125 -125 265 263.04
Female - Raw Master 3
-60 1. dede catsavis 1959 Team L.A.B. MO 154 57.20 82.5 87.5 90 40 42.5 -45 97.5 105 -110 237.5 271.48
-75 1. Christine Busch 1958 Team L.A.B. MO 225 72.00 70 75 80 47.5 -50 50 90 97.5 102.5 232.5 231.48
-90 1. Sara Kotthoff 1962 MO 237 89.10 62.5 70 77.5 30 35 -40 72.5 80 92.5 205 183.58
Female - Raw Master 4
-100 1. Sonya Stevenson 1951 Team L.A.B. MO 240 94.00 90 95 100.5 65 67.5 70.5 110 120 125.5 296.5 259.43
-100 2. Linda Struckhoff 1950 MO 210 100.00 40 42.5 50 40 50 -55 80 92.5 105 205 174.94
Female - Raw Open
-60 1. Rebecca Hildebrand 1985 MO 157 59.60 80 87.5 -100 35 37.5 40 92.5 102.5 110 237.5 264.40
-75 1. Alyson Dankenbring 2006 MO 141 71.60 -92.5 92.5 97.5 60 62.5 -67.5 112.5 120 137.5 297.5 297.10
-75 2. Valerie Lutz 1988 MO 121 68.30 92.5 102.5 110 45 50 52.5 100 112.5 117.5 280 287.12 X
-90 1. Lauren Sullivan 1983 MO 213 89.50 60 65 75 47.5 -50 50 75 90 100 225 201.09
100+ 1. Samniqueka Halsey 1988 MO 227 133.40 125 135 -147.5 70 75 -80 142.5 147.5 152.5 362.5 283.54
-67.5 1. Angie Dockins 1983 MO 158 67.20 107.5 117.5 127.5 67.5 75 80 120 135 142.5 350 362.27
-67.5 2. Adrienne Glover 1982 MO 127 62.80 102.5 112.5 -120 52.5 55 57.5 110 120 130 300 323.28 X
-67.5 3. Hotensia Wambui 1988 MO 134 66.00 77.5 82.5 95 47.5 52.5 -55 107.5 117.5 125 272.5 285.03
-82.5 1. Katelyn Foster 1990 MO 230 82.30 92.5 102.5 107.5 -42.5 42.5 -50 97.5 110 -117.5 260 241.60
Female - Raw Teen 1
-75 1. Alyson Dankenbring 2006 MO 141 71.60 -92.5 92.5 97.5 60 62.5 -67.5 112.5 120 137.5 297.5 297.10
Female - Raw Teen 3
-44 1. Autum Baughey 2004 William Jewel College MI 144 43.90 67.5 70 75 42.5 45 -47.5 87.5 92.5 97.5 217.5 300.10
-56 1. Avery Kingery 2003 William Jewel College MO 159 52.60 77.5 80 85 52.5 55 -57.5 100 105 -107.5 245 296.27
-60 - Avalon Autrey 2003 William Jewel College MO 132 58.30 -60 -60 -60 37.5 -40 -40 57.5 60 65 0 0.00
-90 1. Jaydyn Goff 2003 William Jewel College MO 257 87.50 102.5 107.5 112.5 65 70 75 82.5 87.5 95 282.5 255.06
100+ 1. Raygan Bosco 2004 William Jewel College MO 255 102.40 140 145 160 67.5 72.5 75 140 152.5 160 395 334.03
-67.5 1. Aj Rankins 1991 NV 117 66.40 90 -97.5 -102.5 -42.5 42.5 -50 122.5 130 137.5 270 281.42
-82.5 1. Sonya Zamora 2003 William Jewel College MO 256 80.70 100 105 107.5 60 62.5 65 135 140 142.5 315 295.53
-82.5 2. Destiny Leandro 2003 William Jewel College MO 247 81.40 97.5 102.5 107.5 45 47.5 50 120 122.5 130 287.5 268.59
Female - Raw Youth 3
-60 1. Alexis Muccigrosso 2009 MO 130 56.10 60 62.5 65 42.5 47.5 50 75 82.5 90 205 237.34
Male - Raw Guest Lifter
-60 1. Daniel Hughston 2004 McKendree Powerlifting TX 131 59.10 145 152.5 157.5 82.5 -87.5 155 162.5 170 410 350.41
-75 1. Tommy Connell 2005 NE 219 71.40 185 195 205 120 127.5 135 -230 245 -260 585 433.50
-100 1. Donald Schmidt 2003 McKendree Powerlifting WA 245 99.00 185 197.5 135 -142.5 207.5 215 -227.5 547.5 338.48
-110 1. Shakeel Holman 1992 IL 253 102.70 277.5 287.5 295 177.5 182.5 185 265 -277.5 -282.5 745 453.40 X
-110 2. Dillan Hempel 2003 McKendree Powerlifting TX 222 102.90 217.5 -227.5 227.5 132.5 140 142.5 210 220 230 600 364.86
-125 1. Brogan Black 2004 McKendree Powerlifting MD 214 115.90 210 220 230 112.5 120 222.5 235 247.5 597.5 347.24
-140 1. Devin Pedescleaux 2004 McKendree Powerlifting LA 215 126.50 237.5 250 260 120 127.5 132.5 245 255 265 657.5 371.25
140+ 1. Charles Haddad 2004 McKendree Powerlifting IL 249 177.20 220 230 242.5 145 152.5 160 212.5 -225 225 627.5 323.10 X
-67.5 1. Micheal Acevedo 1999 MO 149 66.10 177.5 190 200 115 120 125 207.5 -222.5 235 560 438.28
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Seth Hodder 2001 MO 123 73.60 175 190 197.5 120 130 -137.5 240 255 -257.5 582.5 423.02 X
-75 2. Fielding Trevino 2000 MO 140 73.20 182.5 190 200 125 -132.5 -132.5 182.5 195 -200 520 378.98
-75 3. Sunney Kang 2002 MO 129 71.40 -162.5 -162.5 162.5 95 100 -107.5 227.5 235 242.5 505 374.22
-75 - Antonio Porter 2000 William Jewel College MO 112 71.90 -157.5 117.5 125 -135 195 200 210 0 0.00
-90 1. James Lynn 2002 MO 143 87.30 192.5 210 217.5 115 122.5 -125 240 257.5 262.5 602.5 395.73
-90 2. Dylan Hoye 2000 MN 146 89.10 197.5 205 212.5 130 135 -140 215 -225 -225 562.5 365.57
-90 3. Ross Buehre 1999 MO 260 84.10 135 145 150 110 115 182.5 195 207.5 472.5 316.65
-100 1. Malik Ibdah 2000 MO 248 92.20 145 160 167.5 110 117.5 -122.5 192.5 207.5 220 505 322.65
