Lifting Database

Lifter - Alex Bernstein

Birth year: 2006
State: Massachusetts

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 122.5 kg 12th Annual Ryan Moore New England States High School Championships 03/13/2022
Bench press 65 kg 12th Annual Ryan Moore New England States High School Championships 03/13/2022
Deadlift 165 kg 12th Annual Ryan Moore New England States High School Championships 03/13/2022
Total 352.5 kg 12th Annual Ryan Moore New England States High School Championships 03/13/2022

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal14. Feb16. Feb18. Feb20. Feb22. Feb24. Feb26. Feb28. Feb2. Mar4. Mar6. Mar8. Mar10. Mar12. Mar14. Mar75100125150175100200300400500
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/13/2022 12th Annual Ryan Moore New England States High School Championships 5. R-JV -110 107.10 110 117.5 122.5 60 65 -70 150 157.5 165 352.5 210.93
02/12/2022 Wolfpack High School Open 2. R-JV -110 104.80 102.5 110 115 50 55 60 130 137.5 142.5 317.5 191.63