Lifting Database


Seattle Strength and Power

Date: 06/09/2018
Sanction #: WA-2018-05
State: Washington
Meet Director: Rachele Killian

Results (70 results, 69 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Female - Raw Master 3a
-52 1. Cindy Goodrich 1957 WA 51.00 52.5 -55 55 55 69.60
Male - Raw Master 3b
-93 1. Roul Chwalek 1953 WA 90.90 -120 120 125 125 79.40
Male - Raw Open
120+ 1. Umar Abdullah 1979 WA 171.90 222.5 -232.5 232.5 232.5 126.06
Female - Raw Junior
-63 1. Danielle Garrod 1998 WA 61.70 102.5 107.5 112.5 -55 60 62.5 95 105 -110 280 305.51
-63 2. Molly Nguyen 1996 WA 59.60 82.5 92.5 97.5 40 47.5 -55 92.5 100 107.5 252.5 282.98
-72 1. Ellen Smith 1995 WA 70.90 125 132.5 137.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 117.5 137.5 145 370 364.89 X
-72 2. Kellie Jaenicke 1997 Seattle Strength and Power WA 67.40 105 112.5 -117.5 60 65 67.5 120 132.5 -140 312.5 319.28
-72 3. Victoria Osuna 1995 OR 70.30 87.5 92.5 97.5 57.5 60 -65 120 125 130 287.5 285.17
84+ 1. Savannah Helton 1997 OR 116.30 125 152.5 -170 70 82.5 -90 127.5 155 170 405 325.70
Female - Raw Master 1b
-57 1. Marcelle Davis-Ford 1969 WA 55.20 87.5 97.5 -102.5 60 65 67.5 127.5 135 140 305 362.95 X
-63 1. Malise Smith 1971 WA 61.80 -100 100 -105 75 80 82.5 130 140 -145 322.5 351.46
-72 1. Marylee Cassell-Quinto 1973 AK 71.20 -95 -95 100 60 62.5 -65 117.5 135 -142.5 297.5 292.56
Female - Raw Master 2a
-72 1. Robby Wood 1966 OR 69.00 85 87.5 97.5 52.5 55 -57.5 127.5 -140 -140 280 281.34
Female - Raw Master 2b
-72 1. Paula Houston 1961 Seattle Strength and Power WA 70.40 105 110 117.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 120 127.5 137.5 327.5 324.55
Female - Raw Master 3a
-57 1. Nancy Williams 1956 WA 55.70 55 60 62.5 35 37.5 40 85 90 -95 192.5 227.46
-72 1. Mary Redman 1956 WA 70.80 62.5 67.5 72.5 50 55 57.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 232.5 229.50
Female - Raw Open
-57 1. Anna Tamez 1985 OR 56.40 77.5 -85 -92.5 52.5 55 -57.5 -125 -125 125 257.5 301.30
-63 1. Sarah Ward 1990 Seattle Strength and Power WA 62.10 130 -140 -140 57.5 62.5 65 145 155 -160 350 380.03
-63 2. Laura Bailey 1992 WA 62.60 102.5 112.5 -117.5 60 -67.5 67.5 125 137.5 142.5 322.5 348.04
-63 3. Breanna Salazar 1992 WA 62.20 105 110 -117.5 52.5 55 60 115 122.5 -137.5 292.5 317.19
-63 4. Sharon Hinkle 1987 WA 62.90 -102.5 105 -107.5 50 55 -57.5 110 120 127.5 287.5 309.15
-63 5. Emily Galligar 1981 ID 61.70 -77.5 -77.5 77.5 -60 60 -62.5 122.5 130 140 277.5 302.78
-63 6. Nicole McGowan 1988 WA 62.50 -62.5 65 67.5 -42.5 45 -47.5 97.5 100 105 217.5 235.01
-72 1. Wren Haaland 1987 Seattle Strength and Power WA 69.90 115 122.5 -130 65 70 72.5 135 145 150 345 343.55 X
-72 2. Maria Altamirano 1988 WA 69.30 105 115 120 65 70 72.5 127.5 140 150 342.5 343.12
-72 3. Leah Hardesty 1979 WA 64.10 105 112.5 117.5 55 60 -62.5 150 160 -170 337.5 357.78 X
-72 4. Claire Raleigh 1984 WA 70.90 102.5 -107.5 107.5 47.5 50 52.5 137.5 145 155 315 310.65
-84 1. Kaela Dark 1986 WA 74.40 130 140 145 72.5 77.5 82.5 165 175 182.5 410 391.76
-84 2. Jackie Mercer 1983 OR 78.80 120 130 -137.5 60 65 67.5 150 165 172.5 370 341.47
-84 3. Susie Walson 1982 WA 73.70 65 -70 70 45 47.5 -50 95 100 105 222.5 213.89
-84 4. Natalie Rubin 1980 WA 74.20 50 -57.5 57.5 32.5 37.5 40 77.5 85 92.5 190 181.85
84+ 1. Lori Sharon 1983 WA 91.40 115 122.5 137.5 87.5 -95 -95 152.5 165 -175 390 334.89
Female - Raw Youth 1
-35 1. Scarlet Leidheiser 2008 WA 35.00 15 -17.5 17.5 10 17.5 -20 25 30 35 70 104.55
Female - Raw Youth 3
-63 1. Gianna Briannon-Crowley 2006 WA 61.10 45 -50 50 25 25 30 65 67.5 72.5 152.5 167.66
Male - Master 1b
-93 1. Daniel Leidheiser 1970 AZ 89.40 237.5 247.5 255 -160 160 -165 237.5 -247.5 247.5 662.5 424.40
Male - Open
-105 1. James Burgess 1978 ID 101.20 -227.5 -237.5 237.5 102.5 115 -120 192.5 210 -217.5 562.5 340.71
Male - Raw Junior
-83 1. Jimmy Huynh 1996 WA 79.70 162.5 175 -185 107.5 120 -122.5 180 200 210 505 345.57
-93 1. Emilio Juarez 1997 WA 88.10 122.5 137.5 152.5 107.5 120 -125 142.5 160 175 447.5 288.86
-105 1. Brian Los Kamp 1994 WA 100.70 235 245 260 -170 175 185 275 287.5 302.5 747.5 453.66
-105 2. Connor Browne 1997 WA 99.20 220 240 252.5 135 142.5 -150 260 -287.5 297.5 692.5 422.84 X
-105 3. Michael Frederick 1997 Seattle Strength and Power WA 100.20 212.5 227.5 245 147.5 160 255 280 287.5 692.5 421.11
Male - Raw Master 2a
-93 1. Ken Creta 1968 WA 91.40 195 210 220 147.5 157.5 -160 250 267.5 275 652.5 413.36
Male - Raw Master 2b
120+ 1. Rocco Liogghio 1960 WA 123.40 -192.5 192.5 147.5 -152.5 247.5 247.5 250 590 337.13
Male - Raw Master 3b
-74 1. Dary Reed 1949 Seattle Strength and Power WA 71.40 -92.5 92.5 95 75 77.5 -80 137.5 140 312.5 230.72
Male - Raw Master 4
-93 1. Robert Harper 1944 Seattle Strength and Power WA 84.10 102.5 -110 115 60 -72.5 72.5 187.5 -205 205 392.5 259.99
Male - Raw Open
-74 1. Emmanuel Madrigal 1986 WA 71.70 170 180 187.5 110 120 127.5 215 225 232.5 547.5 402.96
-74 2. Caspar Chan 1988 Seattle Strength and Power WA 71.40 165 172.5 182.5 105 115 120 182.5 192.5 205 507.5 374.69
-74 3. James Adams 1994 WA 72.50 135 145 -155 112.5 120 -127.5 175 182.5 192.5 457.5 333.98
-83 1. Dan Davis 1991 Seattle Strength and Power WA 81.70 165 172.5 182.5 125 -130 -130 245 260 567.5 382.44
-83 2. Timothy Mcclean 1987 WA 74.50 150 160 -167.5 -112.5 -112.5 112.5 192.5 -205 -205 465 332.89
-93 1. Andrew Schendel 1985 WA 86.50 185 200 212.5 140 150 155 280 297.5 310 677.5 441.66 X