-110 1. Jamie Fetting 2001 MO 236 108.30 207.5 220 -222.5 147.5 -152.5 -152.5 230 242.5 247.5 615 366.41
-82.5 1. Henry Huynhnguyen 1999 Integrated Strength MO 148 81.70 232.5 245 255 -132.5 137.5 142.5 265 -277.5 285 682.5 464.90
-82.5 2. Jacob Stubler 2002 William Jewel College KS 115 80.20 162.5 170 175 115 -117.5 -117.5 175 180 187.5 477.5 328.77
-82.5 3. Sam Burkart 2000 William Jewel College MO 232 76.20 145 152.5 -155 90 92.5 95 170 175 180 427.5 303.63
-82.5 4. Colten Smith 2001 MO 124 80.40 122.5 125 130 -85 87.5 92.5 160 175 182.5 405 278.45
Male - Raw Master 1
-100 1. Zack Austin 1974 MO 250 99.90 175 192.5 205 125 135 145 207.5 227.5 -240 577.5 355.61
-100 2. Kurt Richardson 1972 MO 239 90.30 150 167.5 182.5 100 105 -110 150 167.5 182.5 470 303.39
-125 1. Emil Peter 1977 MO 238 111.00 155 170 180 87.5 97.5 -110 162.5 180 192.5 470 277.43
Male - Raw Master 2
-90 1. Brad Dodds 1968 MO 233 84.60 165 167.5 170 -120 120 -125 205 212.5 220 510 340.67
Male - Raw Master 3
-90 1. Matt Muccigrosso 1959 MO 216 85.40 185 195 200 147.5 -152.5 -152.5 220 230 235 582.5 387.11
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Michael Chalupny 1993 Brazos Valley Strength MO 128 73.00 187.5 200 205 125 130 -132.5 260 275 -282.5 610 445.38
-75 2. Ryan Scott Hendricks 1992 MO 116 73.50 -182.5 182.5 200 -97.5 -97.5 97.5 210 220 232.5 530 385.23
-90 1. James Lynn 2002 MO 143 87.30 192.5 210 217.5 115 122.5 -125 240 257.5 262.5 602.5 395.73
-90 2. Matt Muccigrosso 1959 MO 216 85.40 185 195 200 147.5 -152.5 -152.5 220 230 235 582.5 387.11
-90 3. Brad Dodds 1968 MO 233 84.60 165 167.5 170 -120 120 -125 205 212.5 220 510 340.67
-90 4. Ahmed Wahba 1983 MO 145 83.20 127.5 -140 140 100 110 120 145 160 172.5 432.5 291.58
-100 1. Gary Dietzel 1996 MO 218 97.60 227.5 230 235 -130 -135 135 227.5 237.5 252.5 622.5 387.28 X
-110 1. Nicholas Wallner 1991 MO 220 108.80 170 185 -195 130 -140 140 -215 225 232.5 557.5 331.57
-110 2. Jacques Parker 1988 Team L.A.B. MO 243 103.60 182.5 192.5 200 100 110 115 195 205 215 530 321.39
-140 1. Deandre Rogers 1985 MO 223 138.90 162.5 180 192.5 125 137.5 -147.5 175 -190 205 535 293.84
-67.5 1. Dallas Hopping 1995 AR 221 66.70 182.5 192.5 -200 102.5 107.5 -112.5 190 200 215 515 400.39
-82.5 1. Alex Hall 1991 MO 125 80.40 252.5 260 265 145 150 155 270 -280 280 700 481.27 X
-82.5 2. Nick McGhee 1997 MO 147 79.30 182.5 187.5 192.5 125 132.5 135 182.5 200 207.5 535 370.83
Male - Raw Teen 1
-100 1. Manny Suarez 2007 MO 212 98.50 165 175 185 107.5 115 122.5 195 212.5 225 532.5 329.94
Male - Raw Teen 2
-75 1. Ashton Halverson 2004 WI 152 73.70 170 182.5 190 -142.5 142.5 -150.5 190 200 205 537.5 389.99
-75 2. Davis Freeman 2006 MO 160 73.30 150 160 -175 90 100 -105 170 182.5 190 450 327.67
-90 1. John (Jack) Renner 2006 MO 137 86.80 142.5 155 -175 92.5 100 -105 185 200 -207.5 455 299.75
-90 - Isaiah Knispel 2006 MO 118 88.50 -182.5 -182.5 -182.5 90 95 97.5 185 190 195 0 0.00
-110 1. Daniel Downey 2006 MO 217 104.40 160 172.5 182.5 105 115 -122.5 165 182.5 197.5 495 299.23
-82.5 1. Brody Boicourt 2005 MO 135 80.90 167.5 175 177.5 120 -127.5 -130 182.5 190 202.5 500 342.52
Male - Raw Teen 3
-75 1. Tyler Hartwich 2003 William Jewel College MO 153 73.10 165 167.5 175 95 97.5 102.5 180 185 195 472.5 344.67
-90 1. Macauley Miller 2002 MO 224 83.50 192.5 202.5 -215 107.5 112.5 117.5 -215 215 -230 535 359.96
-90 2. Ford Brandt 2004 William Jewel College KS 139 88.60 160 162.5 172.5 97.5 102.5 110 177.5 182.5 190 472.5 307.97 X
-100 1. Hayden Branson 2003 William Jewel College MO 151 94.50 202.5 207.5 217.5 115 120 127.5 210 217.5 225 570 359.92
-110 1. Tommy Penner 2003 William Jewel College MO 244 101.90 185 192.5 202.5 107.5 112.5 120 167.5 175 185 507.5 309.87
-67.5 1. Zane Tyree 2003 William Jewel College MO 242 66.70 140 145 152.5 87.5 92.5 100 157.5 162.5 170 422.5 328.48
-67.5 - Samson Selleck 2003 William Jewel College MO 259 65.90 -125 135 -140 -92.5 -102.5 -102.5 162.5 170 175 0 0.00
-82.5 1. Braxton Houchens 2004 MO 120 81.20 185 200 210 92.5 107.5 -115 175 195 205 522.5 357.17
-82.5 2. Jayme Barkley 2003 William Jewel College MO 111 79.60 175 180 187.5 95 100 -107.5 215 220 230 517.5 357.90
Male - Raw with Wraps Master 3
-110 1. Karl Hutchinson 1959 Team L.A.B. MO 241 101.80 145 155 160 110 115 120 160 170 180 460 280.99
Push Pull
Female - Raw Master 4
100+ 1. Mary Rapert 1950 MO 229 107.60 55 -62.5 67.5 137.5 -150 162.5 230 191.03
