Lifting Database

Lifter - Ellen Bittner

Birth year: 1948
State: New York


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 42.5 kg 29th Annual USAPL New Jersey State Open Powerlifting Championships 01/01/2012
Deadlift 82.5 kg Deadlift and Push-Pull Nationals 11/19/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/30/2022 United Ladies of iron 1. R-M4 -67.5 65.80 27.5 30 32.5 32.5 34.06
04/30/2022 New York Ladies of Iron 1. R-M4 -67.5 65.80 27.5 30 32.5 32.5 34.06
03/11/2017 2017 Spring Forward Championship 1. R-M3 -72 65.10 27.5 30 -32.5 72.5 75 77.5 107.5 112.65
11/19/2016 Deadlift and Push-Pull Nationals 1. R-M3 -72 64.90 25 27.5 30 70 77.5 82.5 112.5 118.16
09/11/2016 2016 NJ State Push-Pull Championships 3. R-M -72 65.10 25 25 26.20
09/11/2016 2016 NJ State Push-Pull Championships 3. R-M -72 65.10 65 65 68.11
09/11/2016 2016 NJ State Push-Pull Championships 4. R-O -72 65.10 25 25 26.20
09/11/2016 2016 NJ State Push-Pull Championships 5. R-O -72 65.10 65 65 68.11
01/01/2013 Stars & Stripes BP & DL - R-M3B -67.5 67.50 40.8 40.8 41.64
01/01/2012 29th Annual USAPL New Jersey State Open Powerlifting Championships - R-M3A -67.5 66.30 42.5 42.5 43.94

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Bench press 50 kg 13.00 01/01/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/01/2013 13.00 - M3b -67.5 65.48 50 50 52.17