-93 2. Edgar Garcia 1989 OR 91.20 197.5 -215 220 -167.5 167.5 170 205 220 227.5 617.5 391.62
-93 3. Raad Fadaak 1985 WA 86.40 187.5 192.5 -195 130 135 140 232.5 237.5 242.5 575 375.07
-93 4. John Owed 1987 WA 89.00 180 -190 190 127.5 -135 -135 202.5 217.5 -227.5 535 343.52
-93 5. Travis Tuchak 1973 WA 89.40 160 175 182.5 127.5 -137.5 -137.5 177.5 192.5 -200 502.5 321.90
-93 6. Rafael Angelucci 1992 WA 91.90 -152.5 157.5 170 125 135 -140 165 185 195 500 315.90
-105 1. Brian Los Kamp 1994 WA 100.70 235 245 260 -170 175 185 275 287.5 302.5 747.5 453.66
-105 2. Slava Roussakov 1992 Seattle Strength and Power WA 103.50 187.5 200 207.5 110 117.5 122.5 200 215 -227.5 545 327.33
-105 - Daniel Cervantes 1990 OR 97.80 227.5 -250 -250 -142.5 0 0.00
-105 - Luis Martinez 1989 ID 104.20 182.5 200 -210 -142.5 -142.5 -142.5 207.5 215 227.5 0 0.00
-120 1. Nathan Alexander 1982 WA 118.80 305 -317.5 185 192.5 340 -365 837.5 482.65
-120 2. Anthony Rangel 1990 OR 116.80 275 287.5 -295 192.5 195 -197.5 275 290 -295 772.5 447.05
-120 3. Ryan Gonzalez 1991 WA 115.60 190 -207.5 -212.5 130 135 -145 195 205 215 540 313.36
Male - Raw Teen
-66 1. Niyonkuru Wilson 2001 WA 64.90 155 165 -170 87.5 97.5 102.5 167.5 182.5 192.5 460 366.25
-66 2. Johnny Nguyen 2000 WA 63.60 115 125 132.5 95 102.5 -110 142.5 152.5 160 395 319.95
-83 1. Spencer Clague 1998 WA 80.10 220 230 237.5 145 -155 -160 272.5 -272.5 275 657.5 448.55 X
-83 2. Ben Nutt 2000 WA 81.80 142.5 -152.5 152.5 102.5 110 115 152.5 160 165 432.5 291.25
-120 1. Michael Koch 1999 WA 117.70 170 185 -192.5 125 132.5 -137.5 225 237.5 245 562.5 324.90
Male - Raw Youth 1
-35 1. Declan Crowley 2009 WA 35.00 15 20 -25 17.5 20 -22.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 92.5 123.52
Push Pull
Male - Raw Junior
-105 1. Juan Anzaldua 1995 OR 103.20 142.5 150 155 177.5 200 220 375 225.49


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Idaho State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a -105 Total push-pull James Burgess 325 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a -105 Deadlift single lift James Burgess 210 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a -105 Bench press single lift James Burgess 115 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records M1a -110 Total push-pull James Burgess 325 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records M1a -110 Deadlift single lift James Burgess 210 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records M1a -110 Bench press single lift James Burgess 115 kg
Arizona State Equipped Records M1b -90 Total Daniel Leidheiser 662.5 kg
Arizona State Equipped Records M1b -90 Squat Daniel Leidheiser 255 kg
Arizona State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1b -93 Total Daniel Leidheiser 662.5 kg
Arizona State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1b -93 Squat Daniel Leidheiser 255 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Total push-pull James Burgess 325 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Deadlift single lift James Burgess 210 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O -105 Bench press single lift James Burgess 115 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records O -110 Total push-pull James Burgess 325 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records O -110 Deadlift single lift James Burgess 210 kg
Idaho State Equipped Records O -110 Bench press single lift James Burgess 115 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Deadlift single lift Spencer Clague 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -83 Deadlift Spencer Clague 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Total push-pull Brian Los Kamp 487.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Deadlift single lift Brian Los Kamp 302.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Bench press single lift Brian Los Kamp 185 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Total Brian Los Kamp 747.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Deadlift Brian Los Kamp 302.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Bench press Brian Los Kamp 185 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -105 Squat Brian Los Kamp 260 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -93 Total push-pull Ken Creta 432.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -93 Deadlift single lift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -93 Deadlift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Deadlift single lift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1A -100 Deadlift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -93 Total push-pull Ken Creta 432.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -93 Deadlift single lift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -93 Deadlift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Deadlift single lift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1B -100 Deadlift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -93 Total push-pull Ken Creta 432.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -93 Deadlift single lift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -93 Total Ken Creta 652.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -93 Deadlift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -93 Squat Ken Creta 220 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Deadlift single lift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2A -100 Deadlift Ken Creta 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A 120+ Total push-pull Rocco Liogghio 397.