Lifting Database


Winter Eclipse

Date: 12/08/2024
Sanction #: IN-2024-06
State: Indiana
Meet Director: Erin Booher

Results (70 results, 69 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Open
-125 1. Jack Huybers 1999 IN 231 111.00 45 -50 -55 45 26.56
Female - Raw Junior
-67.5 1. Alexis Novak 2001 IN 118 66.30 95 102.5 107.5 57.5 65 70 92.5 105 112.5 290 302.53 X
Female - Raw Master 2
-100 1. Michele Gray 1966 IN 251 96.30 90 100 -110 67.5 72.5 -77.5 122.5 132.5 142.5 315 272.87
Female - Raw Master 3
-100 1. Barbara Crews 1963 IN 228 91.50 70 75 77.5 50 52.5 55 80 85 90 222.5 196.93
100+ 1. Wendy Shoemaker 1959 IN 222 105.50 105 110 115 70 -72.5 72.5 120 130 -140 317.5 265.56
Female - Raw Master 4
-75 1. Julieann Ash 1951 OH 243 71.90 37.5 50 -57.5 30 -32.5 -32.5 77.5 -87.5 -87.5 157.5 156.93
Female - Raw Open
-60 1. Olivia Keller 1999 eclipse Powerlifting IN 113 56.70 75 80 85 52.5 55 57.5 95 100 107.5 250 287.42
-60 2. Allison Capik 2000 eclipse Powerlifting IN 129 58.20 75 80 -85 52.5 55 57.5 75 80 -85 217.5 245.84
-75 1. Amma Yergeau 1999 IN 249 70.70 110 120 125 70 75 77.5 115 130 137.5 340 341.92
-75 2. Sarah Harding 1990 eclipse Powerlifting IN 126 68.50 65 72.5 -77.5 45 47.5 50 95 100 107.5 230 235.46
100+ 1. Katelyn Bunch 1992 IN 238 113.10 190 -200 -200 95 97.5 -100 160 170 -175 457.5 373.69
100+ 2. Misha Remy-Keown 1992 IN 210 113.20 150 155 -157.5 90 95 100 185 190 192.5 447.5 365.42
100+ 3. Holly Abbott 1985 IN 241 160.90 140 -150 -150 102.5 105 107.5 110 120 130 377.5 290.96 X
Female - Raw Teen 1
-48 1. Amelia Hunt 2009 IN 137 46.20 70 75 80 35 37.5 40 72.5 77.5 82.5 202.5 268.80
-67.5 1. Gracie Marshall 2009 IN 120 63.50 100 110 -115 55 60 -65 100 110 117.5 287.5 307.73
Female - Raw Teen 2
-60 1. Xiomara Salinas 2008 IN 139 56.80 75 85 -95 45 50 55 75 90 105 245 281.34
-75 1. Mia Sollars 2007 IN 123 71.60 25 45 65 27.5 30 -35 67.5 82.5 -100 177.5 177.26
-82.5 1. Jillian Kloc 2008 IN 232 82.40 80 82.5 85 50 55 -60 100 102.5 105 245 227.53
Female - Raw Teen 3
-56 1. Zoey Myers 2005 IN 115 55.10 90 97.5 -105 50 -55 55 130 140 -150 292.5 342.72
-60 1. Katelyn Hendricks 2006 IN 128 56.60 87.5 95 102.5 37.5 42.5 45 92.5 105 -115 252.5 290.63
Female - Raw with Wraps Master 3a
-75 1. Rebecca Thurston 1963 IN 223 72.00 -77.5 92.5 -95 47.5 52.5 55 100 112.5 117.5 265 263.83
Female - Raw Youth 1
-30 1. Amiyah Hapner 2015 IN 225 23.50 20 -25 -27.5 12.5 15 -17.5 35 40 45.5 80.5 119.53
-30 2. Brinlee Arnold 2016 eclipse Powerlifting IN 240 25.20 17.5 -18 20 15 17.5 -20 27.5 30 33 70.5 104.68
-30 3. Lincoln Shelton 2016 IN 224 28.80 20 25 27.5 8 10 12.5 20 25 30 70 103.94
-40 1. Phoenix Pherson 2015 IN 235 37.70 35 40 45 15 17.5 20 55 -65 65 130 193.02
-40 2. Amelia Smith 2015 eclipse Powerlifting IN 246 36.20 27.5 32.5 35 22.5 23.5 25 50 55 59 119 176.69
-44 1. Ava Stone 2015 IN 248 41.70 35 40 45 15 20 -22.5 45 52.5 57.5 122.5 175.93
-44 2. Karaleena Cave 2015 IN 233 40.30 20 25 30 12.5 15 17.5 35 40 45.5 93 137.26
Female - Raw Youth 2
-35 1. Lydia Shelton 2014 IN 218 33.70 30 35 37.5 12.5 15 20 40 47.5 52.5 110 163.33
-44 1. Emersyn Lebold 2013 IN 215 42.10 45 50 -55 20 25 27.5 55 62.5 -67.5 140 199.56
-52 1. Lauren Besherwor 2013 eclipse Powerlifting IN 247 51.40 67.5 72.5 77.5 45 48.5 53 82.5 90 97.5 228 280.17
-52 2. Brylee Sparks 2013 IN 250 48.40 60 65 70 20 25 27.5 60 70 75 172.5 221.26
-52 3. Sadie Royer 2014 eclipse Powerlifting IN 213 49.50 45 47.5 50 27.5 30 32.5 70 75 77.5 160 201.93
Female - Raw Youth 3
-48 1. Ellasyn Herrin 2012 eclipse Powerlifting IN 245 44.90 57.5 62.5 68.5 35 38.5 41 70 77.5 86.5 196 265.82
-60 1. Kira Yaggi 2012 eclipse Powerlifting IN 221 56.40 32.5 36 41 27.5 32.5 35 60 65 70 146 168.44
-75 1. Mary-Jane Andersen 2011 IN 217 74.30 55 65 70 35 40 -42.5 80 90 -92.5 200 195.77
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Devin Roser 2003 IL 124 73.30 190 200 207.5 110 117.5 125 225 245 260 592.5 431.43 X
-75 2. Siloe Rangel 2002 IN 132 72.10 180 190 -202.5 120 125 127.5 215 227.5 -235 545 401.22
-100 1. Peyton Komrska 2003 IN 229 97.10 215 227.5 235 137.5 142.5 150 237.5 250 265 650 405.33