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Nick Newton 1993 MO 133 73.40 130 137.5 145 -205 -215 215 360 261.90


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Missouri State Raw Records R-JR -67.5 Total push-pull Micheal Acevedo 360 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-JR -67.5 Total Micheal Acevedo 560 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Squat Henry Huynhnguyen 255 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-JR -125 Deadlift push-pull Brogan Black 247.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-JR -125 Bench Press push-pull Brogan Black 120 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-JR -125 Deadlift single lift Brogan Black 247.5 kg
Louisiana State Raw Records R-JR -140 Total Devin Pedescleaux 657.5 kg
Louisiana State Raw Records R-JR -140 Deadlift Devin Pedescleaux 265 kg
Louisiana State Raw Records R-JR -140 Squat Devin Pedescleaux 260 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Total push-pull Matt Muccigrosso 382.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Total Matt Muccigrosso 582.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Total Matt Muccigrosso 582.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Total push-pull Zack Austin 372.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Bench press single lift Zack Austin 145 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Total Zack Austin 577.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Squat Zack Austin 205 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Total Matt Muccigrosso 582.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Squat Matt Muccigrosso 200 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Total Matt Muccigrosso 582.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Deadlift Matt Muccigrosso 235 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Squat Matt Muccigrosso 200 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Total push-pull Micheal Acevedo 360 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Total Micheal Acevedo 560 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Squat Alex Hall 265 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-O -110 Total push-pull Jamie Fetting 395 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -100 Total push-pull Manny Suarez 347.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -100 Total Manny Suarez 532.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -100 Deadlift Manny Suarez 225 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -100 Squat Manny Suarez 185 kg
Nebraska State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Bench press single lift Tommy Connell 135 kg
Nebraska State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total Tommy Connell 585 kg
Nebraska State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift Tommy Connell 245 kg
Nebraska State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Bench press Tommy Connell 135 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total push-pull Manny Suarez 347.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Bench press single lift Manny Suarez 122.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total Manny Suarez 532.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Deadlift Manny Suarez 225 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Bench press Manny Suarez 122.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Squat Hayden Branson 217.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T3 -125 Deadlift push-pull Brogan Black 247.5 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T3 -125 Bench Press push-pull Brogan Black 120 kg
Maryland State Raw Records R-T3 -125 Deadlift single lift Brogan Black 247.5 kg
Louisiana State Raw Records R-T3 -140 Total Devin Pedescleaux 657.5 kg
Louisiana State Raw Records R-T3 -140 Deadlift Devin Pedescleaux 265 kg
Louisiana State Raw Records R-T3 -140 Squat Devin Pedescleaux 260 kg
Missouri State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -110 Bench press Karl Hutchinson 120 kg
