Lifting Database


3rd Annual Fall Classic

Date: 11/09/2019
Sanction #: MN-2019-15
State: Minnesota
Meet Director: Benjamin Loehrer

Results (54 results, 54 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Female - Raw Master 1
-63 1. Amy Suzan 1976 WI 518 62.55 87.5 95 -102.5 65 70 -72.5 132.5 -142.5 -142.5 297.5 514.19
-84 1. Jennifer Rosario 1972 MN 512 77.75 110 120 125 60 62.5 65 125 132.5 137.5 327.5 516.89
Female - Raw Master 2
-63 1. Suzanne Hay 1963 MN 513 60.40 55 57.5 62.5 35 37.5 -40 80 -87.5 90 190 326.17
84+ 1. Renee Scheiben 1968 MN 516 104.50 67.5 75 -80 40 45 50 87.5 95 102.5 227.5 328.61
Female - Raw Open
-57 1. Maura Shuttleworth 1976 NM 618 55.30 97.5 105 107.5 75 80 82.5 105 110 115 305 559.68
-57 2. Sasha Houston Brown 1987 MN 611 56.35 -100 100 -115 42.5 -47.5 -47.5 105 112.5 117.5 260 468.49
-57 3. Grace Hecker 1993 WI 612 52.75 80 85 90 40 -45 -47.5 77.5 85 -90 215 393.70
-63 1. Brenna Vuong 1978 MN 620 60.20 85 92.5 -100 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 105 110 115 260 454.67
-72 - Angela Khan 1991 MN 619 63.40 82.5 87.5 95 -55 -60 -60 82.5 87.5 95 0 0.00
-72 - Megan Miller 1985 MN 613 66.55 -85 -85 -85 42.5 45 -50 102.5 105 -107.5 0 0.00
-84 1. Dani Larsen 1985 WI 610 80.65 77.5 85 95 75 80 -85 125 137.5 145 320 497.89
84+ 1. Lauren Code 1986 MN 621 102.35 145 152.5 160 67.5 -72.5 72.5 142.5 152.5 160 392.5 556.63
84+ 2. Meredith Meier 1990 MN 617 88.95 130 140 -145 60 -65 -65 147.5 157.5 -165 357.5 535.05
84+ 3. Amy Thompson 1994 MN 615 107.30 100 -107.5 -107.5 82.5 85 87.5 150 155 162.5 350 490.49
84+ 4. Bethany Danner 1986 MN 616 124.65 87.5 97.5 -102.5 57.5 62.5 -67.5 95 -105 107.5 267.5 364.17
Female - Raw Teen and Junior
-52 1. Amelia Merfeld 2001 MN 511 50.70 -65 -70 70 45 47.5 -50 70 75 80 197.5 364.97
-57 1. Parsa Najmaie 1997 MN 514 56.20 117.5 122.5 130 72.5 -75 75 157.5 165 170 375 689.10 X
-63 1. Jenesis Fonder 1998 MN 517 61.25 120 127.5 132.5 75 80 -82.5 150 160 -162.5 372.5 654.91 X
-63 2. Sarah Scheiben 2004 MN 510 57.85 60 65 70 30 35 -42.5 65 77.5 82.5 187.5 326.75
Male - Raw Master 1
-74 1. Ernest Draper 1976 MN 116 73.35 125 145 -160 142.5 -147.5 -147.5 182.5 195 205 492.5 519.49
-93 1. Jim Merchlewitz 1972 MN 114 92.05 182.5 195 202.5 142.5 155 162.5 195 215 227.5 592.5 548.44
-105 1. Eric Simmons 1979 MN 120 100.25 180 185 190 120 125 -127.5 200 210 215 530 455.48
Male - Raw Master 2
-105 - Andrew Stein 1960 IL 113 96.70 -155 -155 -155 100 -110 110 145 165 182.5 0 0.00
Male - Raw Open
-59 1. Scott Vuong 1978 MN 117 58.40 135 -145 145 92.5 102.5 -107.5 147.5 167.5 182.5 430 534.88
-59 2. Jonathan nguyen 1992 MN 119 58.70 145 -152.5 -152.5 105 107.5 -110 165 172.5 177.5 430 532.45
-74 1. Scott Spencer 1980 Ruckus MN 115 73.95 197.5 207.5 212.5 147.5 152.5 157.5 205 217.5 -230 587.5 632.26 X
-74 2. Blaine Rathmann 1988 MN 118 73.10 170 180 187.5 110 115 -120 225 237.5 -245 540 579.26
-74 3. Shiqiang Xia 1994 MN 110 72.95 165 175 -180 100 107.5 112.5 215 225 230 517.5 552.44
-74 4. David Hoang 1991 MN 111 71.20 112.5 122.5 135 -122.5 -122.5 122.5 142.5 155 180 437.5 462.61
-83 1. Corbin Bentz 1994 MN 217 79.15 192.5 197.5 200 117.5 122.5 -125 237.5 250 260 582.5 596.14
-83 2. Alex Valeski 1989 MN 215 80.85 200 -210 -210 130 -137.5 -137.5 205 212.5 220 550 549.77
-83 3. Garrett Bauer 1980 MN 210 82.50 152.5 -160 165 -112.5 120 -122.5 187.5 207.5 212.5 497.5 482.18
-83 4. Daniel Henrichs 1988 MN 112 80.20 152.5 160 170 110 112.5 -117.5 190 200 210 492.5 486.25
-83 5. Michael Cook 1988 MN 213 82.30 152.5 157.5 160 110 115 -117.5 207.5 215 -220 490 474.45
-83 6. Jacob Stein 1993 MN 212 82.35 155 165 175 110 115 -120 185 190 195 485 468.54
-93 1. Daniel Casazza 1982 MN 211 90.95 205 212.5 -217.5 125 130 132.5 220 230 237.5 582.5 542.04
-93 2. Randall Brumm 1993 MN 216 87.65 -177.5 180 192.5 120 -127.5 130 187.5 200 210 532.5 500.60
-93 3. Nathan Dahlheimer 1985 MN 220 90.35 -170 172.5 -185 125 130 -140 215 220 -227.5 522.5 479.61
-93 4. Nicolas Boldon 1993 MN 214 86.90 130 137.5 147.5 87.5 92.5 -100 135 142.5 152.5 392.5 348.88
-105 1. Benjamin Hartill 1991 MN 313 102.90 212.5 225 240 152.5 160 170 267.5 280 295 705 623.83 X
-105 2. Allan Moles 1989 MN 219 99.00 182.5 192.5 200 117.5 122.5 -125 222.5 232.5 237.5 560 489.96
-105 3. Haydn Luker 1993 MN 310 103.55 180 192.5 200 125 132.5 135 207.5 215 217.5 552.5 468.71
-105 4. Calvin Hauer 1989 MN 218 98.65 142.5 157.5 170 112.5 -122.5 122.5 187.5 200 215 507.5 437.10
-120 1. Chase Ulrick 1990 MN 315 118.55 225 240 252.5 175 195 200 285 -300 -300 737.5 604.38 X
-120 2. Bobak Barjasteh 1992 MN 314 109.70 205 215 227.5 125 132.5 137.5 230 237.5 245 610 508.10
-120 3. Jake Shevik 1981 MN 311 105.30 180 192.5 200 115 122.5 125 182.5 192.5 202.5 527.5 439.00
120+ 1. Nash Lueken 1990 MN 316 124.90 215 227.5 240 130 135 -142.5 205 220 232.5 607.5 468.60
Male - Raw Teen and Junior
-66 1. Anthony Gamez 1999 Ruckus MN 414 64.55 170 177.5 182.5 120 132.5 -140 170 182.5 -195 497.5 581.12 X
-66 2. Joe Merchlewitz 2004 MN 415 61.05 90 100 115 50 60 65 92.5 125 135 315 354.17
-74 1. Ari Prohofsky 2003 MN 416 72.15 135 142.5 -155 85 90 95 150 160 167.5 405 417.52
-74 2. Jordan Nyoki 1996 MN 411 70.75 -142.5 145 -150 92.5 -102.5 -102.5 -142.5 142.5 -180 380 392.67
-83 1. Tyler Thilmony 1997 MN 413 82.20 185 195 -205 132.5 140 -145 222.5 -235 -235 557.5 551.96
-105 1. Jayson Rabaey 1999 MN 417 95.90 175 180 -187.5 -100 -100 100 195 -205 205 485 421.78
Male - Raw Youth 3
-59 1. Jake Merchlewitz 2007 MN 410 57.25 70 72.5 87.5 42.5 52.5 55 82.5 95 105 247.5 277.28


