Lifting Database

Lifter - Nicolas Boldon

Birth year: 1993
State: Minnesota

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 162.5 kg Battle of the Frozen Tundra 12/10/2022
Bench press 112.5 kg Battle of the Frozen Tundra 12/10/2022
Deadlift 182.5 kg Monsters Bash 10/31/2020
Total 455 kg Battle of the Frozen Tundra 12/10/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/01/2024 Central And Midwest Regionals 15. R-O -100 97.80 -147.5 150 -162.5 100 -107.5 -107.5 165 175 -185 425 264.17
05/27/2023 Central and Midwest Regional Championships 15. R-O -100 98.65 -142.5 157.5 -167.5 87.5 102.5 -115 167.5 175 182.5 442.5 273.99
12/10/2022 Battle of the Frozen Tundra 9. R-O -100 99.80 140 150 162.5 87.5 102.5 112.5 165 -180 180 455 280.30
10/31/2020 Monsters Bash 7. R-O -105 99.95 130 142.5 155 -80 90 97.5 137.5 160 182.5 435 54.97
11/09/2019 3rd Annual Fall Classic 4. R-O -93 86.90 130 137.5 147.5 87.5 92.5 -100 135 142.5 152.5 392.5 348.88
02/17/2019 MN State Men's Powerlifting Championships 8. R-O -93 83.20 92.5 97.5 102.5 75 80 85 112.5 117.5 125 312.5 269.54