Missouri State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -110 Bench press Karl Hutchinson 120 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Total push-pull Autum Baughey 142.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Deadlift push-pull Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Bench Press push-pull Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Deadlift single lift Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Bench press single lift Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Total Autum Baughey 217.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Deadlift Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Bench press Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-JR -44 Squat Autum Baughey 75 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Total push-pull dede catsavis 147.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Total push-pull Cheryl Kyle 180 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Total Cheryl Kyle 265 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Deadlift Cheryl Kyle 120 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Total push-pull Sara Kotthoff 127.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Bench press single lift Sara Kotthoff 35 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Total Sara Kotthoff 205 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Deadlift Sara Kotthoff 92.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Squat Sara Kotthoff 77.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -56 Total push-pull Rita Michele Williams 172.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -56 Total Rita Michele Williams 257.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -56 Deadlift Rita Michele Williams 122.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -56 Squat Rita Michele Williams 85 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -75 Total push-pull Cheryl Kyle 180 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -75 Total Cheryl Kyle 265 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -75 Deadlift Cheryl Kyle 120 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Bench press single lift Sara Kotthoff 35 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M1B 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -56 Total push-pull Rita Michele Williams 172.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -56 Bench press single lift Rita Michele Williams 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -56 Total Rita Michele Williams 257.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -56 Deadlift Rita Michele Williams 122.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -56 Squat Rita Michele Williams 85 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -60 Bench press single lift dede catsavis 42.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A -60 Bench press dede catsavis 42.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Total push-pull Mary Rapert 230 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2A 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -56 Total push-pull Rita Michele Williams 172.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -56 Total Rita Michele Williams 257.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -56 Deadlift Rita Michele Williams 122.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -56 Bench press Rita Michele Williams 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B -56 Squat Rita Michele Williams 85 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M2B -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M2B -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Total push-pull Mary Rapert 230 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M2B 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3A -90 Total push-pull Sara Kotthoff 127.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M3A -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M3A -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Total push-pull Mary Rapert 230 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3A 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3B -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M3B -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3B -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M3B -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3B 100+ Total push-pull Mary Rapert 230 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M3B 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A -100 Total push-pull Sonya Stevenson 196 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A -100 Deadlift single lift Sonya Stevenson 125.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A -100 Bench press single lift Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A -100 Total Sonya Stevenson 296.