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -125 Total push-pull Rocco Liogghio 397.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -125 Deadlift single lift Rocco Liogghio 250 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -125 Total Rocco Liogghio 590 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -125 Deadlift Rocco Liogghio 250 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -125 Bench press Rocco Liogghio 147.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M2B -125 Squat Rocco Liogghio 192.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 120+ Total push-pull Rocco Liogghio 397.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 120+ Deadlift single lift Rocco Liogghio 250 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 120+ Total Rocco Liogghio 590 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 120+ Deadlift Rocco Liogghio 250 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 120+ Bench press Rocco Liogghio 147.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B 120+ Squat Rocco Liogghio 192.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -66 Bench press single lift Johnny Nguyen 102.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -66 Bench press Johnny Nguyen 102.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -66 Total push-pull Niyonkuru Wilson 295 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T2 -66 Deadlift single lift Niyonkuru Wilson 192.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Bench press single lift Johnny Nguyen 102.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Bench press Johnny Nguyen 102.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Total push-pull Niyonkuru Wilson 295 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Niyonkuru Wilson 192.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Deadlift single lift Spencer Clague 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Total Spencer Clague 657.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Deadlift Spencer Clague 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Squat Spencer Clague 237.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -83 Total push-pull Spencer Clague 420 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -83 Deadlift single lift Spencer Clague 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -83 Total Spencer Clague 657.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -83 Deadlift Spencer Clague 275 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -83 Squat Spencer Clague 237.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Total push-pull Declan Crowley 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Total push-pull Declan Crowley 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Bench press single lift Declan Crowley 20 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Bench press single lift Declan Crowley 20 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Total Declan Crowley 92.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Total Declan Crowley 92.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Deadlift Declan Crowley 52.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Deadlift Declan Crowley 52.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Bench press Declan Crowley 20 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Bench press Declan Crowley 20 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR 84+ Total push-pull Savannah Helton 252.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-JR 100+ Total push-pull Savannah Helton 252.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR 84+ Bench press single lift Savannah Helton 82.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-JR 100+ Bench press single lift Savannah Helton 82.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR 84+ Total Savannah Helton 405 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-JR 100+ Total Savannah Helton 405 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR 84+ Deadlift Savannah Helton 170 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-JR 100+ Deadlift Savannah Helton 170 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR 84+ Bench press Savannah Helton 82.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-JR 100+ Bench press Savannah Helton 82.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR 84+ Squat Savannah Helton 152.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-JR 100+ Squat Savannah Helton 152.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -63 Bench press single lift Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -63 Bench press Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1A -65 Bench press single lift Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1A -65 Bench press Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1A -67.5 Bench press single lift Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1A -67.5 Bench press Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -72 Bench press single lift Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -72 Bench press Robby Wood 55 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1B -56 Deadlift single lift Marcelle Davis-Ford 140 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1B -56 Deadlift Marcelle Davis-Ford 140 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -57 Total push-pull Marcelle Davis-Ford 207.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -57 Deadlift single lift Marcelle Davis-Ford 140 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -57 Deadlift Marcelle Davis-Ford 140 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -63 Bench press single lift Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -63 Bench press Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1B -65 Bench press single lift Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M1B -65 Bench press Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1B -67.5 Bench press single lift Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M1B -67.5 Bench press Malise Smith 82.5 kg
