Lifting Database

Lifter - Shawn Stewart

Birth year: 1971


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 182.5 kg 2013 USAPL Bench Press Nationals 01/01/2013
Squat 160 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013
Deadlift 205 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013
Total 535 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/22/2014 USAPL Battle on the Border VIII 1. R-O -90 90.00 182.5 182.5 116.51
03/23/2013 2013 Battle on the Border VI - R-M1 -82.5 82.50 170 170 113.88
03/23/2013 2013 Battle on the Border VI - R-M1A -82.5 79.40 160 170 205 535 367.01
03/23/2013 2013 Battle on the Border VI - R-O -82.5 82.50 170 170 113.88
03/23/2013 2013 Battle on the Border VI - R-O -82.5 79.40 160 170 205 535 367.01
01/01/2013 2013 USAPL Bench Press Nationals - R-M1A -82.5 80.70 182.5 182.5 123.92
01/01/2012 2012 USAPLNC STATES - R-M1A -75 74.84 142.4 142.4 101.64