-100 2. Jesse Palmer 2004 IN 230 98.40 200 212.5 225 142.5 152.5 160 220 242.5 252.5 637.5 395.17
-100 3. Chase Keller 2001 eclipse Powerlifting IN 242 93.60 145 152.5 162.5 102.5 107.5 115 165 170 175 452.5 287.02
-82.5 1. Thong Pham 2002 MD 144 77.70 180 195 205 95 105 -112.5 210 230 245 555 389.46
-82.5 2. Ethan Shelby 2003 IN 237 82.10 155 165 170 100 110 115 192.5 202.5 207.5 492.5 334.54
Male - Raw Master 1
-90 1. Kristopher Hunt 1982 Reactive Training Systems IN 125 90.00 252.5 267.5 280 140 147.5 -155 270 285 -300 712.5 460.70 X
-110 1. Timothy Bliven 1976 IN 236 108.20 205 210 215 132.5 140 -142.5 225 -232.5 -232.5 580 345.68
Male - Raw Master 2
-75 1. Michael Berin 1973 eclipse Powerlifting IN 141 74.30 85 97.5 102.5 55 60 -62.5 92.5 102.5 -112.5 265 191.27
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Austin Galvan 2000 IN 142 72.30 185 192.5 -195 107.5 115 120 220 230 235 547.5 402.31
-90 1. Kristopher Hunt 1982 Reactive Training Systems IN 125 90.00 252.5 267.5 280 140 147.5 -155 270 285 -300 712.5 460.70 X
-90 2. Zeke Jones 2000 IN 116 86.70 245 255 -265 185 -195 -195 252.5 262.5 -265 702.5 463.09
-100 1. Demarco Henry 1997 IN 239 97.90 285 305 -320 140 150 155 240 275 305 765 475.28 X
-100 2. Michael Reschke 1986 IN 212 96.70 175 182.5 195 120 125 -130 212.5 227.5 240 560 349.86
-110 1. Ben Williams 1996 IN 219 108.20 170 180 -190 125 130 -137.5 190 205 -215 515 306.94
-125 1. Anthony Barnes 1985 IN 211 122.40 185 -192.5 192.5 120 125 -130 240 250 260 577.5 329.51
-140 1. Alex Crews 1992 IN 214 135.20 190 195 -200 140 145 -150 240 -250 -250 580 321.03
140+ 1. Jacob Hook 1990 Bloomington Strength Club IN 216 144.50 247.5 265 275 160 175 182.5 247.5 265 722.5 392.49
Male - Raw Teen 1
-90 1. Eli Gray 2010 IN 146 84.20 80 85 92.5 60 65 -70 110 120 -130 277.5 185.85
-125 1. Cole Rahmany 2009 IN 140 114.60 140 147.5 -150 70 75 -80 140 147.5 152.5 375 218.80
Male - Raw Teen 2
-67.5 1. Blake Calderon 2007 IN 130 64.30 142.5 152.5 165 87.5 95 100 165 182.5 195 460 367.56
Male - Raw Teen 3
-90 1. Emiliano Bravo Herrera 2005 IN 135 89.00 215 225 235 150 155 160 205 220 -232.5 615 399.92
-90 2. Calvin Stevick-Brown 2005 SC 117 86.30 175 187.5 195 135 145 150 195 205 -215 550 363.45
-90 3. Andrew Trotzke 2006 IN 145 89.90 175 185 195 110 117.5 125 200 215 -225 535 346.13
-110 1. Chris Adams 2006 IN 226 104.20 250 262.5 -275 130 142.5 147.5 225 255 -280 665 402.30
-82.5 1. Brandon Robles 2005 IN 131 76.10 155 160 -170 90 100 -105 170 182.5 195 455 323.43
Male - Raw Youth 1
-30 1. Cole Besherwor 2016 eclipse Powerlifting IN 133 29.00 22.5 27.5 32.5 22.5 25 25.5 45 50 55 113 143.64
-30 2. Carter Herrin 2015 eclipse Powerlifting IN 114 27.60 22.5 27.5 32.5 22.5 -25 -25 45 50 55 110 139.82
-35 1. Tayden Lebold 2016 IN 136 34.50 25 30 35 -15 15 20 35 45 -55 100 127.11
-67.5 1. Gunner Harvey 2015 eclipse Powerlifting IN 138 66.50 20 22.5 25 20 22.5 -25 27.5 32.5 45.5 93 72.46
Male - Raw Youth 2
-40 1. Darren Cerbone 2014 eclipse Powerlifting IN 122 38.30 17.5 -20 22.5 15 17.5 -20 37.5 42.5 47.5 87.5 111.22
-52 1. Brantly Hapner 2013 IN 121 50.00 47.5 52.5 57.5 27.5 32.5 -35 60 70 75 165 164.14
-56 1. Alexander Shuler-Downing 2013 eclipse Powerlifting IN 110 53.40 40 42.5 47.5 32.5 35 -38.5 65 72.5 76 158.5 148.08


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Bench press single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-JR -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Deadlift single lift Michael Berin 102.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1A -110 Squat Timothy Bliven 215 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -75 Deadlift single lift Michael Berin 102.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -110 Total Timothy Bliven 580 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -110 Squat Timothy Bliven 215 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -75 Deadlift single lift Michael Berin 102.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -75 Squat Michael Berin 102.