Lifting Database

Lifter - Michael Gagnier

Birth year: 2003
State: Minnesota

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 235 kg Battle of the Frozen Tundra 12/10/2022
Bench press 170 kg Battle of the Frozen Tundra 12/10/2022
Deadlift 262.5 kg Battle of the Frozen Tundra 12/11/2021
Total 652.5 kg Minnesota State High School, Teen and Youth Championships 02/13/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/10/2022 Battle of the Frozen Tundra 2. R-O -82.5 80.80 210 227.5 235 170 -177.5 -177.5 210 615 421.61
02/13/2022 Minnesota State High School, Teen and Youth Championships 1. R-T3 -82.5 80.20 210 220 230 150 155 160 250 262.5 -272.5 652.5 449.27
12/11/2021 Battle of the Frozen Tundra 2. R-T3 -83 81.40 212.5 -225 -230 142.5 150 152.5 240 252.5 262.5 627.5 87.72
06/26/2021 King of Kilos Raw Open 14. R-O -83 78.10 167.5 177.5 182.5 122.5 130 137.5 205 220 230 550 78.53
03/27/2021 Iron Ice Novice Classic 10. R-T2 -83 74.85 152.5 155 165 117.5 122.5 125 187.5 -202.5 -202.5 477.5 69.69