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A -100 Total Sonya Stevenson 296.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A -100 Deadlift Sonya Stevenson 125.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A -100 Deadlift Sonya Stevenson 125.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A -100 Bench press Sonya Stevenson 70.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A -100 Squat Sonya Stevenson 100.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A -100 Squat Sonya Stevenson 100.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A 100+ Total push-pull Mary Rapert 230 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A 100+ Deadlift single lift Mary Rapert 162.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-M4A 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Women's Raw American Records R-M4A 100+ Bench press single lift Mary Rapert 67.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Total push-pull Autum Baughey 142.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Deadlift push-pull Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Bench Press push-pull Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Deadlift single lift Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Bench press single lift Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Total Autum Baughey 217.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Deadlift Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Bench press Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-O -44 Squat Autum Baughey 75 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -60 Bench press single lift Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -60 Bench press Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -75 Total push-pull Alyson Dankenbring 200 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -75 Bench press single lift Alyson Dankenbring 62.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -75 Total Alyson Dankenbring 297.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -75 Deadlift Alyson Dankenbring 137.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T1 -75 Bench press Alyson Dankenbring 62.5 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Total push-pull Alexis Muccigrosso 140 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Bench press single lift Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Total Alexis Muccigrosso 205 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Deadlift Alexis Muccigrosso 90 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Bench press Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Total push-pull Autum Baughey 142.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Deadlift push-pull Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Bench Press push-pull Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Deadlift single lift Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Bench press single lift Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Total Autum Baughey 217.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Deadlift Autum Baughey 97.5 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Bench press Autum Baughey 45 kg
Michigan State Raw Records R-T3 -44 Squat Autum Baughey 75 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Squat Avery Kingery 85 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Total push-pull Alexis Muccigrosso 140 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Bench press single lift Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Total Alexis Muccigrosso 205 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Deadlift Alexis Muccigrosso 90 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Bench press Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Bench press single lift Jaydyn Goff 75 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Bench press Jaydyn Goff 75 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Total push-pull Alexis Muccigrosso 140 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Bench press single lift Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Total Alexis Muccigrosso 205 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Deadlift Alexis Muccigrosso 90 kg
Missouri State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Bench press Alexis Muccigrosso 50 kg