Lifting Database

Lifter - Damon Sansom

Birth year: 1974


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 152.5 kg 31st Annual USAPL Florida State Powerlifting Championships 02/23/2013
Deadlift 210 kg 31st Annual USAPL Florida State Powerlifting Championships 02/23/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/23/2013 31st Annual USAPL Florida State Powerlifting Championships - R-O -125 114.60 210 210 122.14
02/23/2013 31st Annual USAPL Florida State Powerlifting Championships - R-O -125 114.60 152.5 152.5 88.69
02/23/2013 31st Annual USAPL Florida State Powerlifting Championships - R-O -125 114.60 152.5 210 362.5 210.83
01/01/2013 USA Powerlifting Push-Pull and Deadlift National Championships - R-O -125 110.40 205 205 120.50
01/01/2012 South Florida Open Powerlifting Championships - R-O -110 110.00 145 145 85.33
01/01/2012 South Florida Open Powerlifting Championships - R-O -110 110.00 205 205 120.64
01/01/2012 South Florida Open Powerlifting Championships - R-O -110 110.00 145 205 350 205.98

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Bench press 152.5 kg 2013 USAPL Sunshine Games Powerlifting Championships 12/14/2013
Deadlift 205 kg USA Powerlifting Push-Pull and Deadlift National Championships 01/01/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/14/2013 2013 USAPL Sunshine Games Powerlifting Championships - O -125 112.80 205 205 119.74
12/14/2013 2013 USAPL Sunshine Games Powerlifting Championships - O -125 112.80 152.5 152.5 89.08
12/14/2013 2013 USAPL Sunshine Games Powerlifting Championships - O -125 112.80 152.5 205 357.5 208.82
01/01/2013 USA Powerlifting Push-Pull and Deadlift National Championships - O -125 110.40 132.5 205 337.5 198.38