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O -100 Squat Demarco Henry 305 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Bench press single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T1 -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Bench press single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T2 -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Bench press single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Bench press single lift Emiliano Bravo Herrera 160 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -90 Bench press Emiliano Bravo Herrera 160 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-T3 -110 Squat Chris Adams 262.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -30 Total push-pull Cole Besherwor 80.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -30 Deadlift single lift Cole Besherwor 55 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -30 Bench press single lift Cole Besherwor 25.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -30 Total Cole Besherwor 113 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -30 Deadlift Cole Besherwor 55 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -30 Bench press Cole Besherwor 25.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Squat Tayden Lebold 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Total push-pull Gunner Harvey 68 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Gunner Harvey 45.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Bench press single lift Gunner Harvey 22.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Total Gunner Harvey 93 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Deadlift Gunner Harvey 45.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Bench press Gunner Harvey 22.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y1 -67.5 Squat Gunner Harvey 25 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Total push-pull Cole Besherwor 80.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Deadlift single lift Cole Besherwor 55 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Bench press single lift Cole Besherwor 25.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Total Cole Besherwor 113 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Deadlift Cole Besherwor 55 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -30 Bench press Cole Besherwor 25.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Bench press single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Total push-pull Gunner Harvey 68 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Gunner Harvey 45.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Bench press single lift Gunner Harvey 22.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Total Gunner Harvey 93 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Deadlift Gunner Harvey 45.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Bench press Gunner Harvey 22.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -67.5 Squat Gunner Harvey 25 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Total push-pull Cole Besherwor 80.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Deadlift single lift Cole Besherwor 55 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Bench press single lift Cole Besherwor 25.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Total Cole Besherwor 113 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Deadlift Cole Besherwor 55 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -30 Bench press Cole Besherwor 25.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Total push-pull Brantly Hapner 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Deadlift single lift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Total Brantly Hapner 165 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Deadlift Brantly Hapner 75 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -52 Squat Brantly Hapner 57.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Total push-pull Alexander Shuler-Downing 111 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Deadlift single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Bench press single lift Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Total Alexander Shuler-Downing 158.