Alaska State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -72 Total Marylee Cassell-Quinto 297.5 kg
Alaska State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -72 Bench press Marylee Cassell-Quinto 62.5 kg
Alaska State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -72 Squat Marylee Cassell-Quinto 100 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -72 Bench press single lift Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B -72 Bench press Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Total push-pull Robby Wood 182.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Deadlift single lift Robby Wood 127.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Bench press single lift Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Total Robby Wood 280 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Deadlift Robby Wood 127.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Bench press Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -70 Squat Robby Wood 97.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -72 Bench press single lift Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -72 Bench press Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -72 Bench press single lift Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -72 Bench press Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -75 Bench press single lift Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2A -75 Bench press single lift Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records (2022-2024) R-M2A -75 Bench press Robby Wood 55 kg
Oregon State Raw Records R-M2A -75 Bench press Robby Wood 55 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2A -76 Bench press Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -72 Total push-pull Paula Houston 210 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -72 Bench press single lift Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -72 Bench press Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Bench press single lift Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M2B -76 Bench press Paula Houston 72.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -52 Bench press single lift Cindy Goodrich 55 kg
Washington State Raw Records R-M3A -52 Bench press single lift Cindy Goodrich 55 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -57 Deadlift single lift Nancy Williams 90 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -57 Total Nancy Williams 192.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -57 Deadlift Nancy Williams 90 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M3A -57 Bench press Nancy Williams 40 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -84 Deadlift single lift Kaela Dark 182.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -84 Deadlift Kaela Dark 182.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -63 Bench press single lift Danielle Garrod 62.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-T3 -63 Bench press Danielle Garrod 62.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Total push-pull Scarlet Leidheiser 52.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Deadlift single lift Scarlet Leidheiser 35 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Bench press single lift Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Total Scarlet Leidheiser 70 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Deadlift Scarlet Leidheiser 35 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Bench press Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y1 -35 Squat Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Total push-pull Scarlet Leidheiser 52.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Deadlift single lift Scarlet Leidheiser 35 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Bench press single lift Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Total Scarlet Leidheiser 70 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Deadlift Scarlet Leidheiser 35 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Bench press Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y2 -35 Squat Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Total push-pull Scarlet Leidheiser 52.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Deadlift single lift Scarlet Leidheiser 35 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Bench press single lift Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Total Scarlet Leidheiser 70 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Deadlift Scarlet Leidheiser 35 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Bench press Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg
Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -35 Squat Scarlet Leidheiser 17.5 kg