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -59 Total Scott Vuong 430 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -59 Deadlift Scott Vuong 182.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -59 Squat Scott Vuong 145 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records R-M1A -60 Deadlift Scott Vuong 182.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -74 Bench press single lift Ernest Draper 142.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -74 Bench press Ernest Draper 142.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records R-M1A -75 Bench press Ernest Draper 142.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Bench press single lift Jonathan nguyen 107.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -59 Bench press Jonathan nguyen 107.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -59 Bench press single lift Jake Merchlewitz 55 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -59 Total Jake Merchlewitz 247.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -59 Deadlift Jake Merchlewitz 105 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-Y3 -59 Bench press Jake Merchlewitz 55 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Bench press single lift Jake Merchlewitz 55 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Total Jake Merchlewitz 247.5 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Deadlift Jake Merchlewitz 105 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records R-Y3 -60 Bench press Jake Merchlewitz 55 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -57 Total Parsa Najmaie 375 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -57 Deadlift Parsa Najmaie 170 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR -63 Total Jenesis Fonder 372.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records R-M1 -56 Bench press single lift Maura Shuttleworth 82.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records R-M1 -56 Bench press Maura Shuttleworth 82.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records R-M1 -56 Squat Maura Shuttleworth 107.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1 -57 Total push-pull Maura Shuttleworth 197.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1 -57 Bench press single lift Maura Shuttleworth 82.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1 -57 Total Maura Shuttleworth 305 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1 -57 Bench press Maura Shuttleworth 82.5 kg
New Mexico State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1 -57 Squat Maura Shuttleworth 107.5 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -63 Bench press single lift Amy Suzan 70 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1A -63 Bench press Amy Suzan 70 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M1A -67.5 Bench press single lift Amy Suzan 70 kg
Wisconsin State Raw Records R-M1A -67.5 Bench press Amy Suzan 70 kg
Minnesota State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-O -57 Deadlift Parsa Najmaie 170 kg