Lifting Database


Brazos Valley Strength



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/21/2024 Cougar Classic Waajid Mohammad 4. R-O -100 97 212.5 227.5 230 147.5 155 157.5 215 230 245 632.5 394.56
12/07/2024 Long Island Winter Showdown Joseph Ballar 1. R-O -125 114.6 190 205 -210 205 119.61
12/07/2024 Long Island Winter Showdown Joseph Ballar 1. R-JR -125 114.6 245 260 272.5 190 205 -210 180 205 225 702.5 409.88
12/07/2024 Long Island Winter Showdown Joseph Ballar 1. R-O -125 114.6 245 260 272.5 190 205 -210 180 205 225 702.5 409.88
10/11/2024 Olympia Karan Gujral 1. R-O -100 98.5 202.5 215 227.5 100 107.5 -110 205 220 232.5 567.5 351.62
08/17/2024 The Rise of Species Matthew Meier 2. R-O -110 108.9 190 202.5 212.5 145 -152.5 -152.5 240 257.5 -275 615 365.70
08/17/2024 The Rise of Species Waajid Mohammad 2. R-O -100 98 220 232.5 -240 147.5 152.5 -157.5 385 239.09
08/17/2024 The Rise of Species Waaris Mohammad 3. R-O -110 100.3 192.5 202.5 210 135 140 142.5 220 240 -255 592.5 364.30
07/27/2024 Southern Regional Championship Haley DeVries 2. R-JR -75 74.9 130 -137.5 137.5 -77.5 77.5 82.5 160 170 175 395 385.13
07/27/2024 Southern Regional Championship Aaron Cash 1. R-JR -110 108.3 267.5 282.5 295 157.5 165 -170 270 285 300 760 452.88
07/27/2024 Southern Regional Championship Aaron Cash 2. R-O -110 108.3 267.5 282.5 295 157.5 165 -170 270 285 300 760 452.88
06/08/2024 South West Regional Championships Shane Brady 1. R-O -90 89.5 260 -275 -275 185 -195 195 265 280 292.5 747.5 484.70
03/16/2024 New York State Championships Joseph Ballar 3. R-JR -110 109.9 75 -125 -190 190 200 75 -125 350 207.40
03/16/2024 New York State Championships Joseph Ballar 12. R-O -110 109.9 75 -125 -190 190 200 75 -125 350 207.40
11/05/2023 Ghost Fall Fest Ryan Chang 3. R-O -90 86.8 177.5 190 200 130 135 -140 -222.5 232.5 235 570 375.52
08/13/2023 Sin City Pro Qualifier Chance Brady 3. R-O -82.5 82.4 240 255 265 165 -170 170 285 305 -315 740 501.79
07/01/2023 Southern Regionals Will Long 4. R-O -100 97.6 202.5 215 227.5 137.5 145 -150 252.5 265 277.5 650 404.48
07/01/2023 Sunshine State Showdown C.J. Wooldridge 2. R-O -100 94.9 197.5 210 220 137.5 145 -147.5 237.5 250 260 625 393.96
07/01/2023 Southern Regionals Waajid Mohammad 6. R-O -100 98.7 220 232.5 240 147.5 152.5 155 220 230 237.5 632.5 391.63
07/01/2023 Southern Regionals Waaris Mohammad 8. R-O -100 99 195 207.5 -210 135 137.5 140 220 232.5 245 592.5 366.38
07/01/2023 Southern Regionals Jose Mendoza 3. R-O -110 109.9 205 225 235 195 -207.5 -207.5 250 270 277.5 707.5 419.17
12/03/2022 Florida State Championships C.J. Wooldridge 6. R-O -100 96.6 192.5 -205 215 137.5 142.5 147.5 232.5 247.5 -260 610 381.31
12/01/2022 Southeast Regional Champs Ryan Chang 4. R-O -90 85.6 175 187.5 190 -125 125 -130 230 240 245 560 371.71
11/19/2022 Brawl in the Falls Austin Thompson 2. R-O -100 92.7 190 197.5 205 112.5 117.5 120 217.5 230 240 565 360.04
11/05/2022 4th Annual Winter War of Waco Matthew Meier 3. R-O -110 107.8 190 202.5 207.5 135 142.5 -147.5 245 260 -272.5 610 364.08
11/05/2022 4th Annual Winter War of Waco Jose Mendoza 1. R-O -125 121 -262.5 -262.5 262.5 195 207.5 -187.5 250 270 280 750 429.55
10/16/2022 Missouri State Championship Michael Chalupny 1. R-O -75 73 187.5 200 205 125 130 -132.5 260 275 -282.5 610 445.38
10/15/2022 Gameday Anniversary Open Steven Kahn 1. R-O -110 103.9 230 245 252.5 160 -167.5 -167.5 257.5 -270 270 682.5 413.38
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Waaris Mohammad 3. R-O -100 97.4 182.5 195 -205 132.5 140 -142.5 -215 227.5 237.5 572.5 356.50
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Matthew Meier 3. R-O -110 104.9 185 192.5 200 130 137.5 -140 247.5 -255 255 592.5 357.47
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Waaris Mohammad 11. R-O -100 98.5 -162.5 170 177.5 117.5 125 130 190 205 215 522.5 323.74
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Miranda Walichowski 1. R-M -67.5 65 97.5 102.5 107.5 57.5 60 -62.5 115 127.5 137.5 305 321.92
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Eliel Hinojosa 1. R-M -110 106.1 192.5 207.5 217.5 142.5 147.5 152.5 245 260 -272.5 630 378.44
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Waajid Mohammad 6. R-O -100 99.5 -210 217.5 225 140 147.5 150 215 230 240 615 379.45
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Zack Scharnikow 3. R-O -100 97.3 245 255 -265 165 172.5 177.5 235 245 250 682.5 425.20
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Jose Mendoza 2. R-O -125 119.8 265 277.5 285 190 200 -210 260 272.5 277.5 762.5 438.21
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Austin Thompson 9. R-O -100 94.2 185 195 202.5 112.5 117.5 -120 217.5 227.5 235 555 350.97
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Andres Ramos 5. R-O -82.5 82.1 182.5 205 -215 112.5 117.5 -130 217.5 230 240 562.5 382.09
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Kyle Hartman 4. R-O -90 88.7 185 200 -205 142.5 147.5 -152.5 245 260 -272.5 607.5 395.84
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Andy Roberts 2. R-O -110 107.7 232.5 242.5 250 127.5 130 -132.5 247.5 260 -270 640 382.12
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Will Long 5. R-O -100 96.7 190 200 210 132.5 140 145 247.5 260 265 620 387.34