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Deadlift Alexander Shuler-Downing 76 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Bench press Alexander Shuler-Downing 35 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Squat Alexander Shuler-Downing 47.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Total push-pull Michele Gray 215 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Deadlift single lift Michele Gray 142.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Total Michele Gray 315 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Deadlift Michele Gray 142.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Bench press Michele Gray 72.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Total push-pull Michele Gray 215 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Deadlift single lift Michele Gray 142.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Bench press single lift Michele Gray 72.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Total Michele Gray 315 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Deadlift Michele Gray 142.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Bench press Michele Gray 72.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Total push-pull Michele Gray 215 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Deadlift single lift Michele Gray 142.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Bench press single lift Michele Gray 72.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Total Michele Gray 315 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Deadlift Michele Gray 142.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M2B -100 Bench press Michele Gray 72.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Total push-pull Barbara Crews 145 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Deadlift single lift Barbara Crews 90 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Total Barbara Crews 222.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Deadlift Barbara Crews 90 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-M3A -100 Squat Barbara Crews 77.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O 100+ Bench press Holly Abbott 107.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O 100+ Total Katelyn Bunch 457.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O 100+ Total push-pull Misha Remy-Keown 292.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O 100+ Deadlift single lift Misha Remy-Keown 192.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-O 100+ Deadlift Misha Remy-Keown 192.5 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -75 Total Rebecca Thurston 265 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -75 Deadlift Rebecca Thurston 117.5 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -75 Bench press Rebecca Thurston 55 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M2B -75 Squat Rebecca Thurston 92.5 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -75 Total Rebecca Thurston 265 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -75 Deadlift Rebecca Thurston 117.5 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -75 Bench press Rebecca Thurston 55 kg
Indiana State Raw with Wraps Records RW-M3A -75 Squat Rebecca Thurston 92.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Total push-pull Lauren Besherwor 150.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Deadlift single lift Lauren Besherwor 97.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Bench press single lift Lauren Besherwor 53 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Total Lauren Besherwor 228 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Deadlift Lauren Besherwor 97.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Bench press Lauren Besherwor 53 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y2 -52 Squat Lauren Besherwor 77.5 kg
Indiana State Raw Records R-Y3 -75 Squat Mary-Jane Andersen 70 kg