Lifting Database

Lifter - Emily Bennett

Birth year: 2001
State: Missouri


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -56 Bench press 80 kg 11/21/2020
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -56 Bench press single lift 80 kg 11/21/2020
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Teen 3 -60 Squat 120 kg 04/08/2021
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Junior -56 Bench press 80 kg 11/21/2020
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Junior -56 Bench press single lift 80 kg 11/21/2020

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 120 kg Collegiate and Junior Nationals 04/08/2021
Bench press 80 kg Missouri Valley College Invite 11/21/2020
Deadlift 97.5 kg Missouri Valley College Invite 11/21/2020
Total 297.5 kg Collegiate and Junior Nationals 04/08/2021

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal30. Nov14. Dec28. Dec11. Jan25. Jan8. Feb22. Feb8. Mar22. Mar5. Apr8090100110120130100200300400500600
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals 12. R-C -57 56.10 -115 -120 120 -80 80 -85 97.5 -105 -105 297.5 70.63
11/21/2020 Missouri Valley College Invite 1. R-C -57 55.80 100 110 117.5 67.5 75 80 97.5 -105 295 70.33